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all of a sudden the rockets really should want that 6 seed
Hey - the homerism is strong but i still luv it! SAS and Skip dont know shat - if we were in the east we'd probably be a top 4 team with what our...
i didnt expect him to be as good a defender as he is and put out a high level of energy on d. plus his bball iq is very high
And.... conflicting reports....
thats wat i thought but those idiots at espn were saying we got both sacs and phxs 2nd rnders
Quick question - there are conflicting reports - Did we get 1 2nd round pick (Phx) only? Or 2? Im sure its been covered but i cant find a solid answer
I will say one thing - we would stand a better chance against OKC cause Gogi would get outplay Westbrook and get him all frustrated...
Thats cool and all but the way Morey can flip expirings into gold is what intrigues me
I like how you think....
to answer the ? i think alot will determine on how well we play against the west conf teams that are bunched ahead and below us currently in the...
why is it no matter what team we have the rox always struggle at milwaukee and toronto?
theres a good read on hardwoodparoxysm.com - check it out - it pretty much summerizes how i and im guessing most of yall feel after this latest...
depends on what kind of weed ey-o :p
dude really needs to STFU
dont exactly agree with u, yea on offense gsmith has more potential and is already more polished than omer but asik is light years better on...
doubt it, we did just beat the snot out of his bulls:p
i'd also add that harden being left handed is unconventional to guard, in a sense, which leads to many defenders actually foul him
If you think its an easy schedule so far - then you must think the January and February schedule is against D-league teams....I personally think...