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So is there a clash of civilizations or is it a made up thing?

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by Nivos, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. Kojirou

    Kojirou Member

    Feb 18, 2009
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    Please. The economics is one thing, but the idea that Al Qaeda launched their attacks to intentionally make us curtail our civil liberties is one of the most utterly self-centered ideas out there - it assumes that we're so important that our enemies view us taking our shoes off at an airport as a victory, when the reality is they couldn't care less. It's basically "they hate us for our FREEDOM" with a touch more elaboration.
  2. basso

    basso Contributing Member
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    May 20, 2002
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    can one infer from this comment that you'd be ok w/ a 9/11 style attack, with attendant loss of life and property, every 10 years or so?

    "ok" is perhaps the wrong word; perhaps "accept" is better...as the cost of keeping our "freedoms" and not spending trillions of dollars on "wars of choice."
  3. CometsWin

    CometsWin Breaker Breaker One Nine

    May 15, 2000
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    The Israeli government pays people to comment online, confirmed by oh... the Israeli government.

    Yeah, you don't need to tell Americans that radical Islam is a vague threat. We had the worst terrorist attack in oh the history of the world so yeah, we get it. We also understand what Zionism is and what Zionism has done in the last 75 years. Your arguments against terrorism would be much stronger if you weren't terrorists yourselves. You're like two gangsters complaining about each other.
  4. Nivos

    Nivos Member

    Feb 15, 2014
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    I agree that for the US there are more important things to deal with at the moment, and it definitely shouldn't be the only focus on the day.
    But by saying Clash of civilizations i'm referring to the theory by Samuel Huntington "Clash of civilizations and the remaking of a new world order".
    The theory and the book on that name opened a whole category in the study of international relations.

    The book was written in 1992 and describing the post cold war world and predicting that the primary conflict the world will be facing is involving people's identities and religion and not war between super powers.

    Hence the conflict will be with-in countries and not between countries, which is exactly what is happening now. US are more fortunate than Europe because the immigration problem it's facing is with immigrants that share relative similar values, in Europe it’s a complete clash and the threat there is imminent.
    But if the US will ignore that issue it will have to face it in with-in one day, all I'm saying is don't ignore it because it's not pleasant to deal with.

    Keep your patriotism, keep out the cynicism , swear to your flag without shame (US is the only western country that still forces its immigrants to swear to the flag and pledge for loyalty) because that is what makes you strong from with-in.
  5. Nivos

    Nivos Member

    Feb 15, 2014
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    I don't know who brain washed you but he did a great job.
    You should go back to the definition of terrorism because if you're calling Israel terrorist you have no idea what you're talking about.
    I hope you don't call your own military terrorist for what they've done in Afghanistan.
    So far I was the only one here that actually suggested a solution that don't call for the destruction of one side of the conflict, so stop with the blind hate and actually say something productive
  6. Amiga

    Amiga 10 years ago...
    Supporting Member

    Sep 18, 2008
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    Increasing the divide between the have and have not, food shortage, water shortage, land loss, destroying the ways of life for millions, displacing large population....

    The US military is concern about nations (and we are talking about China, India as the one most impacted first) destabilizing due to climate change. That seems to me much more likely cause of regional wars throughout the globe that can unite or divide groups and spread.
  7. Amiga

    Amiga 10 years ago...
    Supporting Member

    Sep 18, 2008
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    ha, posted in wrong thread
  8. CometsWin

    CometsWin Breaker Breaker One Nine

    May 15, 2000
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    Terrorism, the use of violence and intimidation for political aims.

    Sounds like exactly what you Israeli goons are doing. Brain washed... LOL. Nobody is more deluded than you Zionists that think you're some bastion of freedom and the last hope for the world.

    Your solution is to keep all the land you've stolen. If I stole a bunch of land that would probably be my solution too. Notice how you never discuss your flagrant theft and criminal behavior? Why is that? Stop with the obfuscation and take responsibility for your own crimes.
  9. Nivos

    Nivos Member

    Feb 15, 2014
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    Israel is not a terrorist state more than any country out there in the world which uses it power to protect it citizens from attacks.
    If you want to go back a hundred years and more with your arguments then
    This is not Palastinian land because there were never "Palastinian people" before the 20th century.

