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Last Activity:
Apr 17, 2018 at 11:24 AM
Sep 2, 2012
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Rookie, from Houston

htownbandit was last seen:
Apr 17, 2018
    1. htownbandit
      @LCAhmed Oh I have no idea what that is lmao but yeah, I sort of bandwagon that idea from others on here. Thanks for the heads up!
    2. LCAhmed
      Hey man, Just curious if you made an all-time team because you had seen other in their signature? If so, the people who actually have all-time teams in their sig are participants of Fantasy Drafts that we hold in the Fantasy Sports thread. You are more then welcome to join one if you'd like. Just thought I'd give you a heads up!

      Of course if this is not the case and you just have that in your sig for yourself, then please disregard my message!
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