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Last Activity:
Dec 15, 2020 at 8:23 AM
Feb 16, 2010
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Jul 6, 1973 (Age: 51)
La Porte


Member, 51, from La Porte

Morey=Money was last seen:
Dec 15, 2020
    1. Third eye
      Third eye
      Preshiate it I'm hard to dissuade in opinion to my girlfriends over the years-I haven't changed a bit now almost 30 haha- thanks, and keep your opinions up, and going when it SPLASHES 2 superstars our direction!
      -I'm actually a long time usual lurker I created another user name after years of being off the radar, but still lurking...had an old account 12stonetool or 12stones I forget from '02,but been around since the OG Clutchcity.net days..love the user name-not everything works correctly using statistical metrics, but he's proven he's good 88% (pulled outta my ass) of the time- he hasn't been wrong much. This is no Rudy gay for Battier deal or Eddie Griffen deal or Stevie franchise deal or barkley deal-this is once in a long time maybe a generation (bc of lack of good big guys) to try and succeed one year or more with Dwight-morey knows he's not turning down the money if we tell him he's the man and surround him like ORL never could.
    2. Third eye
      Third eye
      Preshiate ya I don't know how to rep people-it always fails on me.
      -I'm glad some rockets fans are still fans
      -can't stand the clingers and the affection of some of our overrated players
      -you have to give up a lot to get A LOT- we don't have that one star that makes
      a trade easy without mass assets like Morey went out, and owned some GMs
      -people don't realize that Camby deal was huge-Knicks did not want Dwight in Brooklyn
      -thanks again for your rep buddy-haters will hate right
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    Jul 6, 1973 (Age: 51)
    La Porte


    Life is hard. Life is harder if you're STUPID! - John Wayne
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