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Thabo sucked when he was in his prime. Now that he's washed, I can't imagine him contributing in any meaningful way other than eating up some minutes.
As much as this sucks, I kind of want to see what 11 of 12 batters striking out to end a game looks like.
This what choking away a comeback looks like
If they had brought these guys in sooner, we'd still be down by 7.
So weak. 3 run lead isn't enough.
I thought we already went though it with getting walked off at Baltimore, 0 ER complete game loss at chicago, dropping 3 out of 4 to...
Now does anybody think that freaking out over the baltimore/ Chicago series was an overreaction? Time to make peace with no home field advantage.
There's gotta be at least a 50% chance of getting walked off.
Did he know about Anthony Bennett when he made these statements? It may be time to reevaluate.
No surprise that every single media reaction has been extremely negative.
My problem is, with 3 players out, I expect to lose the production of 3 players. I don't expect the entire team to take a shtt for 2 straight weeks.
This recent burst of negative rockets press has become so blatantly biased that it has to be part of some coordinated effort to make the rockets...
Chris need to take more layups.
Our Harden will outlast their luck
Don't forget Rubio banking in a 3. That shtt was gross.
Clint has abandoned us tonight.
Shumpert is still in the team, and we gave something of value to acquire him. That alone rules out any A scores. He gets the perfect attendance award.
There is literally nothing special or unique about this flop, other than the media's exaggerated outrage and bizarre obsession for attacking...
Time for cp3 to earn that supermax. James is just some place else tonight
Denver fans fear us like I fear Giannis and Embid.