    If you look for any mention of the "palastinian nation" it would be Jordan (as declared by Arrafat, so that means the Palastinians will have 2 states, sounds awesome) But I'm not even going there, the reality today is that the Palastinians believe in their identity and want a palastinian state, I believe in their right to have that. Along with the right of 6 million Jews to have a democratic state with all religions inside its borders allowed to practice their religion freely without being killed like all the countries around us.

    Look at the reality today and search for a solution, throwing all the jews to the sea is not a valid solution, and the palastinians will not just stop their search for self determination.

    All they need is to acknowledge the right of Israel to exist next to the Palastinian state and they will have a country of their own in a matter of few years. But they are choosing war. Over and over.

    It is sad to me, and its sad that people like you that I'm sure just want their benefit, is condemning them to war and death by supporting this ludicrous aspirations.

    Face reality and look for solution, do not spread hate and revenge, because you know where that has gotten us
  10. CometsWin

    CometsWin Breaker Breaker One Nine

    May 15, 2000
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    Spare me your bull**** rhetoric. You have systematically cleansed and displaced hundreds of thousands of people from their homes and land. Call them whatever the hell you want, they're real people that you've wronged. You currently enact a state of apartheid on these people, effectively creating an open air prison in Gaza. You have enacted a blockade and have tried to control the number of calories Palestinians need to survive. You're doing everything possible to make these people's lives as miserable as possible.

    You want the violence to stop? Get off their damn land. It's really that simple. You do that and Arabs have every reason to stop the extremists within their ranks. You're nothing more than goons and bullies. The only thing you understand is violence. You are part of the might makes right society emboldened by our scumbag leaders in the US. You don't fool anyne. That's why world opinion is firmly against you. What you've done is fundamentally immoral and that's why no matter how many you kill in the name of Israel you have already lost.

    BTW if you had stolen land in Texas to create a Jewish state, we would fight you tooth and nail for as long as it took to get that land back. Why you believe it should be any different in any other part of the world, especially one with religious implications, is asinine. You've deluded yourself into thinking you're somehow special, that you're above the law. You're wrong.
  11. Mr. Clutch

    Mr. Clutch Contributing Member

    Nov 8, 2002
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    So many Palestinian chickenhawks on this board.
  12. Mr. Clutch

    Mr. Clutch Contributing Member

    Nov 8, 2002
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    That doesn't even make any sense. There was no Palestinian state. Jews were living there along with Arabs.
  13. CometsWin

    CometsWin Breaker Breaker One Nine

    May 15, 2000
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    Yes, and they immigrated en masse and kicked out the Arabs to form a religious state. It makes pretty good sense.

    I'm going to put you on ignore now. You can bother someone else with your ignorant drive by quips. Good luck with that.
  14. AroundTheWorld

    AroundTheWorld Insufferable 98er
    Supporting Member

    Feb 3, 2000
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    CometsWin has totally lost it. Meltdown mode. Embarrassing.
  15. Mathloom

    Mathloom Shameless Optimist
    Supporting Member

    Oct 4, 2008
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    More importantly, the fact that the British - who were in possession of Palestine - referred to it as such is not the most important thing because what colonial powers call you means nothing, especially when their bias later became apparent in granting a larger part of the land to the much smaller population. What matters is that there were people and those people owned their land and to this day hold the deeds and the keys to those lands. They lived there, they worked there, they owned their homes, they had great grandparents and great grandchildren.

    You act like someone told the Jews they can take the lands and resources they owned at that particular time and create a state out of it. This is objectively NOT what happened. What happened is a plan which did not displace any Jews, it did not deprive Jews of their property, allowed even non-native Jews (who form the majority of Israel today) with no historical connection to the land a right of "Return", it displaced many Palestinians, and deprived many of their property, and deprived the native Palestinian population of a right to return to their land. That's what happened before any war or holocaust took place. After these things took place, the Palestinians rejected the plan and asked to renegotiate it, which was rejected. Only after all diplomatic options were exhausted did the riots begin (by Jews and Palestinians) and subsequently the war.

