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Last Activity:
Jul 12, 2014 at 1:00 PM
Nov 7, 2012
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Fresno, CA


Member, from Fresno, CA

gnozahs was last seen:
Jul 12, 2014
    1. Wommy
      Good pics taken from last night's game between the Kings & Rockets man. This is random and it may sound strange, my name is Yun and I am from Sydney, Australia. My friends and I are going to the US Feb next year and going to watch the Rockets in Sacramento on 25th Feb. This is my first ever Rockets game and first time visiting the US. I saw 4 tickets on sell on Stubhub and after checking your pics and also the live game, those 4 tickets are probably the same seats you and your friends sat last night. Were your seats in Lower Level Centre 114 row AAA? Seat 1,2,3, and 4? Are you the owner of those seats? I am so excited for this and hopefully can get some useful tips from ones like you who has been there. Thanks a lot. My email is uneekr@gmail.com if you'd like to contact me. :)
    2. Voice of Aus
      Voice of Aus
      In regards to your league pass question:

      Ill give u a brief outline of what I figured out

      - jailbreak my iPad.. And all the necessary steps that come with it
      - download nba game time app on the iPad..
      - turn wifi off
      - go to the app packages, select buy now on the league pass.. Then when it asks for your password click cancel and go out of the app.. Then go back into the app and u will have a league pass for free
      - note I have had league pass for 3 consecutive seasons paying a grand total OF $0.00

      Feel free to asks questions like how to jailbreak or what other steps in the jailbreak process I did...

      Hope I helped
    3. Jedster
      Sad about your bullied story. Would have commented on the forum but didn't want to derail the thread. For what it's worth, I thought it was a good share. Thanks.
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    Fresno, CA
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