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Why the liberals are so panicked about Obamacare: incompetence, arrogance and deception

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by bigtexxx, Nov 15, 2013.

  1. bigtexxx

    bigtexxx Contributing Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    The cliff notes:
    1. Pure incompetence -- couldn't even get the website to work
    2. The arrogance. Five million freely chosen, freely purchased, freely renewed health-care plans are summarily canceled. Why? Because they don’t meet some arbitrary standard set by the experts in Washington.
    3. Deception. Toss millions of the insured off their plans and onto the Obamacare “exchanges,” where they would be forced into more expensive insurance packed with coverage they don’t want and don’t need — so that the overcharge can be used to subsidize others.

    Why liberals are panicked about Obamacare

    “Even if it takes a change to the law, the president should honor the commitment the federal government made to those people and let them keep what they got.”

    — Bill Clinton, Nov. 12

    So the former president asserts that the current president continues to dishonor his “you like your plan, you can keep your plan” pledge. And calls for the Affordable Care Act to be changed, despite furious White House resistance to the very idea.

    Coming from the dean of the Democratic Party, this one line marked the breaching of the dam. It legitimized the brewing rebellion of panicked Democrats against Obamacare. Within hours, that rebellion went loudly public. By Thursday, President Obama had been forced into a rear-guard holding action, asking insurers to grant a one-year extension of current plans.

    The damage to the Obama presidency, however, is already done. His approval rating has fallen to 39 percent, his lowest ever. And, for the first time, a majority considers him untrustworthy. That bond is not easily repaired.

    At stake, however, is more than the fate of one presidency or of the current Democratic majority in the Senate. At stake is the new, more ambitious, social-democratic brand of American liberalism introduced by Obama, of which Obamacare is both symbol and concrete embodiment.

    Precisely when the GOP was returning to a more constitutionalist conservatism committed to reforming, restructuring and reining in the welfare state (see, for example, the Paul Ryan Medicare reform passed by House Republicans with near-unanimity), Obama offered a transformational liberalism designed to expand the role of government, enlarge the welfare state and create yet more new entitlements (see, for example, his call for universal preschool in his most recent State of the Union address).

    The centerpiece of this vision is, of course, Obamacare, the most sweeping social reform in the past half-century, affecting one-sixth of the economy and directly touching the most vital area of life of every citizen.

    As the only socially transformational legislation in modern American history to be enacted on a straight party-line vote, Obamacare is wholly owned by the Democrats. Its unraveling would catastrophically undermine their underlying ideology of ever-expansive central government providing cradle-to-grave care for an ever-grateful citizenry.

    For four years, this debate has been theoretical. Now it’s real. And for Democrats, it’s a disaster.

    It begins with the bungled rollout. If Washington can’t even do the Web site — the literal portal to this brave new world — how does it propose to regulate the vast ecosystem of American medicine?

    Beyond the competence issue is the arrogance. Five million freely chosen, freely purchased, freely renewed health-care plans are summarily canceled. Why? Because they don’t meet some arbitrary standard set by the experts in Washington.

    For all his news conference gyrations about not deliberately deceiving people with his “if you like it” promise, the law Obama so triumphantly gave us allows you to keep your plan only if he likes it. This is life imitating comedy — that old line about a liberal being someone who doesn’t care what you do as long as it’s mandatory.

    Lastly, deception. The essence of the entitlement state is government giving away free stuff. Hence Obamacare would provide insurance for 30 million uninsured, while giving everybody tons of free medical services — without adding “one dime to our deficits,” promised Obama.

    This being inherently impossible, there had to be a catch. Now we know it: hidden subsidies. Toss millions of the insured off their plans and onto the Obamacare “exchanges,” where they would be forced into more expensive insurance packed with coverage they don’t want and don’t need — so that the overcharge can be used to subsidize others.

    The reaction to the incompetence, arrogance and deception has ranged from ridicule to anger. But more is in jeopardy than just panicked congressional Democrats. This is the signature legislative achievement of the Obama presidency, the embodiment of his new entitlement-state liberalism. If Obamacare goes down, there will be little left of its underlying ideology.

    Perhaps it won’t go down. Perhaps the Web portal hums beautifully on Nov. 30. Perhaps they’ll find a way to restore the canceled policies without wrecking the financial underpinning of the exchanges.

