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As a team, it's sad that we need him to score so much to win. Esp looking back at alot of the wins we scraped by this season so far. As an...
If this were a rare occurrence I wouldn't mind but if this is something that is going to happen over and over, I'll get annoyed at the time it...
Sorry for the late reply. Yea this is the third time it has done this. I'm thinking its freezing behind the door so I emptied the freezer and...
help please! guess it is a problem since it's gotten cold bc it just started happening. (moved in over the summer) The water line somewhere...
i hate all of you
Any places you guys recommend? preferably as close to inside the loop as possible... This is as opposed to going to like home depot or...
the best part is cp3 choking in the fourth as per usual
truth: all people care about these days is the highlight block instead of keeping it in play for your team
wanna try but 10$ for a fruit bowl is hard to muster
ross/marshalls/tjmax ftw
lol you're good! it's a sb6121
interesting indeed....i factory reset the modem like scion said and changed primary dns to and that did that trick:confused: what...
i'm using my own modem and router so i'm a bit skeptical about what they can offer me in terms of advice and help aside from the usual "restart...
Comcast xfinity Ethernet thru the modem and Internet works fine. Wireless and ethernet thru router doesn't work at all. Even got a brand new...
probably a Sprint one won't work for your needs?
oh shiiii! :eek: thanks
just curious, anybody that knows the background and keeps up with comics - how do they make these guys work together and keep them in check?
bump for quality painter that uses paint sprayer?
1) Her,Little Miss Sunshine 2) Mortal Kombat 1 and 2
warranty credit comes with the house is why we're getting it