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This thread is so lame and creepy. Strip club customers keep it together better than this.
The Chinese Professor ad is so stupid. The Mao-loving Communists are criticizing America for supposed government takeover of business!
Did anyone post this one yet? <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/xiLu_flqut4" frameborder="0"...
I've been curious about something for a while now, which the recent Jeremy Lin/Toney Douglas controversy reminded me about. In the movie...
Players typically do worse when their usage is increased by team needs and they get exposed. Jeremy's current problems are the opposite: his usage...
Start with the first one that was made, Episode IV: A New Hope. Besides coming out first, it has the exposition that explains the Force and other...
Good to see these guys do the math to prove it, but anyone who paid the slightest bit of attention could tell that Romney's "plan" was nothing but...
$130 million for this crap? Good God. :eek: How the hell do you even go to work on something like this? Everyone involved (aside from the...
It's the most important election ever to a lot of people. Don't you know that Obama's a radical socialist black Nazi Commie sleeper agent trying...
Romney will just pay for everything by closing some tax loopholes. He hasn't figured out which loopholes to close, but he'll get to it eventually...
"The results the nation deserves" is vague and open ended. Anyone can easily say that America always deserves more. We've had years of slow job...
I love how you mention the facts in one sentence, then turn to the stupid televised debate in the next. The political debates are a clown show...
The foundation of Mitt's platform is massive across the board cuts in tax rates. At the same time, he wants a huge increase in military spending....
"Government doesn't create jobs" is a Republican mantra that they don't even give the slightest amount of thought to. If the government hires...
Exactly. LeBron was the point power center during the finals, doing everything for his team. He's the primary ball handler and the #1 post up option.
I will argue with you on this, as well as your accusation that I'm ignoring defense and transition offense. As the "All-Star" (potential Top 5...
One of the most overrated players in the game right now. My litmus test for an All-Star is pretty simple: Can this guy be the man on a half...
Which is why Republicans have been known to push for a Constitutional amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman...
Yao was a perennial All-Star and one of the most famous basketball players in history. He should be retired. I thought the Rockets should have...
I love the semantic hair splitting between "superstar" and "hall of famer." Either way you cut it, the Spurs were stacked with talent last year.