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The path out of mediocrity

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by CXbby, Apr 24, 2011.

  1. apollo33

    apollo33 Member

    Feb 27, 2009
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    And why in the hell would a lottery team want to swap their top 3-5 pick with K-Mart.

    What are they going to do with a 28 year old shooting guard on a young team, when they can potentially pickup a franchise player with the top pick.

    Teams that want Kevin Martin or Scola, are contenders, or borderline contenders that needs a good 2nd or 3rd proven scoring option like Kevin Martin, or a proven veteran that put up good numbers like Scola. Too bad those teams won't have top 3-5 picks.

    The only way I see us trading for a top pick is the way Cleveland picked up Clipper's pick this year. Cleveland had to absorb B-diddy's horrific contract, and send back a capable players in Mo Williams. And the only reason Clippers gave up their pick is because they found their franchise player in Griffin.

    In my opinion, we need to target teams like Sactown and Minny. They already have a solid young core, so there's a possibility they are willing to give up their pick for a proven veteran that has leadership and can contribute consistently.

    The OP is right that trading our good role players away for top picks is the best and fastest way out of mediocrity. The ideal scenario is that we trade KMart and Scola for a Top 3 pick and a horrible contract, and then we end up losing a crap load of games in the following season and end up in the lottery again. By the time those two picks are starting to become stars, the horrible contract is now an expiring contract, we trade that for good role players to surround our stars, and then we become contenders. But that ideal situation doesn't really happen often.
  2. coachbadlee

    coachbadlee Member

    Feb 5, 2010
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    Look, our only path out of mediocrity, currently, is to hire a defensive coach and get a halfway decent 5.
  3. heypartner

    heypartner Member

    Oct 27, 1999
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    it's true? What? look at history of the nba draft. are you too lazy. jesus freaking christ? do we actually think we are special?
  4. CXbby

    CXbby Member

    Dec 13, 2002
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    Wait a second. Are people really dismissing even the mere possibility that Martin is worth a top 5 pick? Wait, I didn't even say just Martin. I said Martin + ___. Which might mean the 14th pick, or Hill, or whoever. To even dare think of that means you are an idiot? Wow, y'all are some geniuses.

    Here's some reasons why a team would trade us their top 5 pick.

    There is no guarantee that a top 5 pick will mean a franchise player.

    In fact, it is almost guaranteed that in most drafts there will be top 5 picks who end up not being franchise players.

    Bad teams that stay bad for years and years usually mean they suck at evaluating talent, and botch draft after draft. Instead of potentially wasting another pick on someone that will likely bust, why not trade the pick for a sure thing like Martin? Why not trade the pick for a sure thing like Martin PLUS another pick in the lottery!

    Is that likely? I never said it was. Is it the best thing we got going? Well, that's my point.

    What exactly do you people think a top 5 pick is worth? If you can't get a franchise player(I don't mean superstar), Martin is in the class right below.

    And by YOU PEOPLE I mean the three stooges too busy sucking eachothers **** in this thread. Actually, don't even bother answering that. Just keep doing what you are doing. I don't want to break up a good thing.
  5. CXbby

    CXbby Member

    Dec 13, 2002
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    Because teams like the Clippers and Twolves have already sucked for year after year yielding them "young exciting player" after "young exciting player", and in the end with nothing to show for it except another year of suck. You know what would re-energize those franchises? Winning. Not ANOTHER "young exciting player".

    Maybe we can cross our fingers and hope they think a proven guy like Martin could be the missing piece to get them over the hump(of losing) and help them accomplish that playing next to their already established franchise players.

    Unless... they don't see a potential franchise player available. My point is there are teams incompetent enough out there that would think Randy Foye is a better player than Brandon Roy. That Tyrus Thomas is a better bet than Lamarcus Aldridge. There are teams that can't spot a franchise player if one landed on their heads. If they don't see one available, and we do, that is our ticket in.
  6. coachbadlee

    coachbadlee Member

    Feb 5, 2010
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    So you would rather the Rockets give up a sure thing and take on the possible bust?
  7. CXbby

    CXbby Member

    Dec 13, 2002
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    A possible bust if you look at history, and a likely bust if you let some of the incompetent front offices that got that pick in the first place use it. If you give that pick to ones who have proven they can identify talent like ours, it would be a likely franchise player. In fact, like I have stated many times, and again in this thread, I would only want Morey to trade Martin for an already identified potential franchise player. A guy with a name. Not just ANY top 5 pick in ANY draft, which again as I've already stated, has a crap shoots chance of turning out to be a franchise player or not.
  8. heypartner

    heypartner Member

    Oct 27, 1999
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    Yes. because it is stupid to think we can get there. you have proven it. you have proven how hard it is. Aldridge and Roy took a top pick. Boston used a top pick to land Allen...etc.

    get over yourself and rise up to reality. trading into the Top 5 without a high pick is nearly impossible...what? are you an NFL fan or sumpin
  9. heypartner

    heypartner Member

    Oct 27, 1999
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    because now that the Rockets have no other choice to win...we hope.
  10. coachbadlee

    coachbadlee Member

    Feb 5, 2010
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    BTW, "super genius", Morey has been rebuilding the team over the past couple of seasons. If you were to check again, the Rockets are already one of the youngest teams in the league and we are only a player or two away from making some serious noise. A lot of fans are too busy swinging from superstars nutz to see that. It would be a bad move to trade away our top scorer just to take a chance on a possible bust. It would be better to trade Lowry+_ in an attempt to get a top 5 pick.
  11. heypartner

    heypartner Member

    Oct 27, 1999
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    happy easter
  12. CXbby

    CXbby Member

    Dec 13, 2002
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    Stupid? Wow. Really.

