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Trading the #18 Pick

Discussion in 'NBA Draft' started by ghettocheeze, May 20, 2015.

  1. Zoplicone

    Zoplicone Member

    Feb 23, 2013
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    Cool. I barely follow college ball. Too invested in the nba. I thought they said it was a three player draft with towns, okafor and Russell.
  2. malakas

    malakas Member

    Nov 8, 2014
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    that's coz Mudiay was in China instead of college to support his family instead of slaving away to the NCAA for free. Then he got injured (not seriously) midseason but missed games and his team, as any pro team with championship aspirations, got another pg to replace him.
    If I were the Knicks I would try to convince Melo to take away his Non Trade Clause and ship him to the Lakers for the #2 and Randle and build from there with two bigs and one guard star prospect.
  3. SooneRockStro

    SooneRockStro Member

    Jun 24, 1999
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    Need a defensive minded PG who can shoot.
  4. Zoplicone

    Zoplicone Member

    Feb 23, 2013
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    I don't think LA would do that. Even if Kobe insists. They will have cap space though, Rondo Kobe Melo.
  5. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    Yeah. That's one reason why I'm willing to trade 18 (and 32 for that matter) and a player for a higher pick in next year's draft. Kris Dunn would have been ideal this year with his size, athleticism, defense, and shooting ability. He'll be there next year....likely a top 10 pick. We'll have to get into the top 10 somehow to get him.
  6. malakas

    malakas Member

    Nov 8, 2014
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    Good news bballholic in regards to your sig.. I heard from one of our Bucks insider that many teams dn't like Kaminsky and he may fall to you guys.

    as to trading for next year is a big risk because the draft is before free agency and free agency will determine the projections for next season. Btw Flip Saunders wants Tyus Jones badly and will try to trade Bjelica and 31 plus smth. That's another good opportunity for Morrey. Bjelica is the Euroleague mvp and if he can get the full MLE he can be convinced to come over. He is an excellent point forward.
  7. AndySwanny

    AndySwanny Member

    Apr 3, 2013
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    Looney is so raw. He's a project and won't contribute for a couple years.

    If we want a PF to replace Jones, Bobby Portis is a great look. He reminds me of Al Horford 2.0. Same size, crazy quick feet on defense, great shooting stroke, and next level work ethic and motor.

    The only issue is if he'll still be on the board. It'll be close. I see a lot of mocks having Boston take him at 16, but with Olynk and Sullinger developing, that doesn't seem like their priority. They need a wing.
  8. malakas

    malakas Member

    Nov 8, 2014
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    While I agree about Looney Portis doesn't remind me of Horford at all.
    But he's a guy who will a) most likely as one can be for a rookie will contribute immediately b) does everything well c) good work ethic . But not flashes of a big ceiling. That's why if Jones is to be traded he imo would be the best immediate replacement. Ainge will try to trade up. If he will not and Dekker is off the boards I see him trying to shoot for the fences with Grant or Payne. They have too many middling prospects alr.
  9. AndySwanny

    AndySwanny Member

    Apr 3, 2013
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    YES. 100%. Kris Dunn is amazing. I was bummed he didn't come out this year because he would've had a better chance of falling to us. He would be the perfect fit.
  10. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    Looney is raw. But he's not as raw as Capela was. And you see what's happening with Capela right now.

    And Looney is a player that I believe can fit in quick. Because of his combination of athleticism, crazy length, AND his ability to shoot the basketball from distance.

    Raw, yes. Like...........Lamar Odom raw.

    I think if we drafted Looney that he would find his way into the rotation by the end of next season. I believe he's that good.

    Which brings me to the point that I believe and that others are making. I can't see Morey drafting a kid at 18 that is going to ride the bench for a couple years. So, if he drafts a kid at 18, I think he really believes in that kid. If he takes Tyus I have to believe that Tyus is going to start or at least be the first backup PG off the bench for us as a rookie.

    But I do believe Looney is special. Can't see Morey taking Tyus if Looney is on the board at 18.
  11. AndySwanny

    AndySwanny Member

    Apr 3, 2013
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    Watch some highlights again with the comparison in mind, and I feel like you'll agree.

