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Its not for a lack of trying...

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by jwayne, Jun 29, 2012.

  1. Corrosion

    Corrosion Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Ive been a big defender of Morey .... I "like the players" he drafted , they all have huge upside , especially White. He could turn out to be the best player in this entire draft class .... the potential is there.

    What irritates me is the stacking of the PF spot 9 deep as of today.

    Scola , Patterson , Motejunas , Leuer , Brockman , White , Jones , Morris and Diamon Simpson.

    Ok , so we call Morris a SF .... and White likely moves to SF in the NBA but thats still 7 deep , half the roster.

    Outside of Motejunas , Patterson and Leuer , they are all undersized on a team that desperately needs length up front.

    I realize that Dalembert had no future with the Rockets .... But he was the only legit center on the roster , they traded from a position of weakness.
    The FA and trade options at the center position dont strike me as being upgrades to Dalembert - More like lateral moves.

    I also realize that this isnt a pat hand , the deck will be shuffled between now and the start of camp / season. Its just very frustrating to hear all the news of trade up scenario's or trades for established players year after year with the same results - Pick #14.

    In general , Im not a proponent of tanking , I find it un-ethical. But the rules of the NBA as they are reward sucking .... If I were in Les and Morey's shoes , I dont know what I would do to be honest.

    I also dont like rewarding poor behavior or poor results. But again , thats the rules the NBA plays by .... (as does our gooberment).

    Maybe its not what Morey has done but the rules he has to play by ....

    I think one of the biggest issues with the NBA is the ability of teams to go over the salary cap to collect talent. With teams like the Lakers routinely well over the luxury tax threshold and smaller market teams usually around or under that number.

    This according to hoopshype - Thats a pretty massive disparity between the haves and have nots.

    A hard / harder salary cap would be a step in the right direction.
  2. cocoloco

    cocoloco Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    [​IMG] ivenovember is

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