Welcome! Please take a few seconds to create your free account to post threads, make some friends, remove a few ads while surfing and much more. ClutchFans has been bringing fans together to talk Houston Sports since 1996. Join us!
- Last Activity:
- Oct 6, 2024 at 1:16 AM
- Joined:
- Mar 28, 2002
- Messages:
- 56,991
- Likes Received:
- 39,510
- Birthday:
- February 1
- Location:
- Austin, Texas.
- Occupation:
- Driving my significant other crazy.
Blade Runner, from Austin, Texas.
Supporting Member
Human Being Mar 18, 2020
- Deckard was last seen:
- Oct 6, 2024 at 1:16 AM
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Born & raised in Houston, but living in Austin since 1980. Decided to move here after being a frequent visitor of the city, the Hill Country and friends here since the 1960's. Been lurking around the BBS for what feels like forever (Spring, 1998?) and remember "the Mall Guy" and Popeye's big Francis scoop... too afraid of @Mango and @Behad to register, but I'm no longer afraid of either one!
An ardent fan of the Rockets and the Astros. My father bought season tickets to the Oilers games, starting with Season One. Lost a lot of my interest in the NFL after Bud Adams stole the team from Houston. Enjoy music, reading (fantasy, SF, mysteries, historical fiction and simply history) tropical fish, eating out for lunch, and a bunch of other stuff. That, and our Labradoodle.Interact
"When in danger or in doubt, run in circles... scream & shout."