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Last Activity:
Oct 12, 2024 at 8:35 AM
Apr 25, 2000
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Oct 4, 1968 (Age: 56)
Houston, TX
Technical Writer


Member, Male, 56, from Houston, TX

ROXTXIA was last seen:
Oct 12, 2024 at 8:35 AM
    1. Codman
      And this is why I choose to "follow" very few people. You've always wished me well. I appreciate that. At some point, when I'm in Htown, I owe ya a beer and courtside seats. Thanks for the support, my dude.
    2. Codman
      All love homie. Getting grief already for posting some DMO news. Maybe I need a hiatus like DocRocket. I get plenty of info, some pans out, some doesn't. It's hard place to be to share with posters who expect results immediately.

      I've come through plenty of times in the past, but I guess that's not a CyberX level of prominence.

      Love ya!
      1. ROXTXIA
        Codman, just glad to have you around....in more ways than one (hope you're kicking the "rhymes-with-****-your-pants-sir" in the ass). Don't worry about the negativity. This is the "cool-to-be-a-naysayer" generation. (Quoting Gene Wilder: "The common clay.....You know.....Morons.")
        Oct 22, 2016
    3. Codman
      Hey, buddy. I'm here and there, lingering through the days and getting healthier when I can. Thanks for checking in on me. I appreciate the love. If I'm not mistaken, it looks like Cyber and Holic have been providing their news more often than not. One is legit, one is decent on making obvious deduction! :) Love to you and yours.
    4. Codman
      Hey buddy. I'm hanging in there. Thanks for asking. I'm not responding as well to treatment as I'd like, but I'm not giving up the scouting/coaching for D1. The goal is to eventually join Sarver and Earl in PHX. Hopefully, my health holds up. Hope you are well. Best wishes.

    5. i3artow i3aller
      i3artow i3aller

      Winter is coming...

      Prepare yourself for a December to remember!

      Happy Holidays to you & yours, ROXTXIA! : )
    6. Roc Paint
      Roc Paint
      Welcome to the Clutch Community.
    7. yostros99
      Says you're interested in writing. Let me know by tweeting me @YoniPollak. We have opportunities available.
    8. DaDakota
      Weird that when you post it says last post by Leebigez....
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  • About

    Oct 4, 1968 (Age: 56)
    Houston, TX
    Technical Writer
    Writing, reading, traveling, chilling, working out, Rockets!
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