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Kidd Asking for trade?Again?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by kegray34, Jan 27, 2008.

  1. kegray34

    kegray34 Member

    Feb 16, 2004
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    Any thought on Rox getting him somehow without losing T-Mac.
    Rafer,Battier,Snyder, and either Hayes or Scola.

    Depends how bad Nets are willing to get him out and other offers.
    Maybe a 3 team deal with Memphis involved sending Gasol to Nets would be more tempting,but what would Memphis get back.
    Battier,Synder and maybe a Nachbar from Nets.

    Play with yourself and see what you can make work. This deal works money wise if you toss in Francis.


    I see the only loss being Battier in this deal for Rox. Upgrades PG and can afford to give up a PF with emergence of Landry.

    It seems like garbage out for talent in,but what else can Houston really offer.
  2. Carl Herrera

    Carl Herrera Member

    Feb 16, 2007
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  3. ReD_1

    ReD_1 Rookie

    Aug 4, 2007
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    Old, huge contract, roster full of PG's.

    Tell me one good reason why Rockets should trade anything to Nets.

    Chemistry is anyway weak on the team.
  4. Yao#1

    Yao#1 Member

    May 24, 2006
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    They cant offer anything thats why it wont happen. The Nets will want a star player back, or major cap relief, or a young stud player. We dont have any of that to offer unless Tmac goes there.

    In your deal, the Nets only get Snyder whose contract expires. We could literally give up all of our expiring deals (Deke, Novak, Snyder, Francis, Landry and Wells) and it doesnt come close to Kidd's salary. Not to mention it would put the Nets at about 20 guaranteed contracts.

    No chance Kidd is a Rocket unless Tmac goes, and no way the Rox should do that deal.
  5. AroundTheWorld

    AroundTheWorld Insufferable 98er
    Supporting Member

    Feb 3, 2000
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    Successful Trade Scenario
    Congratulations on a successful trade.

    Due to Houston and New Jersey being over the cap, the 25% trade rule is invoked. Houston and New Jersey had to be no more than 125% plus $100,000 of the salary given out for the trade to be accepted, which did happen here. This trade satisfies the provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
    Trade ID
    Trade ID #4439903

    Every trade made by fans is allocated a unique Trade ID which you can share with friends and fellow basketball fans to allow them to see your trade scenario.

    Try Another Trade or visit our Trade Forum.
    Houston Trade Breakdown
    Change in Team Outlook: -24.7 ppg, -3.7 rpg, and -2.4 apg.
    Incoming Players
    Bostjan Nachbar
    6-9 PF from Slovenia (Foreign)
    9.8 ppg, 3.2 rpg, 1.0 apg in 21.4 minutes
    Jason Kidd
    6-4 PG from California
    11.3 ppg, 8.3 rpg, 10.6 apg in 37.4 minutes
    Outgoing Players
    Luther Head
    6-3 PG / SG from Illinois
    7.7 ppg, 1.6 rpg, 1.7 apg in 19.5 minutes
    Bonzi Wells
    6-5 SG / SF from Ball State
    9.8 ppg, 5.1 rpg, 1.4 apg in 22.9 minutes
    Kirk Snyder
    6-6 SG from Nevada-Reno
    3.8 ppg, 1.3 rpg, 0.9 apg in 9.0 minutes
    Steve Francis
    6-3 PG / SG from Maryland
    5.5 ppg, 2.3 rpg, 3.0 apg in 19.9 minutes
    Rafer Alston
    6-2 PG from Frenso State
    11.7 ppg, 3.2 rpg, 5.2 apg in 33.6 minutes
    Mike James
    6-2 PG from Duquesne
    7.3 ppg, 1.7 rpg, 1.8 apg in 17.8 minutes

    New Jersey Trade Breakdown
    Change in Team Outlook: +24.7 ppg, +3.7 rpg, and +2.4 apg.
    Incoming Players
    Luther Head
    6-3 PG / SG from Illinois
    7.7 ppg, 1.6 rpg, 1.7 apg in 19.5 minutes
    Bonzi Wells
    6-5 SG / SF from Ball State
    9.8 ppg, 5.1 rpg, 1.4 apg in 22.9 minutes
    Kirk Snyder
    6-6 SG from Nevada-Reno
    3.8 ppg, 1.3 rpg, 0.9 apg in 9.0 minutes
    Steve Francis
    6-3 PG / SG from Maryland
    5.5 ppg, 2.3 rpg, 3.0 apg in 19.9 minutes
    Rafer Alston
    6-2 PG from Frenso State
    11.7 ppg, 3.2 rpg, 5.2 apg in 33.6 minutes
    Mike James
    6-2 PG from Duquesne
    7.3 ppg, 1.7 rpg, 1.8 apg in 17.8 minutes

    Let's also give them a 2nd round pick and cash if they so desire.
  6. kegray34

    kegray34 Member

    Feb 16, 2004
    Likes Received:
    I guess the key word "IT" was left out.Sounds funnier that way though.

    I agree Rox have nothing to offer which is why nothing will get done,but was Clyde Drexler for Otis Thopre a fair deal.
    Otis was old and nearing the end of his career.
  7. hooroo

    hooroo Member

    Oct 16, 2003
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    I'm assuming whoever trades for him will have to give him the extension at max dollars he has been seeking to keep him happy.
  8. kegray34

    kegray34 Member

    Feb 16, 2004
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    Ming and T-Mac under 3 and 4 yr deals now so extension for Kidd another 3 seasons wouldn't be a big issue.

    I think a 3rd team would have to be involved for a deal to work.
    Kidd's NJ value is dropping with his demands and way team is playing.
    Everyone knows he needs to go.