    I have had good impressions of you in the past partner but clearly the recent turn of events have hit you harder than most.

    Not sure what exactly you would like me to prove. I am merely speculating. I am sorry that is stupid to you. Or that you think I should "get over myself". Here are some past examples of teams trading up for high picks, without the use of their own high picks.

    2007. 5th pick traded for Wally Szczerbiak, Delonte West, and Ray Allen. Not sure how in the world you are using this to support your argument.

    2006. 8th pick along with Stromile Swift traded for Shane Battier.

    2004. 5th pick along with Jerry Stackhouse and Christian Laettner traded for Antawn Jamison.

    2004. 7th pick traded for future conditional 1st round pick and 31st pick in 2004 draft.

    2002. 7th pick along with Marcus Campy and Mark Jackson traded for Antonio McDyess, Frank Williams, and a future second round pick.

    2001. 2nd pick along with Brian Skinner traded for Elton Brand.

    2001. 3rd pick along with Lorenzen Wright and Brevin Knight traded for Shareef Abdur-Rahim and the 27th pick in the 2001 draft.

    2001. 7th pick traded for the 13th, 18th, and 23rd pick in the 2001 draft.

    2000. 9th pick traded for the 15th pick in the 2000 draft and a future first round pick.

    1995. 2nd pick along with Randy Woods traded for Rodney Rogers and the 15th pick of the 1995 draft.

    1995. 8th pick traded for the 18th, 19th, and 58th pick of the 1995 draft.

    1990. 3rd pick traded for the 9th and 15th pick of the 1990 draft.

    Should I have said "top 8 pick" instead? The point is still exactly the same. As we know, franchise players are not limited to only the top 5 picks in a draft. The reason I used that as a cut off line is one part arbitrary and the other part how I value Martin. However it is not a requirement to get your franchise player. Obviously if the pick gets too far outside of top 10 then the odds get far too low. Looking at the "high" picks in the past we see plenty of them have been traded for veterans, or multiple lower picks. Plenty of those are even your "top 5 picks".

    Pairing with another high pick is not nearly the requirement you make it out to be, even though that has happened plenty of times before as well.

    So again I ask. Stupid? Really? Rise up to reality? Which reality is it that you would like me to rise up to? I did not include you in the "three stooges" comment so I expect much higher quality.
    #72 CXbby, Apr 25, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2011
  13. conquistador#11

    Jun 30, 2006
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    All the teams drafting in the top five do not want someone late in their 20's and with that contract.
    Also, Martin is one hell of a player, if you trade him, chances are you will not get equal value. There is only option...Morey's computer coaches the team, We win 24 games, keeping the current roster while still getting that "star" everyone wants with our own lottery pick.

    Hi! I'm Daryl and I can simulate the Roster for the 2012-2013 if you reboot me now.
    <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/hoy_en_la_revolucion/5652921425/" title="Blue by The son of krypton, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5063/5652921425_bd2054a384.jpg" width="500" height="361" alt="Blue"></a>
  14. jopatmc

    jopatmc Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    Draft picks are a crap shoot. You are three times as likely to end up with a Marvin Williams at the top of the draft as you are a Chris Paul. And the whole notion of just being able to pick off a superstar either out of the top of the draft or by trading for one already proven in the NBA at the drop of a hat is ludicrous.

    The whole league is onto the superstar thing. Every team in the league knows that superstars are worth more than 2 or 3 stars when it comes to wins and box office attraction. So, until the system changes, it's going to be very difficult to trade for a superstar. Do you think there is any team in the league, including the Miami Heat, who could swing a trade for Blake Griffin??? Do you think there is any team in the league, including the Clippers, that could swing a trade for Lebron??? It's all in the timing. Only at the right time can you trade for a superstar. They have to be available, which none of them are available right now. If they were, they would be traded. And then once they're available, it's usually at the end of their contract, so the superstar player holds a lot of leverage because they are a superstar. This is a superstar league. It caters to them. You have to understand that going in. That is why we traded Pippen as soon as he wanted out years ago. There was no use in keeping an unhappy superstar. It's a franchise killer. He got traded for 50 cents on the dollar. But it was the best available deal for the franchise at that time.

    There are NO superstars on the market who are on rookie contracts that aren't in their option year or their last year!!!! That's why I said above, NOBODY can trade for Griffin right now.