    Perhaps. The more likely scenario, however, is that Obamacare does fail. It either fails politically, renounced by a wide consensus that includes a growing number of Democrats, or it succumbs to the financial complications (the insurance “death spiral”) of the very amendments desperately tacked on to save it.

    If it does fail, the effect will be historic. Obamacare will take down with it more than Mary Landrieu and Co. It will discredit Obama’s new liberalism for years to come.

  2. ArtV

    ArtV Contributing Member

    Jun 25, 2002
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    yeah but he fixed it

    ROXTXIA Contributing Member

    Apr 25, 2000
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    An article written by Charles Krauthammer, one of the leading misguided far-right can't-take-him-seriously pundits. Put a keyboard or a microphone in front of him and bad things happen.

    I'm sure there's some truth in here somewhere, but it's buried in so much here's-my-agenda claptrap that it doesn't really amount to much.
  4. mc mark

    mc mark Contributing Member

    Aug 31, 1999
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    You notice when any of the crazies post a Krauthammer piece they never reference him?

  5. bigtexxx

    bigtexxx Contributing Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    It's telling when all the liberals can offer is an attack on the author, rather than anything of substance on the content itself.

    nuff said
  6. JuanValdez

    JuanValdez Contributing Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    1. Is true. The incompetence is shameful.

    2. I don't see why the cancellation story has legs. Of course allowing substandard policies won't be possible in a world with insurance mandates. This is Obamacare opponents capitalizing on people's fear of change. Its a public policy nonissue to me -- in fact, the concession of nominally allowing the continuation of these insurance policies is worse than the decision to axe them.

    3. Socializing the costs of handling calamity is the philosophical underpinning of insurance, generally. People who have a problem with this don't understand insurance.

    So, I'll give you that website thing. The project management there was terrible. Otherwise... why is there a new thread for this? Isn't this the same recycled complaints featured in the main Obamacare thread?
  7. bigtexxx

    bigtexxx Contributing Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    on point #2. You have to put this in context. Obama TOLD PEOPLE that they could keep their plans. So people expected to be able to do that. Then he moved the goalposts, saying they could only keep them if they met his standards.

    on point #3. It gets back to the lie that Obama told -- he knew that these people would have their plans cancelled, and he NEEDED them to be cancelled so they could buy more expensive plans, which would subsidize the rest of his plan.
  8. CrazyDave

    CrazyDave Contributing Member

    Nov 21, 2002
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    glad I refreshed before posting. JuanValdez said it better than I was going to.

    I'll add that I don't see how these usual talking points and hyperbole here equate to "liberals panicking" and "the end of his neo-liberal blah blah" any more today than they did yesterday.... and so I will parrot the question...

    Why is this a new thread?
  9. CrazyDave

    CrazyDave Contributing Member

    Nov 21, 2002
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    I do agree, he should have been more clear/ less deceptive about what the possibilities for change were regarding ability to keep coverage. That was a mistake. I guess I'm not surprised at the resulting situation, but that doesn't excuse how they handled it. That said, I think the outrage as usual is trumped up for political effect... finding every example they can to make things appear worse than they might be.

    If your #3 answer refers to your #2 answer, it just seems more of the same. I don't agree with your assessment of the intent or 'purpose' of how it was handled, but I do agree with the fact it was handled very poorly.
  10. Codman

    Codman Contributing Member

    Jun 24, 2001
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    For a person that always cries when someone uses "name-calling," this is hypocritical and shows pure desperation.
  11. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Did anyone else get a $100 bill in the mail from Obama? I received a xeroxed letter from Obama with a crisp hundred attached that said:

    "Thanks for standing by me and supporting me. We will get this healthcare straightened out even if I have to bankrupt every corporation in America."
  12. bigtexxx

    bigtexxx Contributing Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    nothing hypocritical about it. Obama's been a complete failure. He was unqualified for the role to begin with and has done nothing but prove that point ever since.
  13. ArtV

    ArtV Contributing Member

    Jun 25, 2002
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    #2 was the whole reason for yesterday's speech. And while that's all it was, just another speech, it was a very big deal.

