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Interesting comments regarding the Rockets...

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by franchise403, Jul 16, 2002.

  1. franchise403

    franchise403 Member

    Jun 17, 2001
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    Although I post seldomly, I visit cc.net at least four times a day to see what is going on with the Rox. So you can take the info that I have however you want. An inside source of mine had some interesting things to say about the rockets. First off I was told that Kelvin Cato is a waste and it is a damn shame that we are having to pay so much money to him.....Like we all didn't know that already! Secondly the rockets are really interested in a lineup of eddie at the 5, kenny at the 4 and rice at the 3. The rox are really trying to get eddie more minutes. Here is the kicker and it even shocked me but they have said that cuttino not steve is the mvp of the team and that the rox would be fine with moochie running the team. And that steve is going to get the big contract and the spotlight when it should be thrown tino's way. Now I just want it to be known that I heard this straight from the horses mouth so to speak and that I am not trying to start any rumors or anything I am just stating what I have heard. I just love this site and the rox so much that I couldn't keep my mouth shut! So please don't kill the messenger!
  2. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    Hey Cuttino welcome to the BBS.


  3. RocketForever

    RocketForever Member

    Jun 3, 2002
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    Eddie at 5??? :eek:
  4. rockbox

    rockbox Around before clutchcity.com

    Jul 28, 2000
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    Cat is my favorite current player but I don't think we will be ok with Moochie running the show. I think Francis is an all-star and top 5 in his position .
  5. jlaw718

    jlaw718 Member

    May 15, 2002
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  6. rockbox

    rockbox Around before clutchcity.com

    Jul 28, 2000
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    It could work against all but maybe five centers in the league. Not that many centers beside Shaq can really make Griffin pay. However, how many centers do you think could cover Griff. To be honest, I can think of more PF's that can beat up on Griff than centers.
  7. LA's #1 Rocket Fan

    Jul 13, 2001
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    In the Summer Games the Rockets have been playing Griffin at the Center position too but they did so last year also. I really don't know much about how well Griffin can be at the 5 in the NBA but in the summer games he has done well holding power players like Ford and Stoudemire underneath which both could be labeled PF slash Centers in the NBA. But it looks like close to 70% of the Centers are more or less also PFs. Most of the PF's playing center are the bigger 6-10+ 245+ players with postup games. Griffins true strength at defense in the post is playing players that post up (back to the basket) rather than finese players with speed and agility. On the offense Griffin will give opposing centers more problems with his 20+ft shooting and his improving quickness at driving in than say athletic PFs. With alittle more weight and strength Griffin could be effect at the center position for a few minutes a game and if nothing opening things up in the lane. IMHO I think Griffin would cause more mismatch problems for some opposing teams at C.

    But I think the Rockets are a team that will play players that contribute the most regardless of salary or status or position. With that I think even if Griffin and Thomas are both true PFs and are contributing the most out on the floor the Rockets will find a way to get them the most mins even if it means playing them together at the same time just like how they have used Moochie, Francis and Mobley together. Esp with Ming being a Rookie, Taylor coming back from injury and Cato being off and on I think the Rockets could be better off playing Griffin and Thomas together at some points in time during games since clearly right now they are the brighter side to the rockets frontcourt right now in terms of most able and ready. Just my thought on this.
  8. LA's #1 Rocket Fan

    Jul 13, 2001
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    rockbox - I agree with you on that there are many more PFs that can play on Griffin's weaknesses than Centers out there.
  9. BigM

    BigM Member

    Jul 1, 2001
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    didn't we just draft a very highly touted center? eddie can get spot minutes there but the plan eventually has to be ming at 5, griffin at 4.
  10. DieHard Rocket

    Sep 9, 2000
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    No offense buddy, but go ask your "source" if he remembers that long-ass losing streak early last season with Mooch running the point. If Mobley is more valuable than Steve, why was our record so much better with Steve in the lineup?

