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Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Old Man Rock, Jun 26, 2002.

  1. Old Man Rock

    Old Man Rock Contributing Member

    Oct 23, 1999
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    Disregard this crap thread... Ming is CoMING

    This is just an opinion, so you take it for what it’s worth, but I don’t believe the CBA is going to sign off on Ming before the draft.

    I believe he does have some real concerns about Yao defecting. (stupid Wang!)… But I also believe he doesn’t see what he stands to gain if he signs before Yao is drafted. So why sign anything… If the Rockets want Yao bad enough they will draft him irregardless and even if they don’t surely some other team will. So what if Yao is not drafted number 1. Some team will still need the commish’s signature.

    So now I have two theories.

    1) The commish knows if he signs something it may not be everything he wants but if he waits till the Rockets draft Ming (big if) he will have more control on what Yao will have to agree to if he wants to play in NBA. So he waits till after the draft. And now the Rockets or forced to agree to his terms. Not a bad situation to be in.

    My second theory is more of the conspiracy part.

    2) Why isn’t he signing over? Is he really worried about Yao defecting? Maybe. What does he stand to lose? Money? Maybe. but I think as the commissioner it shouldn’t be an issue, at least not like the Sharks situation. But maybe that’s the problem. Maybe he saw all this money thrown at the Sharks to get there signature and know they just want him to sign off for nothing… Maybe he thinks that's an insult and he's saying to himself, "I am not signing anything until someone makes me rich too". (No disrespect but it is my experience this is the chinese way) So he holds Yao hostage until someone hands over some bucks.

    So now the question is if we don't get the signature what do we do?

    Okay so this Yao s@#t is making me batty!
    #1 Old Man Rock, Jun 26, 2002
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2002
  2. Refman

    Refman Member

    Mar 31, 2002
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    If we don't get the signature it is too risky to pick Yao Ming. Period. End of quote.

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