    In light of all this, why would you want to trade arguably your best player for a #5 pick in the draft???? And in a weak draft at that? It makes no sense.

    Lowry, Martin, Patterson are being reserved for a trade for a superstar because they are our best players.

    You trade a little bit of your core to get younger, get more potential to develop and you keep getting a little bit younger every season and hopefully a bit improved, until an opportunity comes along to trade for a superstar.

    This draft....has two pretty good players in it (Irving & Williams). Will they turn out to be superstars on the level with Rose and Durant?? That is probably unlikely. I like both guys. But I wouldn't be willing to sell out our core to get either one. We should keep upgrading by trading for undervalued guys until there is a Chris Paul, Deron Williams, and/or Dwight Howard available.
  15. LongTimeFan

    LongTimeFan Member

    Oct 6, 2001
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    Agreed. I'm shocked at how many people are attacking you -- I wouldn't have a problem with them disagreeing, but acting like you're way off base? That's just silly and makes me question THEIR knowledge.

    Minnesota would be a team to target as willing to give up their draft pick. They've been in the lottery year after year and their fans, GM and owner are sick of it. Their GM pronounced they were done rebuilding -- what good is another young rookie going to do them? They would jump at the chance to swap another high pick for a SG (POSITION OF NEED FOR THEM) like Kevin Martin.

    While most teams in the top five picks are bad teams, not everyone is in the same situation.
  16. CXbby

    CXbby Member

    Dec 13, 2002
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    1. Draft picks are a crap shoot? Myth. They are only a crap shoot in the wrong hands. I've spent multiple posts in this thread addressing this.

    2. Superstar? Notice I have not used that term. In fact I clearly distinguish between a "superstar" and a "franchise player" in one of the posts in this thread. There are only like 5 superstars in the league, and they are usually highly touted coming in. There is no way you get them for Martin, even before they've proven themselves. On the other hand franchise players like Brandon Roy, Amare, Dirk, Paul Pierce etc. had enough questions about them going into the draft that it is possible to fleece an ill-prepared team. I've given examples of the incompetence of many teams who traded away franchise players for guys who can barely stay in the league now. Multiple times. In this thread.

    3. Why would I trade arguable our best player for the 5th pick in this weak draft? Well first of all, that is exactly what the OP is for, explaining exactly why I would trade Martin for a high pick, for a chance at a franchise player. Secondly, I have explained MULTIPLE TIMES, more than any other point, that it doesn't have to be THIS draft. That it doesn't matter which draft, as long as Morey identifies the potential franchise player FIRST, before trading for him. In fact if you just look a few post back I was harping on this again.

    No offense, but it is crystal clear to me that the only post of mine you have read in this thread is the one you quoted. Because every one of your concerns have been addressed, some ad nauseum just to make sure everyone understands what I am saying, in this thread. By me.

    In a thread still on the front page, you told me that the Lowry/Brooks discussion was over. For me to discuss now and the future. Except in that thread not ONCE did I bring up the Lowry/Brooks discussion. Similarly in this thread, you simply did not read the discussion before hand.

    I implore you to please do so in the future before jumping to conclusions and telling me I don't make sense. That way you won't miss out on the answers to your questions that I otherwise would have to regurgitate.
  17. Sweet Lou 4 2

    Sweet Lou 4 2 Member
    Supporting Member

    Dec 16, 2007
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    Teams like the clippers don't want to spend money on verterns. Do you pay attention???? You think the clippers would trade away the pick to Blake Griffen for K-mart? That's absurd.

    If I was the T-wolves or Clippers or anyone under 30 wins, I wouldn't trade away ANY draft pick for Kevin Martin. Do you not comprehend why?

    These teams get rid of their veterens for draft picks, not the other way around.
  18. CXbby

    CXbby Member

    Dec 13, 2002
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    Wow. Blake Griffin for K-Mart? Really? I'm done here. I am not going to keep repeating myself like a broken record just because people apparently have the attention span of a gnat and can't read for themselves. Read. On a forum. Made for reading. I know, a revelation.

    You want me to answer that? Go ****ing look for it yourself. I already have.
    #78 CXbby, Apr 25, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2011
  19. W22_STREAK

    W22_STREAK Member

    Apr 14, 2008
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    Didn't you just describe the Golden State Warriors of the whole of the last 20 years???
  20. CXbby

    CXbby Member

    Dec 13, 2002
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    The hilarious part is that there apparently is a group who ardently believe that Martin is much too valuable to trade for a high pick, meanwhile there is another group who with equal fervor believe it is an unthinkable pipedream to even wonder out loud if we could get a high pick for Martin. You would think that these two groups would be fundamentally opposed with eachother offering some tasty fireworks.

    Nope. They haven't even acknowledged eachother. Instead it is a kumbaya joining of the hands circle jerk to dump on the OP.

    That's how you do it Clutchfans. I am the human meat bridge that binds the polar opposites of the universe. Revere me.
    #80 CXbby, Apr 25, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2011

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