    Supposedly there was supposed to be a grandfather clause that would allow existing policies to remain. Truth or Lie...that's what he said. Of course he could be lying again because they need those people on their rolls. That is what insurance companies based their Obamacare rates on. So insurance companies knew those people were going to be cancelled. Was Obama really the last to know? Or did he just not care about the fallout? It's really one or the other and either way that's our leader.

    And saying all the cancelled policies are substandard is a false blanket statement. Yes there were some, but Obamacare added features that, excluding physical miracles, you will have to pay for but you will never use. Maternaty coverage for a male? Really? Not having that made it substandard? Should I be forced to purchase flood insurance even if I live on Mt Everest. The force payment on items like that is used to help pay for the people living in the bayou - true flood prone areas. That's how Obamacare works. Making everyone pay for something they won't use to help pay the costs of those that do. But cancelling decent policies in an effort to raise money to help fund this is just wrong.
  14. JuanValdez

    JuanValdez Contributing Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    Aside from misleading, that characterization of the context isn't terribly relevant. Your original #2 was alleging the problem was the cancellation of the policies. Now, you're saying the problem was not the cancellations but that he lied about there not being cancellations. You can make them separate bullets or something. Cancellations are good. Lies from politicians are bad, but par for the course.

    But, with all the criticism of this 'keep your insurance' whatever, I wonder how he could have handled it differently. Obviously, just saying 'if you like your insurance, you probably won't get to keep it because it won't comply with our new standards,' is probably bad marketing. Instead they'd have to wage some PR war on the individual health insurance market and criticize the insurance companies for predatory tactics like selling insurance that proves to be inadequate in times of need. But that would kinda piss off an industry that you're partnering with to create these exchanges, so it doesn't seem like a great option. I suppose the other option is to say nothing on it, and risk defeat. Anyone know of another politically viable option than what Obama actually went with?
  15. JuanValdez

    JuanValdez Contributing Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    I don't understand this criticism. I have group coverage through my employer that covers maternity. No one is crying about that one. This is how insurance works. If you want coverage for only those injuries and illnesses that actually afflict you, it's called... uninsured.
  16. bigtexxx

    bigtexxx Contributing Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    are you kidding me? Telling the truth = "bad marketing"

    you cannot be serious. How about find a plan that doesn't require lying to the American public about in order to muster up some support. Even then all he could get was a party line vote at the last minute from congress. unbelievable.
  17. ArtV

    ArtV Contributing Member

    Jun 25, 2002
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    Reaching on the uninsured comment. If I have a policy that pays for the features that I need (excludes maternity) and you cancel it, raise my rates by $100 a month so that you can give me a new policy that includes maternity...you think that's ok? AND you think I owned a substandard policy before because it wasn't included therefore you're doing me a huge solid???
  18. Air Langhi

    Air Langhi Contributing Member

    Aug 26, 2000
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    I don't think most people really understand how insurance works. For a large majority of people they will put in more to insurance than they will ever get out. Otherwise the whole system breaks down.
  19. GladiatoRowdy

    GladiatoRowdy Contributing Member

    Oct 15, 2002
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    You seem to be assuming that maternity coverage is the only extra benefit that the $100 gives you, it isn't. There is the elimination of lifetime benefits caps, the inability to drop you for a "preexisting condition," and a great many other benefits. Stop acting like the only thing the extra money gives you is something you don't want or need.
  20. ArtV

    ArtV Contributing Member

    Jun 25, 2002
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    I've been working in the insurance industry for 15+ years. We sell different offerings with different riders all. the. time. and have for over a 100 years. You're watching waaay too much MSNBC if you think you HAVE to have it all or the system breaks down. Sometimes it's packaged up for convenience, but you can get it separate and it's all still good.

    Should everyone be force to get the whole cable package so that we can keep the rates lower and add more channels? I mean really, I could care less if the golf channel disappeared tomorrow.

    Should everyone be forced to buy pet insurance, even non pet owners, so that it can lower the premiums and costs of those who do have pets - especially the sick ones?

    Should I be forced to buy 10 fruits and vegetables or the store won't process my other purchases? I mean that is what I need right?

    You can keep going and going on this but the bottom line is chaos will not breakout if you are allowed to pick and choose what you choose to purchase.

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