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i cant wait.
omgggggggggggg harden the best at turnovers but somehow carried a team from damn near last place to the playoffs. those stats f*cking sucking bro....
people in here i guess forgot we were about to have cp till he was 36 and paying him his age lmao
damn right he did.
over 300 votes liked the trade compared to no haha
im really enjoying all these negative westbrook posts lolz
people that are hating on westbrook with stats and $hit i think are forgetting how detrimental a pissed off player/new bad chemistry can be to a...
im excited
sometimes you gotta go big or go tf home. and im tired of going the f*ck home.
the best part about this trade is we kept EVERYBODY ELSE lmao
harden said he knew what had to be done
i still think gordon better coming off the bench
cp0 can take his fake floppin ass to oklahoma lmao LETS F*CKING GOOO!!!!!!
brody's got my support. CANT WAIT to order my jersey
oh AND we got 4 years younger lmao FIREWORKS BABY!!!
bros, hate it all you want, we gotta straight DOG!! im so jacked up