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[Yahoo] Lowry is younger, better, cheaper than Alston.

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Spacemoth, Feb 19, 2009.

  1. durvasa

    durvasa Member

    Feb 11, 2006
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    Well, I don't think Alston and Brooks were redundant. Alston had superior size, and I thought he was a good defender for us.
  2. SF3isBack!!

    SF3isBack!! Member

    Oct 2, 2007
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  3. knickstorm

    knickstorm Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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    hater can hate all they want, if we didnt have rafer we'd have lost a lot more games.......i just hope when this move blows up kd and everyone else doesnt start writing "ohh well, no one saw this coming."
  4. robbie380

    robbie380 ლ(▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿ლ)
    Supporting Member

    Aug 16, 2002
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  5. durvasa

    durvasa Member

    Feb 11, 2006
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    Saying Alston is a better shooter makes sense. Lowry doesn't shoot 35% from three.

    Alston is a better scorer? Hmm ... not so sure about that.
  6. larsv8

    larsv8 Member

    Nov 11, 2007
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    Look at thier hotzones. Both are kinda speedy spot up shooters. Both a little sub par finishers. Lowry is completely different, gives us more depth in terms of players who can different things.
  7. tiger0330

    tiger0330 Member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    Mixed reviews on this trade from fans, writers and NBA professionals. Orlando thought Rafer was better than Lowry to replace Nelson, Morey thinks Lowry is better than Rafer. Dwyer is pro Lowry, Perna is pro Alston. According to Clutch's poll 63% of the fans think this is a bad trade. I guess will have to see, I know for sure its going to be an adjustment for Lowry, he has never played in a half court set offense but I hope he learns fast.
  8. kwng

    kwng Member

    Jan 1, 2003
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    Lowry is defintely younger and cheaper but as for better that Rafer, that is not true. Not at the moment but maybe a few years down the road (MAYBE).
  9. StevieCrossover

    Nov 1, 2007
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    lol!!! That's what I was thinking.
  10. michecon

    michecon Member

    May 19, 2002
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    LOL, what? You forbid readers to interpret the trade as a dumb move, even though you stated they forgo the younger, better in about every matrices, cheaper one, and jumped through hoop to acquire the less one? Tell you what, give up writing, or like Tmac, hire someone to scream: how can you do this to me?

    You write, Iread. You have your opinions, I have my comments about the things I read. Leave your other name calling childish antics at home. Your personal comment certainly won't affect anything, I'm secure enough in who I am, just like Yao Ming won't be this and that just because of the comments from the press.
  11. knickstorm

    knickstorm Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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    doesnt matter if he's cheaper, because the other people coming over basically even the salary out..........lowry is a 2 guard who has to play point cause of size.........he's got so little real pg experience, there's no way this move isn't a bust......he wasnt even the PG on nova when he was in college.
  12. knickstorm

    knickstorm Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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    seriously, i work in the media, the worst thing you can do, is go on a message board and start calling people ignorant, regardless of what they say about you....
  13. cyq1857

    cyq1857 New Member

    Feb 19, 2009
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    o,i think the houston coach like stronger pg just like bibby. :p .i think lowry is good at finishing in the paint.he is more strong and more younger.we can go and see for 10 or 20 games what he can contribute to houston.
  14. Deckard

    Deckard Blade Runner
    Supporting Member

    Mar 28, 2002
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    michecon, I'm really having a difficult time understanding your high dudgeon in regards to the OP and KD's column. Both expressed their opinions. No one has forbidden you anything. Honestly, you are, as durvasa said, difficult to understand at times. I respect you and most of your posts, but I think you're off-base in this instance. You act as if Kelly is spamming here, and he's been a valued member of the BBS for many years. I just don't get it.
  15. NewRoxFan

    NewRoxFan Member

    Feb 22, 2002
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    Kelly, sorry for the threadjack, but in the past did you used to follow and write about the Warriors?

    Bringing the conversation back on topic, agree with the comment about CC being the best sports discussion board. By far. I am one that is a bit disappointed in the trade, but I don't see it as really bad trade. I like Skip as a player (hard to find pass first PGs) and for the effort he made here in Houston and if someone would have proposed this trade earlier as a direct one for one trade (or even if smeone proposed a Lowry and Cook for Skip trade) I would have said... does that include a future #1 pick? But the deal is done, Lowry is a Rocket, and we will have to see how it plays out.

    btw, welcome to Houston Kyle. Here is the most important play you need to learn... pass the ball into that big guy wearing #11. You can't miss him; he's 7'6". Then cut to the basket and keep your eyes open. End of playbook.
  16. torontosky1018

    Feb 19, 2009
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    he is much younger, a bit stronger and much :) cheaper than Kidd.
  17. DCkid

    DCkid Member

    Oct 15, 2001
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    I honestly am scratching my head over this one. Definitely never noticed this. In fact, I'd say I would feel the exact opposite. I always thought one of his strengths was always making good crisp passes. Whether it be kick-outs for open threes, swinging the ball quickly and accurately so players get open shots in rhythm, or yes dumping the ball down into the post. Not to mention the lack of turnovers given the amount of minutes played. He definitely was weak on his ability to dish the ball in the lane, especially on the fast break. But passing in general has always seemed to be one of his strengths to me, and I don't think the evidence is there, at least not yet, to say Lowry is as good as Rafer in this regard.

    Anyway, my main concern with this is just how these two youngsters will be able to run the offense. With McGrady gone, we don't have anyone else on the team who can even help with this, so it's all on them. Rafer was tough and wasn't afraid to waive players off when they asked for the ball when there were better options, he wouldn't be afraid to tell people where to go to start up a play. He'd get the ball up the court quickly and make the right pass to start the offense. I would feel a lot better if we had a SG or SF with some strong leadership skills to at least take some of the pressure off Lowry and Brooks. But that's not the case.

    The best scenario is this will have the exact same outcome as Rajon Rondo in Boston, who also faced a lot of questions about whether he could run an offense that could contend for a championship. Of course Rajon had a lot of other smart, high-bb-iq players around him.
    #77 DCkid, Feb 20, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2009
  18. NotInMyHouse

    NotInMyHouse Member

    Apr 1, 2008
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    Right and we probably won't be utilizing Lowry from behind the arc, so does it matter much really? I think we'll have to see how the homestond turns out and how things shape up from there. Im optimistic and excited. Now people can move onto blaming Yao, Shane or Ron exclusively for the team's woes. The two favorite whipping boys have either been traded or are "allegedly" out for the season.
  19. fmp087

    fmp087 Member

    Nov 18, 2007
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    It should be interesting to see how the Rockets respond without Rafer in the lineup. I hope AB responds, we will need consistent shooting from him.

    I still don't know about Lowry, I think it is better to judge the trade after we have seen him play with the team.
  20. Easy

    Easy Boban Only Fan
    Supporting Member

    Jul 23, 2002
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    My main concern with Lowry is his 3pt shooting. You've got to be able to knock down the 3 when you play with Yao because defenders are going to cheat off of you if they know you can't make the long shot.

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