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Who owes Jalen an apology from last year?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by rocketchamp, Oct 29, 2024.

  1. Houston77

    Supporting Member

    Aug 31, 2018
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    Sorry, no. The term “bust” is a career description. It can’t be used in limited temporal fashion. That would be like saying Embiid was a bust his first couple of seasons while he rehabbed injuries. It’s an absurd suggestion.

    Oh, and in any event, we know your posting history.

  2. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    Just because you are too dumb or too dishonest to understand what words mean and follow along in conversations doesn't change those meanings.

    Jalen was a bust for at least 3 years. So when I said he's been a bust, it was accurate.

    Your shortcomings as a person are not my fault. Work on your reading comprehension skills if you want to sit at the table and have conversations with the adults.
  3. Houston77

    Supporting Member

    Aug 31, 2018
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    And when you said the Rockets would move on from that “bust” Green, you meant…what?
  4. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    I meant just what I said, that he had a few months to show improvement or the team would have to make the decision to move on.

    That's honestly still the case. If he stays playing well, awesome, if this really good play proves to be another fluke, the team has to have a hard conversation.

    Personally I hope the new him is real because it would help the team, but 4 games isn't enough to prove anything when it comes to a guy that routinely has short busts of competence only to regress to dogshit.
  5. harold bingo

    harold bingo Member
    Supporting Member

    May 16, 2017
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    I don't know if this is a regional difference, or dependent on who is in your basketball circle, or something else entirely, but I'm with @Houston77 on this one. You can't "be a bust for 3 years" and then be good. That is not what a "bust" means to me, or means to anyone I've ever spoken to about sports. If you're a bust, that's it, it's over. Your career is over, and you were a failure, and you'll be out of the league. If you call someone a bust, that's what it means, and that's what other people think you mean when you say it. There is no "he was a bust, but then he got good." A "bust" label is 100% certainty that they are not good, and will never be good. Emphasis on "will never be good."
  6. Bo6

    Bo6 Member

    Jul 1, 2010
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    ouch bro-ski. i've been one of the biggest jalen supporters on the board. go dig up some of my other posts pre-draft lol
  7. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    If the general NBA media who usually hates inefficient high volume 19-22 year old scoring guards still had "star" within in the possible range of outcomes for Green after three years, no way you can label that a bust. The bust label is on players where you completely rule out that they still have a possibility of being a star.

    The general NBA media entering the season thought Green had a range of outcomes from glorified 6th man to legitimate star. The general view of Green was "horribly inconsistent, slightly disappointing but still shows star level potential and talent"

    That's no where close to "bust".
    topfive and Dobbizzle like this.
  8. YI89

    YI89 Member

    Oct 25, 2024
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    Well too bad because I’m not trying to sell anything ;)
    I hope that after a while you’ll change your mind.
  9. Dobbizzle

    Dobbizzle Member

    Feb 1, 2021
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    It's not a regional difference, people are just trying to mitigate their bullshit. A bust is somebody who was expected to be great but wasn't, ever or ever will be. For those claiming it's temporary, show me one single instance anywhere of somebody being labelled a bust and then having the label removed when they improved? One single instance to prove the false narrative?
    topfive and fchowd0311 like this.
  10. cbass

    cbass Member

    Jun 26, 2012
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    Of course, but @Bobbythegreat is being transparently disingenuous in a pathetic attempt to white wash the past 4 years of arrogant vitriol he spewed about Jalen and anyone who held out hope for him.

    He’s not engaging in good faith. He never does.
    topfive and highpost1388 like this.
  11. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    Given the payday that Jalen got I don't think anyone owes Jalen anything.

    But look some people wanted to trade him before he got paid because they didn't buy into the notion he's a franchise cornerstone, and would rather take another pass on another prospect, or cash in for a veteran.

    There is nobody here that can say definitely those people were/are wrong. Because we just don't know how it'll turn out a couple years from now. The Rockets are taking a bet on Jalen, but nobody can deny the guy has talent, and is a bad NBA player. He's at least a good rotation scorer, but has upside to be a starting SG/all star.