    The shooting form is near identical. They both have a very simple post up game. Basically a series of hooks and up-and-unders. Similar tendencies as the roll-man. Pick and pop to the mid-range. Portis is slightly larger, but only an inch or two in wingspan and height. They prefer a low ground game, but have the ability to make a nice dunk every now and then. They both have a good motor and BB IQ. Not flashy, but intelligent passers. Excel at moving feet on defense to keep up with quicker players.

    I'm not saying he'll become Horford, but I think that's what his game will look like if he hits his full potential. I may just be stuck on that though haha.
  12. AndySwanny

    AndySwanny Member

    Apr 3, 2013
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    Cut some out to keep the length down, but good points on the Capela stuff. Wouldn't have dreamed he would look this good already so you may be right there.

    I didn't like Tyus at all at first, but the more I watch, the more I like him. He's got a little of that Mike Conley in him. He's quick, always makes the smart play, and has crazy poise. If he could make that 3 pointer similarly from NBA range, I think he's a solid prospect.
  13. NBAandNFLFan

    NBAandNFLFan Member

    Oct 17, 2014
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    RJ Hunter

    Terry Rozier with the Knicks 2nd rounder
  14. malakas

    malakas Member

    Nov 8, 2014
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    Cyber said that a pg probably will be drafted. So no trades likely. Time to get familiar with Tyus Jones because the other good pgs won't drop to 18?
  15. malakas

    malakas Member

    Nov 8, 2014
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    Portis looks to be slow to be al horford. Just my opinion. I am not very impressed with his potential but well..you can say that IF he reaches his absolute ceiling sure he can be an all star like Horford. But reaching his ceiling is smth that very rarely happens for any prospect.
  16. Normalus

    Normalus Member

    Dec 10, 2011
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    Delon Wright would fit into our team much better. Harden likes to handle the ball and Tyus is wortless without the ball in his hands. In addition his on ball defense is awfull and our Conference full of elite point-guards, I don't think he can keep up. Delon may be much older, but we are not a rebuilding team and he can deliver right away with his defense...

  17. malakas

    malakas Member

    Nov 8, 2014
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    From Chad Ford's new Mock draft 5.0 that was published yesterday. (in)
    Well if the analytics say so what do we know? (BTW I disagree that Jones is useless without the ball. He can shoot fairly well.)

    Ford has Payne at 14 to OKC, Grant falling to 20 to the Raptors, Wright at 22 to the Bulls and Rozier at 29 to the Nets.
    BTW also draftexpress has Grant falling. Last week they both had him a lottery pick. Strange. I think he didn't do well in his interviews.
  18. Normalus

    Normalus Member

    Dec 10, 2011
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    It's not all about shooting (and he's not even close to be any great shooter), saw many games he does nothing without the ball, just standing around. Just watching how Wright played last season you can clearly see the type of game we play and he can help us right away both offensively and defensively guarding Westbrook, CP3, Lillard and some clutch 2-guards as well, like JJ Redick. Jones is slow laterally and every single PG in NBA will destroy him on a first step, ISO after ISO.

    Who cares about his confidence and point-guard skills if we have Harden in there? Just imagine Harden and Jones both on the court, opp guards would be feasting on us all day long...hell no, I rather have great defender and above average playmaker. Jones is young, he may improve, sure, he may be a starter in 2-3 years but we are contenders and we need someone to make impact right away like Capela did.
  19. malakas

    malakas Member

    Nov 8, 2014
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    Capela is not the rule. Most rookies don't improve like him and contribute straight away in the playoffs nonetheless. If you have such high expectations from every rookie drafted that low then you are set to be dissapointed.

    Anyway I agree about Jones project as an awful defender but everything that seems to come out of Houston is that it's who they want. The analytics love him. Like they loved Capela. The info we have as fans is laughable compared to the scouting department. We can only use our eyes and some basic stats while they have who knows what measurements.
  20. malakas

    malakas Member

    Nov 8, 2014
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    Can't edit but want to add. While my personal opinion is that Tyus Jones will be a major bust in the NBA or at best a carreer backup pg, a shorter Kendall Marshall with better shooting stroke but without the post game and more awful in defence, I want to keep an open mind and am fully prepared to eat crow if Jones comes in the league and shines.

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