    Even more important than that - if we are to believe that Hamas is a terrorist organization, then we must believe that the Israeli government is simply a more sophisticated organization of the same type. Objectively and factually, the Israeli government and particularly the IDF was founded by the merging of several groups with the exact same morality, goals, structure, aggression, violence, corruption, and disregard for civilian life as Hamas today.

    Don't take my word for it - ask any Israeli to tell you about the "heroes" which forced the creation of Israel, and let them tell you about how prominent the leaders of those organizations have been in Israel since then. The only difference between the Haganah and Hamas is the race of its members and making any distinction between the way in which Jews chose to establish Israel and the way in which Palestinians choose to establish Palestine is that fewer Palestinians are accepting of violence and aggression from their political parties. Of course, if you consider the context - i.e. Jews were being hugely mistreated by Europeans and puppets of European governments - then it's not surprising that so many Jews were coerced into supporting secretive terroristic organizations and resorting to more violence (bombs, assassinations, theft, etc.) in general.

    If there is to be an ideal and just solution today, all non-native citizens on both sides should be stripped of their passports (undergo legal immigration procedure), all citizens will be able to live in a single state which respects the rights of all equally, the present Israeli and Palestinian governments should face a trial for war crimes, and a small part of England and/or Germany should be carved out as a nation for European Jews who suffered tremendously under the murderous European governments.
  16. Kojirou

    Kojirou Member

    Feb 18, 2009
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    I don't....I don't even know where to begin with Mathloon's latest rant. So I'll just start with a simple question: why a small part of England?
  17. Nivos

    Nivos Member

    Feb 15, 2014
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    First, you do not seem to be just someone that comes from hate and ignorance like commetwins and the others, so it might be worth the time talking with you.

    Every country in the world started when immigrants came and build the land. You would not throw the Americans back to England and Holland in the name of native Americans. You would not except african american to revenge in the name of their fathers for the wrongs done to them.

    Jews have been living in Palestine for more than 2000 years, arabs have come and gone come and gone with the otoman empire and salach a din before than, always tried to kill the jews and throw them away. My wife is the 8 generation in Israel (as far as she could track it).

    Jews have suffered from persecutions since the first exile (442 BC) to the second exile (by the roman empire), to being persecuted in the spanish inquisition in the 15th century, to the Otman empire, Russia, Europe and finally Germany in the 1930's and 1940's.

    Finally have they realized that the only way they can stand strong is by sticking together, because the brutal honesty is the world does not care. The world will be glad to get rid of the Jews.

    Frankly, I'm not a religious person and I couldn't care less if the jewish state were to be in Australia, Uganda or Idaho USA, but this is were its at at the moment and there are over 6 million Jews living there. A Jewish state is a survival issue with me because I do not trust anyone else to keep me from harms way, you can call it, collective memory.

    There are more than 1.5 Billion Muslims in the world, 21 Only Muslim countries, one palastinian state (Jordan) and one Jewish state (with 6 million Jews).
    I support the creation of another Palastinian state but not on the account of the only Jewish state in the world.

    You want peace- you got it, but when you desire revenge you'll end up with nothing but your own misery and pain.
  18. Mr. Clutch

    Mr. Clutch Contributing Member

    Nov 8, 2002
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    The Palestinians should follow your example.

    Ignore Israel and focus on building a stable, productive society for themselves.
  19. CometsWin

    CometsWin Breaker Breaker One Nine

    May 15, 2000
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    You've won't even admit to the crimes you've committed and the land you've stolen. Like it never happened. You want to cry baby your way into white washing the history. Listen to you. The world wants to get rid of the Jews! Shut up. The US gave tens of thousands of lives to free Jews from the Nazis. The US has also taken in tens of thousands of Jews from countries where they were persecuted. What a whiny ass paranoid comment.

    WTF does it matter how many predominantly Muslim countries there are? Like this is some kind of religious scoreboard? How sick is that.
    #39 CometsWin, Aug 6, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2014
  20. DaleDoback

    DaleDoback Contributing Member

    Jul 2, 2009
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    That a great idea if you totally disregard the 28 foot wall, Israel rationing water, food, building supplies, and everything else going in or out of Gaza. Other than that.......sounds awesome!


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