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ClutchFans Game Thread: Sixers @ Rockets 5/5/2021

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Clutch, May 4, 2021.

  1. bmelo

    bmelo Member

    Jan 26, 2018
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    Stop jerking off to Kelly Olynyk we are now one of the teams that is so bad we make mediocre players look ok.... I can't envision him as a starter on contender in 5 years from now Stone got him only because he will clear cap space in the summer. My god we went from Yao and Tmac, through JH, CP, Dwight, WB to ****ing Kelly Olynyk lol im not buying league pass next year **** this ****
    Jontro and HardenVolumeOne like this.
  2. Jontro

    Jontro Member

    Feb 3, 2010
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    same. missed the @HP3, did we wall?
    HP3 likes this.
  3. Rockets4Life13

    Dec 9, 2016
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    Everyone around here hating on Olynyk just hates where we at.

    Say what you want about him but he has had an amazing stretch at Houston for his standards and actually seems to love playing for us.

    Theres not a single bad word that i could say about Olynyk. And you shouldn't have any either.

    He's not a star or anything but the way he plays right now, he is a supreme role player.

    18/8/4 on 65% EFG% is amazing, if you like it or not.
  4. vator

    vator Member

    Jun 30, 2006
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    I agree. It would be different if he was chucking, being an inefficient player, and obviously going out of his way to try to pad his stats. We’ve seen that this year too. John Will and Victor Oladipo come to mind immediately. This is a little different. Not sure if it’s sustainable because we’ve never seen this version of Olynyk, but honestly there is nothing more you could ask for from this guy. He has greatly exceeded expectations in every way and done so within the confines of the system and being a team player.
    #124 vator, May 6, 2021
    Last edited: May 6, 2021
  5. Verbal Christ

    Verbal Christ Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    hey guys

    CK Johnson and burlesk like this.
  6. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Member
    Supporting Member

    May 2, 2014
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    this guy gets it.gif
  7. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    Olynyk should not sign here, he is a great complimentary piece, he can help a team get a ring.....that won't be happening in Houston for at least 5-8 years.

  8. ElPigto

    ElPigto Member
    Supporting Member

    Sep 21, 2006
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    Maybe he doesn't want to win a ring and maybe wants to be part of building something in Houston by helping develop the young players. I doubt we will be able to resign him at the contract that the Rockets would prefer anyways. I like Olynyk though, true professional.
    don grahamleone likes this.
  9. vator

    vator Member

    Jun 30, 2006
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    I like this l. Need to see more of this. Now THIS gets me excited!! Much more so than an unsustainable hot shooting night. This move impressed me more than anything he did in the 50 point game. The guy he beat is an elite defensive player and Dwight is still a good rim protector and strong as an ox.

    Once he starts being more aggressive and showing he can get to the basket at all will and either finish, draw fouls or kick it to the open guy once the defense collapses on him, I’ll be all the way on the hype train. Being able to consistently attack the basket will unlock his true potential.

    Streakshooter likes this.
  10. Verbal Christ

    Verbal Christ Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    If you had been paying attention he's BEEN DOING THIS since Houston picked him up and asked him to play point guard. He HAS broken good defenders. Thybulle and Howard is the measuring stick? THAT is what gets you hype and not having the youngest player in NBA HISTORY to score 50 with 11 assists - that performance was not that impressive???

    Odd logic flying around concerning KPJ.
  11. Grizzlyshark

    Grizzlyshark Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Did Silas say anything after the game? While obviously a blow out, all things considered (down to 6 players, 2 and a half being g leagers), there were some good flashes defensively and KJ was a highlight.

    Just curious on what he had to say.
  12. vator

    vator Member

    Jun 30, 2006
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    Is it wrong to point out something he can improve on around here? Should I just hype him up nonstop because he's wearing a Rockets jersey and is only 21 years old? If that's how you feel that is fanboy thinking. Also disregard the fact that I said turning something that isn't a strength of his as a player right now into one will unlock his full potential. Notice I said consistently attacking the basket. I didn't say he was incapable nor did I say that it never happens. Maybe you don't understand what doing something consistently means. Going to the basket aggressively a handful of times per game isn't good enough if he wants to be an elite player.

