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Richard Hayden: Housekeeping. You want mint for pillow? Tommy: Please go away let me sleep, *for the love of God.* Richard Hayden: Housekeeping....
That is great news, he was always one of my favorite Oilers. He never griped or complained when he was moved all over the o-line.
I know I said this in another thread, but I just wanted to say it again. They could do a James Bond theme p*rn, she could play Octopussy.
Rectum? damn near killed 'em!
He doesn't know how to use the three seashells!
I go at work and so do a lot of other people. http://bbs.clutchfans.net/showthread.php?t=99559
My parents always wanted me to get one, but I never did. The part that got me was that you had to pay the church money. But everyone who wanted...
I do, he didn't.
It brought back a lot of memories, I felt bad for the dude that wore the ref uniform.
You mean "weakly"? They weren't my favorite but overall he did post other than his stories were pretty good.
I Say, Let Him Fry.
Seems Like Old Times. :D
And ZZ is right on the stage. :D
Here is one dude that escaped.
They can call her Octopussy.
How can Lynch be ahead of Staton? Steve had a better year in almost every category.
I will be rooting for the Cardinals, a kid from Victoria plays for them, Jerheme Urban.
I am so sorry to hear this, you and your wife will be in my prayers.
I guess he couldn't get his white flag out quick enough.
I said Doc not Dwight. :rolleyes: I guess I should have read all of page 1. :o