    Given the likely options on the table I'm sure Stone and Tillman made the best decision they could make at the time. I don't think there was any game changing superstar out there, and I don't see enough talent behind Jalen to buy into the notion that there are better options to invest in for the future already on the roster. So extending him makes sense, but time will tell. He has to be good enough along with Sengun to get us into the playoffs. If him and Sengun at that price point don't get the Rockets into the playoffs or at least the play-in then yeah it probably was a bad call to extend.

    We'll see.
  12. Dobbizzle

    Dobbizzle Member

    Feb 1, 2021
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    "Sengun a white kid mogged him, ruined his reputation. That's why his nut huggers hate Sengun. Now there is another white individual in the town who is coming to get his job. Listen Green might be able to withstand the force, finesse, aura of a 1 white person but 2? Not going to happen. "

    @invocux I can't get over this one. You like to be a big man right, talk your ****? Care to explain what in the "David-duke ****ing his sister-cousin at the trailer-park hoe-down" hell you meant by this bullshit?
    topfive likes this.
  13. javal_lon

    javal_lon Member

    Sep 7, 2010
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    Expecting naysayers to admit they're wrong = delusional
    Making a post about it in hopes of the above = attention seeking
    naysayer attempting to dispute their perceived naysayer image= entertaining
  14. harold bingo

    harold bingo Member
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    May 16, 2017
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    That guys racism gives me a "european from a country with zero black people" vibe, rather than a "roll tide" kind of vibe
    topfive likes this.
  15. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    Well, sorry, but that's just how the language works.

    Someone can be a failure up to a point, but that doesn't necessarily mean they'll be a failure forever.

    I honestly didn't think there were people who would interpret "Thus far, he's been a bust" to mean "he'll definitely be a bust forever" but even if those people exist, i actually spelled out exactly what i mean dozens of times.... there's no excuse in those involved in those conversations to pretend that I meant something else.
  16. Dobbizzle

    Dobbizzle Member

    Feb 1, 2021
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    As a European I can't say I've ever been to many countries like that. I thought he was Turkish? There's 1.5 million sub-saharan African descent people in Turkey. It's only really Poland, Greece, and those eastern European places like Hungary/Bulgaria/Romania that don't tend to have many, but they still have some.
    harold bingo likes this.
  17. DatRocketFan

    DatRocketFan Member

    Mar 15, 2015
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    say or estimate that (a specified thing) will happen in the future or will be a consequence of something.

    a thing predicted; a forecast

    if Green never develops skills, he could end up nothing more than Corey Brewer 2.0.

    If she doesn't pay her taxes, she will end up in jail.

    It's was a shtty prediction.
    cbass likes this.
  18. Bo6

    Bo6 Member

    Jul 1, 2010
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    since i got "receipt pulled" ill throw these in
  19. harold bingo

    harold bingo Member
    Supporting Member

    May 16, 2017
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    You are still missing the point. You continue to use the term incorrectly, or at least, incorrectly based on how most people read it. There is no such thing as "a bust so far." That isn't what the term means. The label has a very specific meaning, it is a label you put on someone when you are certain they will never be anything. That is the whole point that people are trying to make here, and that is why they are saying you should ease up on using that word, and maybe pick a different word. "Bust" is reserved for when it is over. The only kind of bust is, as you put it, "definitely a bust forever". That is the only time that word is applicable. If you aren't absolutely certain that he is going to be this bad forever, and that his career is over, you need to find a different word. Like you said, "someone can be a failure up to a point", that would be a much better way to describe it. Call him "a failure up to this point."

    If you are trying to say "this guy is really bad, he hasn't lived up to expectations, and I expect him to remain bad, however he may turn it around", then he is by definition not a bust. The bust label is not appropriate for this kind of player. Again, no such thing as "a bust so far". The "bust" label comes out once you are sure that there is no turning it around.
  20. Dobbizzle

    Dobbizzle Member

    Feb 1, 2021
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    Yeah he messed up posting something from you, I don't believe you featured in any of my own quote spree posts haha. I think it's fair to have measured criticism of Green, he's been inconsistent and earned it. What's unfair is the blind hatred, racism, questioning his manhood, mocking his personal life, saying they'd make him a webcam femboy in grade school, calling him out for having an afro and flat out calling him an unequivocal bust with no talent, intelligence, heart or prospects at all. There's differences.
    Bo6 likes this.

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