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Drinking water with food

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by Mathloom, Apr 18, 2012.

  1. vaioavan63

    vaioavan63 Member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    Usually, during the week, because of work, I eat dinner around 9pm and after Im done eating I chug a glass of water to wash it down. Then I go to bed at 10. It never occurred to me that that would be bad :rolleyes: what's the danger in that? Am I supposed to get fat? Diabetes? Anything I should worry about?
    What's this fancy enzyme, digestive process talk? Gringos worry too much.
  2. LCII

    LCII Member

    Nov 7, 2006
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    This is pretty bull****. A glass of water with a meal isnt gonna dilute your stomach acids.
  3. Ubiquitin

    Ubiquitin Member
    Supporting Member

    Jul 7, 2001
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    Some people are willing to believe anything they read on the internet. Most internet users have not received enough education in basic science, so they have difficulties discerning fact from fiction. This is similar to the fact I am always getting ripped off by my mechanic. Those without knowledge in a field are lousy at understanding what they're being told.
  4. pmac

    pmac Member

    Oct 10, 2007
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    well, at least someone has common sense.
  5. napalm06

    napalm06 Huge Flopping Fan

    Sep 30, 2008
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    Without sufficient knowledge in having knowledge, I'm willing to believe this post.
  6. Shaud

    Shaud Member

    Feb 28, 2008
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    I have learned that everything in this world is bad for you.
  7. LonghornFan

    LonghornFan Member

    Sep 16, 2002
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    I'm addicted to Mio. I was hoping to evacuate to Katy for the energy ones I can't find inside the loop.
  8. napalm06

    napalm06 Huge Flopping Fan

    Sep 30, 2008
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  9. mylilpony

    mylilpony Member

    Oct 7, 2008
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    i had some guy try to sell me on some magnet mattress because it helps your ions out.
  10. smoove shoez

    smoove shoez Member

    Jul 18, 2006
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    Red solo cup , I fill you up.
  11. Acedude

    Acedude Member

    Oct 9, 2007
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    I've always drunk a ****load of water while eating meals. I remember asking my HS AP Biology teacher way back when about the effect of water and digestion, with the possibility of dilution of enzymes/acids, she pretty much dismissed it on the spot and said water actually helps the process of hydrolysis.

  12. BrieflySpeaking

    Aug 3, 2003
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    I just drank milk with cereal....
  13. Mathloom

    Mathloom Shameless Optimist
    Supporting Member

    Oct 4, 2008
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    I previously found that there is significantly more research to suggest 5 is optimal based on regular diet and sleep, rather than 3, 4 or 6.

    For sleep, that's why I said between 1 and 4. It's the principle: your body is less active and so you don't need as much food. This doesn't stop me from drinking a light caseine + water shake every night before I sleep. I get the point, some people will need less, and some more, but no one needs high calorie foods during periods of inactivity unless recovering.

    But with water, there seems to be no middle ground and it's driving me mad. I love diet soda but quit sweetners (Except Stevia or xylitol, but they're not cheap or widely available here).

    Since last year (and for the next 2 years) I've basically decided to do trial and error on my body for all the most significant stuff we consume. After looking at bodybuilding.com long enough, I figured that there are really very few definitive answers in nutrition and exercise, a lot of myths, and most importantly - each body is far more unique than I ever though possible. So trial and error is important to my long-term health IMO.

    But I need something to drink man. I've cut out all fruit juice (unless I need it in controlled quantity and super fresh), diet and regular sodas, coffee, and pretty much anything which has refined sugar or HFCS. I've decided that I can't manage beverages higher than 100-200 calorie range.

    (Pargraph makes reference to how well I poop)
    Since I started this thread, I started drinking with my food again. I usually **** like a champ - am famous for it - but these two days have been dissapointing. I spend more than 5-7 minutes on the pot, and that's very unusual for me.

    On top of that, I can't have breakfast today, and I'm usually roraing for a good breakfast since I work out mid day.

    Thanks for all links and advice btw, I am reading anything and everything. For those who seem to have in depth knowledge, would really appreciate any more information you could share.

    You may not think this is a big deal, but I assure you some people will suffer/benefit tremendously from the advice in this thread. I have a friend who cut his time on the pot from 35 minutes to 15 minutes by controlling the timing of drinking water. His digestive system is not great, and this helps him a lot.

    As for me, I'm just trying to know what is optimum and use it as a guide. Even if you don't stick to this manic water drinking schedule (which I don't envisage myself doing long term either), at least you know which direction you should be thinking. It's something we should do 8 times a day, wouldn't hurt us to learn a bit more about it.
  14. Mathloom

    Mathloom Shameless Optimist
    Supporting Member

    Oct 4, 2008
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    Try with some juice or with a yoghurt drink. Delicious.
  15. RV6

    RV6 Member

    Aug 21, 2008
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    Unfortunately, there's a lot of misinformation, in the science field, that is given out by those who are suppose to be informed. One may not know enough to say who is wrong, but if you have two professionals with different or opposite viewpoints, then common sense tells you at least one of them is. That's why you have people like Mathloom, who try to figure it out on their own.
  16. Burko

    Burko Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    If this were true then how comes McDonalds sell drinks with their meals?

    They are the epitome of healthy eating, surely they would be pioneering this.
  17. Mathloom

    Mathloom Shameless Optimist
    Supporting Member

    Oct 4, 2008
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    I would love for there to be one trusted source about these questions, is there one you that is all-trustworthy?

    While some responsibility should be put on people to improve their scientific knowledge, it is equally (if not more) pragmatic and realistic for the science industry to also work towards bridging the communication gap between science geek and regular person.

    This type of question I'm asking, I would've expected a clear unanimous answer. I thought I was the idiot for now knowing. Turns out no one is 100% sure, except as you said the proffessionals who themselves can't seem to agree.
  18. bullardfan

    bullardfan なんでやねん

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Ask your doctor instead of a bunch of people on a basketball forum.
    There was a doctor at my church who told my mom that water isnt good for digestion when drunk with a meal. i however drink about 2-3 cups of water during my meal. depends on how thirsty i am.

    i would think chew well and your stomach doesnt have to work as hard.
    btw, the doctor who told my mom this also told me that it really doesnt make that much of a difference for me but my mom was having digestive problems and so it might help her.
  19. Mathloom

    Mathloom Shameless Optimist
    Supporting Member

    Oct 4, 2008
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    But that doesn't make sense. What if I go to 10 doctors, and the opinions are split 5-5? There's a reason why it's called doctor's advice/opinion, it's not final.

    On top of that, chances that a doctor in Dubai (where there is zero medical research going on) getting the answer right is IMO slim to none. We have two types of doctors here: the money lovers and the antiques. I doubt a real doctor would set up shop in Dubai.

    One doctor's answer won't solve the question. Best to listen to everything I think and then it becomes easier to discern credible sources from non-credible ones.
  20. AroundTheWorld

    AroundTheWorld Insufferable 98er
    Supporting Member

    Feb 3, 2000
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    You could always go to Germany for medical help. But don't forget to "scream at the top of your lungs about Germany" while you do so.

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