    Dont expect anything to happen,but Rox GM is very active guy.
  9. dedong22

    dedong22 Member

    Oct 10, 2007
    Likes Received:
    the whole world would love to see tmac playing with vince carter again :D
  10. zack15432

    zack15432 Member

    Jan 22, 2008
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  11. Carl Herrera

    Carl Herrera Member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    I've been watching several Nets games over the last couple weeks... I don't know if Kidd is bored, frustrated, or what... but he looks friggin old. Defensively, he was a total matador. He is one of the greats, but he's like 35 years old and players age.
  12. ak47

    ak47 Member

    Jun 28, 2006
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  13. Fariyad Is King

    Nov 7, 2007
    Likes Received:

    Please do not ever give any trade scenarios again. This one that you came up with is probably the most idiotic trade proposal that i have ever heard of. Are you smoking rocks? That trade is prob. worse than the barkley trade!!! Lay off the rocks........SERIOUSLY!!
  14. Fariyad Is King

    Nov 7, 2007
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  15. xishi

    xishi Member

    Jun 29, 2003
    Likes Received:
    how bout we take marcus williams instead
  16. AroundTheWorld

    AroundTheWorld Insufferable 98er
    Supporting Member

    Feb 3, 2000
    Likes Received:
    LOL here is another one just for you, kid :D.

    Successful Trade Scenario
    Congratulations on a successful trade.

    Due to Houston, New Jersey, and Sacramento being over the cap, the 25% trade rule is invoked. Houston, New Jersey, and Sacramento had to be no more than 125% plus $100,000 of the salary given out for the trade to be accepted, which did happen here. This trade satisfies the provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
    Trade ID
    Trade ID #4439950

    Every trade made by fans is allocated a unique Trade ID which you can share with friends and fellow basketball fans to allow them to see your trade scenario.

    Try Another Trade or visit our Trade Forum.
    Houston Trade Breakdown
    Change in Team Outlook: -34.5 ppg, -6.9 rpg, and -3.4 apg.
    Incoming Players
    Jason Kidd
    6-4 PG from California
    11.3 ppg, 8.3 rpg, 10.6 apg in 37.4 minutes
    Outgoing Players
    Luther Head
    6-3 PG / SG from Illinois
    7.7 ppg, 1.6 rpg, 1.7 apg in 19.5 minutes
    Bonzi Wells
    6-5 SG / SF from Ball State
    9.8 ppg, 5.1 rpg, 1.4 apg in 22.9 minutes
    Kirk Snyder
    6-6 SG from Nevada-Reno
    3.8 ppg, 1.3 rpg, 0.9 apg in 9.0 minutes
    Steve Francis
    6-3 PG / SG from Maryland
    5.5 ppg, 2.3 rpg, 3.0 apg in 19.9 minutes
    Rafer Alston
    6-2 PG from Frenso State
    11.7 ppg, 3.2 rpg, 5.2 apg in 33.6 minutes
    Mike James
    6-2 PG from Duquesne
    7.3 ppg, 1.7 rpg, 1.8 apg in 17.8 minutes

    New Jersey Trade Breakdown
    Change in Team Outlook: +10.7 ppg, -2.1 rpg, and -4.8 apg.
    Incoming Players
    Mike James
    6-2 PG from Duquesne
    7.3 ppg, 1.7 rpg, 1.8 apg in 17.8 minutes
    Mike Bibby
    6-2 PG from Arizona
    14.7 ppg, 4.5 rpg, 4.0 apg in 31.7 minutes
    Outgoing Players
    Jason Kidd
    6-4 PG from California
    11.3 ppg, 8.3 rpg, 10.6 apg in 37.4 minutes

    Sacramento Trade Breakdown
    Change in Team Outlook: +23.8 ppg, +9.0 rpg, and +8.2 apg.
    Incoming Players
    Luther Head
    6-3 PG / SG from Illinois
    7.7 ppg, 1.6 rpg, 1.7 apg in 19.5 minutes
    Bonzi Wells
    6-5 SG / SF from Ball State
    9.8 ppg, 5.1 rpg, 1.4 apg in 22.9 minutes
    Kirk Snyder
    6-6 SG from Nevada-Reno
    3.8 ppg, 1.3 rpg, 0.9 apg in 9.0 minutes
    Steve Francis
    6-3 PG / SG from Maryland
    5.5 ppg, 2.3 rpg, 3.0 apg in 19.9 minutes
    Rafer Alston
    6-2 PG from Frenso State
    11.7 ppg, 3.2 rpg, 5.2 apg in 33.6 minutes
    Outgoing Players
    Mike Bibby
    6-2 PG from Arizona
    14.7 ppg, 4.5 rpg, 4.0 apg in 31.7 minutes
  17. baller4life315

    Sep 2, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Agreed. I've noticed the same exact things. Not to mention his playing style clashes with the halfcourt inside-outside offense that we've been running with for years. How is pairing Yao with an uptempo PG a good match?
  18. Fariyad Is King

    Nov 7, 2007
    Likes Received:
    :confused: im guessing your just ......... ah nvm lol
  19. NightHawk

    NightHawk Member

    Dec 16, 2007
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    Jason Kidd would instantly make this team one of the top 5 in the West.

    Point guard is our biggest weakness.
  20. SkiFreak20

    SkiFreak20 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    I know trade threads are pretty hated here since it usually involves us trading a bunch of junk players for a superstar, so I thought I might try one where we actually give up something of value for once.




    It seems like it would be attractive enough for New Jersey. Scola and Battier would be good additions to their system while James could share time with Williams to give him time to develop. We probably have enough talent to fill in the holes left by this trade, although it would seem like we'd never be solid at the PF position, which is nothing new.

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