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    After a long layoff, the preseason resumes when the Rockets take on the Pelicans tonight. We're watching it live -- come hang with us.

    LIVE! Rockets vs. Pelicans
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Jun 1, 2023 at 12:30 AM
Apr 14, 2008
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June 21
New Zealand


Member, from New Zealand

W22_STREAK was last seen:
Jun 1, 2023
    1. Mr. Clutch
      Mr. Clutch
      W22, I would defintely look into getting 1) a therapist and 2) a mentor. It makes a huge difference being able to talk to someone. Things become clearer and less confusing.

      In the meantime I wouldn't make any drastic changes such as quitting your job. Have another job lined up before you quit.
      1. W22_STREAK
        Hey thanks. It was an extremely tough period. But I really do appreciate your comment. I didn't have the courage to face the issues face on and so did not want to talk about it until later on. But thanks alot though.
        Mar 30, 2017
    2. SK34
      Read the thread bro.. Those guys, Sajan, cheke, and Gnomo can help you out more than me. I'm in consistent with my workout and haven't learned a lot about it yet.

      But the thing

      Monday: Squats and related workouts (Legs)
      Wednesday: Pull ups and related workouts (back)
      Friday: Bench press and related workouts (chest)

      For 2 weeks to get used to it and then you can do all three on the same day.
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    June 21
    New Zealand
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