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Shaq is a badluck charm
Doesn't matter if we lose tonight, this is a major win in my books just for making the playoffs and getting to game 6
getting rid of Asik will be a bad mistake
the fan said .. "you can't hit 3s Curry" the fan is obviously delusional
I don't think Brooks is going anywhere
That would have been funny as ****, if Hardens chuck from half court went in as they hacked Asik .. LMAO Harden is brilliant, he also has...
Thank you very much Sacramento
lmao ... i'm suprised NONE of you show support to this guy .. when the Rockets pick him up from the D-League and does good for us, you're gonna...
Fisher flops every time and the refs fall for it, some people call it a veteran move, i call it a b**** move and he needs to be fined
I respect all of the Rockets players, all i'm saying is .. i think Lin should sit out until he is 100 percent healthy, because in Game 3, he...
Even if we lose, we won 1 game so it wasn't a sweep, we can be proud of that.
I don't want a trash talker like Jennings on the Rockets, talking trash about how the bucks would beat miami in 4 games lmao ....
Personally i don't want Lin to come back until he is 100% healthy to avoid people talking trash about how bad he plays in the game.
"But I am also glad that he takes it upon himself to win games. I'm glad that he is not afraid to carry that burden. The responsibility of the...
I don't get why people haven't yet realised that this is Hardens first time in leading a team, there is a thing called pressure .. plus he's used...
I don't think the OP realised that without Harden we would probably not have been in the playoffs, trading Harden would be the biggest mistake...
Durant better not have the basketball luck on his side in this game .. that last shot in game 3 killed me ...
Guys, he didn't mean to follow Chris Paul, he meant to follow CLIFF Paul..
I think when Durant lunged into Lin, he hit his already injured chest, just me theory.
Lin isn't even playing tonight, Garcia is taking his place .. so i'm guessing its .. Beverley Harden Parsons Garcia and Asik??