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Imagine how good we would be if Morey had not botched the offseason

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by JCDenton, Nov 13, 2014.

  1. jtr

    jtr Member

    Dec 4, 2011
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    The exuberance of fandom. It can be a happy thing. Or it can be a sad sad thing.
  2. JCDenton

    JCDenton Member

    Oct 10, 2007
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    I think the last three games have highlighted my original point. We had to fight tooth and nail to beat two complete scrub teams, then got demolished by a decent team.

    The team Morey has assembled is fantastic when nobody is tired or injured and we aren't playing back to backs and it's early in the season. However, things are rarely perfect that way, and the lack of depth is absolutely killing us. And this is without a injury to any of our top 3 players. If someone key goes down, we don't have the personnel to bounce back and tread water until they come back. Things could get ugly and tank our record.

    To everyone saying Parsons isn't worth his contract, you clearly misread my post. I never said we should match him, I said we should have exercised his cheap option.

    Also, to the people who treat it as fact that there was a side deal to let Parsons out of his contract, you clearly do not understand agency law. An agent owes fiduciary duties to his principal, including the duties of utmost care and loyalty, and to avoid conflicts of interest. To put this in layman's terms for all of the non-lawyers here, it means that Fegan was obligated to try to accomplish whatever Dwight wanted him to do to the best of his ability, and he would not be permitted to steer Dwight away from Houston just to help the interests of his other client (Parsons). If Fegan made a side deal like is alleged without getting Dwight's full informed consent, Dwight would be able to sue him for breach of fiduciary duty and collect many millions in damages.

    If you really think Fegan made a side deal, then it goes along with it that Dwight would have consented to the side deal, basically conspiring with Fegan and Parsons to screw the team he was about to sign with. That makes no sense if Dwight was coming here to win a championship, and it's not like Dwight and Parsons are longtime BFFs.
  3. Liberon

    Liberon Rookie

    Nov 10, 2009
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    There was an off the basketball legal in writing promise to release Parsons off his cheap last year option. Morey would be legally bind to do so regardless because Howard and Parson's agent had that notorized. Nothing could have been done other than to let Parson's contract unbind.
  4. Liberon

    Liberon Rookie

    Nov 10, 2009
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    It's not like Dwight is the smartest bloke in the world. He knew what he was doing when he signed with Houston and had knowledge of the side deal. He just didn't do the math and thought the Rox could afford everybody under the cap despite the circumstances.
  5. Play07

    Play07 Member

    Aug 6, 2013
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    The morey D riders may get it after tonight, I was with u when u posted the thread, but didn't even want to get involved or have to explain to people... They will get it, they will get it now tho.

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