    In regards to the 50 point game. It was done mostly on jump shots. He scored on a couple of drives to the basket in the half-court set and that's it. Watch the video. Count how many of his 50 points came on layups and get back to me. Also, tell me where you see a move better than the one he made on Thybulle along with the finish over Howard at the basket through contact and get back to me. If I'd been paying attention? I watch every single game buddy. I've seen him get shut down on the perimeter by slow-footed big men because his handle was too loose and get locked up repeatedly and turned over by guys like TJ McConnell to the point where he was timid and indecisive with the ball on the perimeter. This is an area that he can improve in. I want him to be a great player. I'm not rooting against him. I am paying attention. Are you?

  13. Verbal Christ

    Verbal Christ Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    JFC pop a handful of melatonin there guy. See how snarky you replied? That tells me everything about this "genuine" support you have for KPJ.

    Again if breaking down Matthys Thybulle does it for you then get off all you want. I've seen him break better players.

    Better moves? Really? AGain it shows me how little you think of him and how much attention you've been paying. NO need to fly off the handle. YOu are entitled to your opinion as am I.

    NOt long ago alot of you were like "this guy wont ever be sht unless he fixes his 3 ball" then the guy starts hitting them and now the narrative shifts to him not driving to the hoop enough? Which is it?

    He sucks at defense and is inconsistent as many 21 yr olds tend to be. If you havent been able to see the talent before he broke down a broken down HOward and Thybulle then I dont know what to tell you.

    Watch KPJ vs the best defense in the NBA:

  14. vator

    vator Member

    Jun 30, 2006
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    Snarky? Maybe you're just sensitive.

    And you're clearly not paying attention. I've been saying his shooting can improve and that I wasn't concerned with that and I was more concerned with his ability to consistently get by his man. You must have me confused with somebody else. Never said anything about his defense.

    Strawman. Saying I think he can reach his full potential by attacking the basket more and improving his handle is actually acknowledging that I see his potential. Try again.

    Stick to being a fake insider. Yeah, I remember you from when you insinuated that you knew we were getting a big free-agent signing and about to enter into some new golden age of Rockets basketball because of Daryl Morey and then of course it never happened. I haven't forgotten.
  15. Verbal Christ

    Verbal Christ Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    NO need to drive down any tangents.

    You seemed surprised enough to say that breaking down Mathyss Thybulle impressed you and THAT could inspire you to support him more. Good for you.

    I've seen tons of those plays. Just sayin'

    edit: just saw your "fake insider" quip LOL funny guy. Makes me wonder if Im speaking with someone who has full control of his faculties. Shall we throw around some more logical fallacies and see who fits where?
  16. vator

    vator Member

    Jun 30, 2006
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    You know what?! You’re right! I can admit when I’m wrong so I apologize for calling you a fake insider. I think I got you confused with that POS roeforchrist because it was so long ago, but similarly, you are confusing me with people criticizing his defense and shooting. IDGAF about either of those right now. Eventually I will, but I want to see him dominate offensively and the path to that is by aggressively attacking the basket. I feel like you’re completely missing the point of what I’m saying because you so desperately want to defend KPJ that you’re perceiving what I consider constructive criticism to be attacking him. Posting a video of him abusing what many consider to be a top 5 in the NBA perimeter defensive player and a former DPOY is me acknowledging that I think he has a lot of potential and room to get better and in order to get there here is what I think is the most important next step in his development as a player. If that makes you mad I don’t think we have anything else to discuss.
  17. Rockets4Life13

    Dec 9, 2016
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    burlesk likes this.
  18. TimDuncanDonaut

    Feb 20, 2009
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    KPJ has potential, young but room to grow. Will see how things go next season.


    burlesk likes this.
  19. Sanctity

    Sanctity Member

    May 9, 2019
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    He would excel next to stars and his game ages well. KpJ needs him and vice versa. Olynk is one of the best big role players you can hope for in this market.
    #139 Sanctity, May 6, 2021
    Last edited: May 6, 2021
  20. Little Bit

    Little Bit Member

    Nov 11, 2008
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    I felt like I was watching a Vipers game with Kelly O thrown in there.
    burlesk likes this.

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