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This team is staring at the Abyss for the next 3-5 years

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by daggy, Apr 25, 2014.

  1. kfmfe04

    kfmfe04 Member

    Jan 31, 2013
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    troll thread
  2. BonziWellsGOAT

    Oct 22, 2013
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  3. TheJet

    TheJet Member

    Mar 29, 2013
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    85-90 Chicago Bulls. That team, with some improvements, turned into one of the greatest teams ever. No one can predict the future.
  4. pass_to_Hakeem

    May 20, 2009
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    So the Rockets are down 0-2 and while I'm just as shocked as many on here are, disappointed that Houston didn't get both wins or at least 1 at home......

    The Rockets are gonna be pretty much lousy for the next 3-5 years? Nah! A coaching change , some defense and a legit pg with new blood off the bench might do wonders!!!
  5. daggy

    daggy Member

    Apr 24, 2014
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    Disagreement is good. I hope you are right.

    The only thing is my post already includes all those things, and I agree the Rockets will appear to be "in the thick of it" for years to come.

    But I think it's all going to be an illusion unless some amazing coaches come out of no where...
  6. daggy

    daggy Member

    Apr 24, 2014
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    Are you seriously comparing Harden to MJ...

    I know you are just horsing with me, right?
  7. Carl Herrera

    Carl Herrera Member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    Strving, but not necessarily achieving.
  8. daggy

    daggy Member

    Apr 24, 2014
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    Again... you are really comparing Harden to MJ???

    Trust me, if Harden had MJ's talent and MJ's work ethic and he shoots 20% for 2 year straight I wouldn't say a thing anywhere.

    If you can show me Harden has MJ's potential, then I'll gladly retract my whole post... lol
  9. beastlyball

    beastlyball Member

    Jul 16, 2012
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    With McHale at the helm this team is only operating at 70% capacity. I see a brighter future once he's gone. I see the roster being pretty flexible with lots of movable pieces so all is not lost.
  10. jordnnnn

    jordnnnn Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    I think the point is that even the greatest ever needed lots of time and lots of team upgrades to get where he got.

    No one here is guaranteeing Harden CAN get where he needs to be and that the team CAN make the moves necessary. Just that it's certainly possible and WAY to early to say its IMPOSSIBLE.
  11. albuster

    albuster Member

    Feb 18, 2009
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    Wow! Are you seriously saying that the Rockets have a Michael Jordan type player now or in the future? I have always seriously doubted that Morey's analytics will translate into championship basketball and what was really disgusting was he was elevated to a basketball god by many posters. But this reference to the Jordan Bulls as a possibility of replicating itself in the future is truly a case of the imagination going over the abyss.
  12. daggy

    daggy Member

    Apr 24, 2014
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    I think McHale should be let go.

    I think the team will improve somewhat.

    I don't think any other coaches will make a huge difference. I think there are only two coaches in the recent time of NBA can really handle and improve Harden & Dwight, which are Phil Jackson & Pat Riley, because they are master manipulator of egos.

    I think Pop and Doc may have a chance, they may but they may not because they rely more on the stars self motivation.

    I think everybody else is going to have a very tough time with Harden & Dwight, the coaches don't push enough then the duo won't play hard, they push too hard the two will tune them out. Dwight has a track record of that and Harden is showing clear signs of that kind of behavior.

    It's not impossible, but it's a tall order.
  13. shortfuse3

    shortfuse3 Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    Harden is just another Melo. Won't win as the first option
    1 person likes this.
  14. TheJet

    TheJet Member

    Mar 29, 2013
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    No, it has nothing to do with comparing players. I'm using your own criteria applied to a different team.

    You said a transcendent player with dedication and fire would win a title "soon". It took MJ seven years. His Bulls teams were always in the playoffs but never won it all. Again, per your logic clearly they were staring into an abyss for five years.
  15. daggy

    daggy Member

    Apr 24, 2014
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    That's why I put a time limit on my predication.

    Deep down I think Harden will never smell the Finals, but who knows what's going to happen 10 years down the road. He may go through some personal catharsis and become a completely clean shaven serious dude, some new crazy talent can join this team and take over...

    But in the next 3-5 years...while the duo have their contracts run out, this team is not breaking through the second round and after 3-5 years we may need to go through a rebuild... how much worse can things get?

    Notice how all the posters who dispute my theory has offered no counter points, the only point has been "how do you know? you can't be so certain"... no one has pointed out bright spots in Harden's game or behavior that refute my point...how sad is that? Essentially everyone's not arguing my prediction, they just can't accept it and hold out hopes...
  16. TheJet

    TheJet Member

    Mar 29, 2013
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    I guess I wasn't clear enough. OP was using a vague and totally unfounded set of criteria for predicting the next five years for the Rockets. I took that same criteria and applied it to MJ's first years with the Bulls. OP himself said a truly transcendent player would win a ring quickly. My point was that even the GOAT didn't do that, so why abandon ship on this Rockets team?

    I realize I'm most likely spinning my wheels here but some of those claims just chaffed my hide.
  17. bmd

    bmd Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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  18. daggy

    daggy Member

    Apr 24, 2014
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    My original post said something about such players will definitely win one in their "lifetime... probably pretty soon".

    Right? I certainly didn't say they'll win one right away.

    And that post you are referring to was a response to an earlier post questioning why I would feel confident predicting a player's trajectory. So my point was with some players you would feel very confident that they'd win, some players you aren't so sure, some players you feel very confident they won't win. Such feelings may not be one hundred percent accurate, but they are not so completely baseless as well.
  19. Rockets FTW

    Rockets FTW Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    Honestly... Answer this... Who actually believes the Rockets will win a championship without adding a 3rd star (Carmelo)?

    We are good (need to prove it by winning this series)... but seriously.. who actually thought this was even a possibility with Kevin Durant and Lebron James in this league and the need to have more stars on a team...

    I just ask fans to be realistic and respectful for what Daryl Morey has done for this team. Appreciate the roster for what it is. We are here in the playoffs, because of Harden and Howard. This isn't the team that will probably win it all, but we need tribulation to grow. Heat didn't even win during the first big 3 season.
  20. TheJet

    TheJet Member

    Mar 29, 2013
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    This is me officially arguing your prediction.

    1) You're nuts. I probably should stop there but I won't.
    2) This is the first year James and Dwight have played together. After a rough start the team started showing chemistry and was playing at a high level unless Sampson left.
    3) Young team. Youngest in the playoff, yes? There is room to grow, yes even in five years.
    4) Overcoming mediocre coaching. I think most of us have come around to realizing McHale isn't the force we need to guide, manage and teach this young team.
    5) Harden. He's immature. He's NOT MJ. He's not Durant. He needs to show us that he can do in the playoffs what he's done during the season. Again, we. have. time. Anyone as good as James has been in the vast majority of his games has a good chance of playing well again.

    And my two cents: You can have a good season and not win a ring. Life's the journey not the destination. Winning it all is fantastic, but if you consider any non-championship season a life crushing disappointment then you're in for a long road my friend.

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