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I'm interested in this conversation for a variety of reasons. I would have liked for you to have demanded and then extracted a much needed and...
Speaking of PH balance, anybody want to buy some essential oils? Anybody want to get under me on that?
Get closer to the equator because gravitational pull is greater there.
I know, right? If they'd just stayed in India where they belong we never would have had to decimate them so. It just goes to show, lessons taught...
A child born to a single US citizen parent is automatically a US citizen, even if that child is born abroad.
No, is the short answer. He proves that abundantly. He gets fed ignorant whacko mother's milk from whatever mudtrolling site he likes, you know,...
If you can get Maurey to kick in some cash I bet Batman would produce this.
Cruz is such a hideous reptile. It is hilarious to me that he was the runner up in the Republican Mr Universe competition. That Trump would be the...
I'm pretty sure in his case it would be a repossessed memory.