    Eddie, KT, and Rice all in at the same time? I hope you're talking about garbage minutes, with Eddie at C. BTW, horses don't talk to junior members. :p
  11. haven

    haven Member

    Oct 22, 1999
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    Because Mobley was in the line-up, too. Steve never had to support the team for a long stretch without Mobley. Perhaps it's a matter of both of them being available? The Rockets win/loss record *does* prove that Steve is extremely important to the team. It just doesn't say how he stands relative to Mobley.

    That said, I would agree with you that Steve seems more important... but not by much.
  12. Jeff

    Jeff Clutch Crew

    Feb 14, 1999
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    This is not completely dissimilar to stuff I've heard, but here are the main differences/similarities.

    The Rockets do want to get EG minutes and he may very well get some time at the five. Jim Boylen even alluded to this during his interview on 610.

    Cato has not been quite as productive as hoped, but no one is giving up on him quite yet. His attitude is his biggest problem.

    The Francis thing sounds like an opinion of one person rather than consensus. The Rockets LOVE Francis and he is their main guy. I had even heard that Mobley, though they love his game, was not nearly as untouchable as Francis. Does that mean he's getting traded? I seriously doubt it, but no one underestimates Steve Francis and, when they saw the extent of his shoulder problem, knowing what they did about how he played the last part of the year, they realized just how incredibly tough and valuable he is.

    So, not WAY off from what I've heard. I will note that not all of this has to be grabbed from a source. There have been bits and pieces of all these things in the media. If you want to look hard enough, you can pull something together, but most of the media hounds get their information from sources too. :)
  13. Batman Jones

    Batman Jones Member

    Sep 9, 1999
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    I don't doubt that Griffin, KT and Rice is a lineup we'd run.

    But if this was a lineup the Rockets put any serious stock in, riddle me this...

    Why were three of our last four major moves:

    Drafting Yao to play five
    Drafting Nachbar to play three
    And signing Mo Taylor to a six year contract

    The other major move being drafting Griffin.

    Yao and Nachbar are keepers. So's Griffin. That means he plays four with spot duty at five (and maybe 3).

    I'm a big fan of lurkers, having been one myself for two years before posting, but I think you're riding a bum scoop.
  14. mduke

    mduke Member

    Jul 17, 2001
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    *cough* TroyBaros* cough*;)
  15. Apollo Creed

    Apollo Creed Contributing Member

    Aug 25, 2001
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    Nah, Troy rode Steve's jock, not Cat's...
  16. Rocket River

    Rocket River Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    Why is this a shock?
    this *IS* and organization that played 6'10 Olajuwon at center
    OVER 7'4 Sampson

    They like the match ups better

    Rocket River
  17. TraJ

    TraJ Member

    Aug 13, 1999
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    Let this be a lesson to everyone: This is the kind of information you get from a talking horse. :)
  18. tozai

    tozai Member

    Jun 4, 2001
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    Hahaha, is this a joke? Moochie running the point solely would give me a headache...Steve not the MVP? What are you talking about(maybe last season since Steve hardly played)...Is your inside source your imaginary friend or the janitor at Westside...
  19. Stylez

    Stylez Member

    Jun 19, 2002
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    Batman Jones is right on the money here. We just drafted a 3 and a 5 who we used the #1 pick on for goodness sake. They have to be a large part of the near future (1-3yrs). Don't we all hate Cato but unfortunately, his salary is about average for a C in the NBA today and guess what he is? An average center, nothing more nothing less.

    Sure Griff could get min. at the five. At the end of games last year he was maning the center spot while KT was at the PF and Cato was on the bench. Until Ming adjust to the physical game & the language barrier I wouldn't be surprised to see EG finishing games at the 5 this year either.

    Cuttino is our best pure scorer but I wouln't call him our MVP. 2 wins w/o Francis is all that needs to be said as far as proving his value to the Rocks. Steve & Cat are a great duo but there is no question that Steve leads the charge.
  20. ROXRAN

    ROXRAN Member

    Oct 12, 2000
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    It will be interesting to see how our 4 main players: Cat, Steve, Griffin, and Ming evolve and co-exist this upcoming season...I am jacked up unusually early this summer.

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