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Jun 27, 2008
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Mar 23, 1979 (Age: 45)


Member, Male, 45, from Tokyo

    1. MystikArkitect
      Hey man,

      Actually flew back today. We ended up staying at Prince Park Tower which was great. Rained a lot of the week but the last 4 days were pretty nice. Kind of a tough town to get around at the beginning as we didn't understand the subways quite as much as the ones in NYC but managed to figure it out towards the end.

      Didn't do nearly enough but had a great time. Had sushi at two highly rated establishments and went to Kyoto for a couple of days as well. Will definitely be back, kinda wish I had studied more Japanese before coming.
      1. Chamillionaire likes this.
      2. Chamillionaire
        Didn't notice this until just now. Glad you and your wife had fun. The subway is a little complicated, couldn't agree with you more. Hope you guys make it out here again. Let me know when you do.
        Mar 5, 2017
    2. MystikArkitect
      Hey man, saw you lived in Tokyo. Wife and I have been wanting to go for a while and are planning on going in September. We're pretty fashion forward so anything shopping, trendy, crazy is up our alley. Not huge into touristy stuff but like the more "raw and local" scene. Wanted to stay around the Ginza district (shopping) and get some killer food as well.

      Wife also was wondering what women like there dressed like and if she'd be out of place wearing some more "out there" stuff. Any insight would be appreciated, thanks!
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    Mar 23, 1979 (Age: 45)
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