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Oct 12, 2024 at 11:15 AM
Jan 14, 2002
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September 29
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Member, from L.A.

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Viewing thread Is 'climate change' a vast conspiracy to cover the government's hurricane program?, Oct 12, 2024 at 11:15 AM
    1. LosPollosHermanos
    2. mdrowe00
      Well said. Opinions, I've learned, tend to come in pairs...just like butt-cheeks, so everybody's sitting on a couple of those things. And given the cultural obsession with "butts" in our country...kinda-sorta explains the stink around our politics. I like big butts though...cannot lie. --mdrowe00
      1. FranchiseBlade likes this.
    3. mdrowe00
      The classism in this country exists precisely because of the racism instituted to undergird it. Difficult, it seems, for white people to understand or accept this. You're not dealing with one without accepting that the other's existence depends on it. --mdrowe00
      1. FranchiseBlade likes this.
      2. FranchiseBlade
        Thank you. Thinking about this makes my mind go into wish list mode... "I wish people would just understand that..."
        "I wish folks would entertain the idea that..."
        "I wish that folks could realize that until they actually walked a mile in someone else's shoes they don't know that..."
        Sep 21, 2017
    4. mdrowe00
      ...the largest problem with all this is, again, the ties that Trump and his admin have with Russia are financial, and because we have effectively legitimized capital as a governing principal, all that may actually happen is that "Citizens United" might have to be removed. Might even be the reason why Trump didn't divest his business holdings. Not at his own direction of course. --mdrowe00
      1. FranchiseBlade likes this.
    5. i3artow i3aller
      i3artow i3aller

      Winter is coming...

      Prepare yourself for a December to remember!

      Happy holidays to you & yours, FranchiseBlade!
      1. FranchiseBlade likes this.
    6. Brandyon
      Thanks for the rep man. I realize someone like that does not have an ego that would even let him change his opinions. I just find a lot of people enjoy seeing their own ideas presented in a concise, well written way.
      1. FranchiseBlade likes this.
    7. 123Rockets
      1. FranchiseBlade likes this.
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