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Last Activity:
Dec 20, 2024 at 5:13 PM
Mar 28, 2002
Likes Received:
February 1
Austin, Texas.
Driving my significant other crazy.


Blade Runner, from Austin, Texas.

Supporting Member

Human Being Mar 18, 2020

Deckard was last seen:
Dec 20, 2024 at 5:13 PM
    1. Deckard
      Human Being
      1. TWS1986 and daywalker02 like this.
    2. Rockets2K
      Dude, shoot me a message in the conversation area, prefer this to be private. Tried to send you one, but you have it blocked
      1. TWS1986 and Space Ghost like this.
    3. NewYorker
      A modest proposal. Savvy?
    4. burlesk
      I'm glad you didn't fall for that "Rachael recreated" bullshit that Niander Wallace trotted out to sway you -- I hear they worked really hard to make that bs look like the original, but c'mon, that was a complete waste of effort and I'm glad you're not an idiot. Keep up the good work, D! Good luck to you and your daughter.
      1. Deckard likes this.
    5. TheresTheDagger
      We are probably diametrically opposed in most everything but at the end of the day, you seem like a good sort...the type I could have a beer with. I'm taking a break from the D&D. Could be 6 hours, could be 6 months...dunno. Don't know why I'm telling you , but wanted to let someone know. I guess I'm exhausted from fending off personal attacks. I guess the snowflake in me is coming out. Anyways, thanks again.
      1. TWS1986 and Deckard like this.
    6. mdrowe00
      Relics are not monuments, and our disappointing inability to understand that has inevitably enabled someone like Donald Trump...and may well cast those who align themselves with him for whatever reason in the most abhorrent of lights. I guess it really is "...death before dishonor.."... --mdrowe00
      1. Deckard likes this.
    7. mdrowe00
      Having faith in human beings is generally pretty trying. I'm glad you're at least starting to appreciate the need to cut some people some slack over this whole Donald Trump mess of a presidency. And also, maybe the best thing about all this is that there might actually be a push to get some of these state legislatures turned over. That's where the fight is and has always been. --mdrowe00.
      1. Deckard likes this.
    8. dandorotik
      You know, I'm sure I'll poke around in the Hangout - it's just that I'll be traveling a lot so it will be difficult to post too much. I made a crazy decision to use actual locations for my novels, so I have to make a lot of trips to Fort Sumner, NM in the next 12 months (go figure). I am sincerely appreciative of your kind words and look forward to conversing with you down the road. The Other DD
      1. Deckard likes this.
    9. Yetti
      Deckard, See that you are in Austin, I live in San Antonio, I am from Liverpool England, would welcome a chance to visit any time you have people over to see the game. Regards, Joe Walker
      1. Deckard likes this.
    10. i3artow i3aller
      i3artow i3aller

      Winter is coming...

      Prepare yourself for a December to remember!

      Happy Holidays to you and yours, Deckard!
      1. Deckard likes this.
    11. GMNot
      Thanks. I do appreciate it.
    12. GMNot
      Hello Deckard,

      I've been on this forum off and on since 2002 also. I post when something stirs me and then get off. Hard to believe, but only recently did I discover the CP and with that, comments from other members. I saw one from a year ago from you (at least I think it was you; it was signed Deck) and then didn't realize that some members can be emailed via PM. I don't see that option under your profile, but wanted to acknowledge that you rep'd a post of almost a year ago, also with a short comment. Most members who have rep'd posts I've made didn't sign, so I couldn't thank them. But, even though it's belated, thanks. I don't want to be rude to anyone by ignoring a complement. At least I'm aware to check my CP after logging in to post and can at least try to thank anyone who makes a comment. I just hope I didn't create a wrong impression due to my ignorance.

      1. Deckard likes this.
    13. i3artow i3aller
    14. i3artow i3aller
    15. i3artow i3aller
      i3artow i3aller
    16. i3artow i3aller
    17. Roc Paint
      Roc Paint
      I've got two extra tickets for the Denver game if you are interested.
      1. Deckard likes this.
    18. basso
      Hey- coming to Austin for SXSW- buy you an adult beverage?
      1. Deckard likes this.
    19. RedRedemption
      512 represent!
      1. Deckard likes this.
    20. Roc Paint
      Roc Paint
      When are you going to join the Clutch Community?
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  • About

    February 1
    Austin, Texas.
    Driving my significant other crazy.
    Born & raised in Houston, but living in Austin since 1980. Decided to move here after being a frequent visitor of the city, the Hill Country and friends here since the 1960's. Been lurking around the BBS for what feels like forever (Spring, 1998?) and remember "the Mall Guy" and Popeye's big Francis scoop... too afraid of @Mango and @Behad to register, but I'm no longer afraid of either one!

    An ardent fan of the Rockets and the Astros. My father bought season tickets to the Oilers games, starting with Season One. Lost a lot of my interest in the NFL after Bud Adams stole the team from Houston. Enjoy music, reading (fantasy, SF, mysteries, historical fiction and simply history) tropical fish, eating out for lunch, and a bunch of other stuff. That, and our Labradoodle.


    "When in danger or in doubt, run in circles... scream & shout."
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