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Best Pranks You've ever pulled

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by moestavern19, Nov 29, 2001.

  1. Manny Ramirez

    Manny Ramirez The Music Man

    Jul 31, 2001
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    It took me awhile to remember this one, but I think that this was a good one.

    At work, we have a voicemail system called "Audix", and you can do all kinds of things with it including leaving a personal greeting, etc.

    Anyway, when my fomer supervisor, who was a major prick & nobody could stand, left for another job, his "Audix" message was never changed. It was ridiculous that for over 2 months, people could call his direct line and get his voice mail. If they didn't know any better, they would think that he was still working there.

    Finally, the girl in charge of the phones cleared his message out; however, this new guy who was coming from out west to take that office (but he wasn't to be my new supervisor) was assigned that number. Yet, this new guy took like a month and a half to get here.

    I knew how to get into the "Audix" system and I dialed the "Audix" number and my former boss's number. After doing that, it asked for the password. I didn't know what it was, of course, but just went ahead and used his extension. The next thing I knew the "Audix" voice or as I call her, the "Audix" lady asked me to record my name at the tone. This was too good to pass up. So, I said my old boss's name as loud as I could and in a nasal type voice that reminded people that I work with of him. It took it and then from now on, whenever someone called that line...they would get this message:

    "Your call is being answered by Audix. (Me screaming his name and in a nasal voice) is not available at this time. At the tone please leave a message."

    Everyone who listened to it died laughing because it was so funny. I had to make sure and delete it before the new guy came.

    Well, as fate would have it, we had a storm right when he was fixing to come and "Audix" was messed up. It was still messed up when he started. Finally, that afternoon, it was fixed and I went in to delete the message. However, as I went through the system, it told me that there was one new message! I played the message and this is how it went:

    "Hey, I've been trying to get a hold of you all day, but I keep missing you. Please call as soon as you get this message. Also, the person who had this phone before you SCREAMS their name at you...that's not very nice!"

    I had no choice but to delete the message when I deleted the greeting, but I told some of my co-workers about it, and they thought that was even funnier than what I had done before. To this day, that guy doesn't know about this and he never will!
    #21 Manny Ramirez, Dec 5, 2001
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2001


    Aug 31, 1999
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    Me and my surfing buddies used to hide behind the sanddunes and watch while one of us played dead below right off the road. I remember we were usually in our wetsuits and we would splattter ketchup over whoever was playing dead at the time. To see the horrfied look on passerbys face was hilarious. Most people would stop their car down the road to think about it....reverse a little...go on....then stop again and think about it...they never rarely reversed all the way and got out to help...sorry bastards. But when they did get out to see if the person playing dead needed assistance or whatever, my buddy or me would wait until they got real close and jump up screaming. The prank victims would usually curse us out or leave in a shocked like rage. Man it was hilarious!
  3. Johnny Rocket

    Johnny Rocket Contributing Member

    Jan 12, 2000
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    So where did you get it? b/c I'm betting that you either stole it from the chem lab or you're full of $hit.
  4. Mr. Mooch

    Mr. Mooch Contributing Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    Yeah, DoD, where did you get a hold of said Sodium?

    As to why this thread is being brought back, anyone know of good, "classy" ways to get back at an employer who recently fired you, yet still retained your services for two weeks thus giving little incentive for actual work?

    My thoughts were removing the "W" keys from the nearby keyboards, but I don't think anyone would "get" it.
  5. Rox_fan_here

    Rox_fan_here Contributing Member

    Jun 2, 2003
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    I made David Boston (the football player) cry once.

    True Story

    I was a freshman at Humble High School. David was a senior. Keep in mind even though he was in high school the guy was still a HUGE MOFO. My friends and I had this prank war thing, however it wasnt on each other. We had a contest to see who could pull the most daring prank.

    A group of 8 of us had to eat in the school cafeteria at the main campus instead of the 9th grade campus because of a schedule change. We used to sit right next to the table that David Boston and the other varsity senior football players would. IT WAS HELL. We would get picked on pretty regularly. Lots of times David and his buddies would come over and take our food (chips, cokes, candy, etc..)

    Knowing this I informed all of my friends about the prank and it was a go. It was the week before finals, nearing the end of school. I had bought a package of peanut m&m's and during lunch kept them in clear view of David Boston and his thugs. I kept waiting and waiting for him to make a move but nothing. Just as I was losing hope, I see him make eye contact with me and the m&m's. Immediately he looks at his friends, smiles and says

    "Hey fish (freshman) whats for dessert."

    I looked at my opened bag of peanut m&m's and looked back at him with a scared face. Then he said,

    "Thats right, you bought me some m&m's bring them over. "

    I took them to him and walked away fast as did the rest of my friends. We quickly exited the lunch room and looked from a distance. He was laughing with the rest of his friends who were calling all of us fags and p*****s. Then he proceeds to lift the bag and pour about 6 or 7 m&m's in his mouth.

    What David did not know was that I planned all of this and told my friends. The weekend before, I went to San Antonio with my parents and visited this really hot hot hotsauce store. At the counter they were selling these tiny bottles of disgustingly hot, hotsauce called "Pyro." On the cover was this guy with a huge fireball coming out of his mouth and smoke pouring out of his ears. Just one drop of this stuff was lethal.

    Half an hour before lunch I was in shop class with my friends and we opened the bag of peanut m&m's carefully and meticulously cut them open, removed the peanuts in the middle, and poured about 3 to 4 drops of Pyro in the hole where the peanut used to be. We then used saliva to paste the shells back together and .... voila you have a tasty looking terribly lethal fire bomb.

    We watched as he closed his mouth and began chewing. Immediately his eyes bulged open and he began gagging and spitting the half chewed m&m's all over the table. Everyone in the lunch room looked (thinking he was choking) because he was trying to scream but making this weird loud whimpering gay noise. His friends looked terrified all of them jumping back from the table like he was possessed and screaming someone get a nurse. David jumped up and shot over the table sprinting to the water fountain.

    All of us took off sprinting out of the main campus laughing our asses off. We kept running thinking that right behind us there would be a gang of varsity senior ready to pound the sh*t out of us, but they never came. The remaining week we ate lunch in the shop class not daring to go into the lunch room.

    However every time I see something about David Boston or see him on TV I think about his face all contorted and in agony and that noise he was making as he sprinted to the fountain. With that my rep was made among my friends and for once we got to chalk one up for the good guys.

    This is actually the first time I have shared that story outside of my group of friends. Ahh the memories.
    #25 Rox_fan_here, Aug 2, 2007
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2007
  6. King of 40 Acres

    King of 40 Acres Contributing Member

    Jun 22, 2004
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    Back when I lived in Jester my neighbors directly across the hall had a habit of leaving their dorm room unlocked when unoccupied by either of them. My roommate and I decided that one day we would pull a prank on them and decided to get some of our other friends in on the gig. So one night after some heavy drinking and some coaxing we put the plan into action. We gathered together all of the Daily Texans we could possibly find and started to crumple them up and proceeded to fill up their room with the paper. We got to about just a foot off from the ceiling full of newspaper - it took a good 8 people working about 2 hours straight. We never knew when they would return but the look on their faces was priceless. They were pissed off because they were drunk and literally had to burrow themselves in the newspaper in order to go to sleep in their beds. Here's a picture I took during the process:


    The next morning the assholes decided that rather than picking up all of the newspaper and throwing it out that they would just shove it out of their door into the hallway. The next morning when I woke up our whole hallway was just cluttered with newspaper up to about my knee. They said that they would get us back with a prank but it never happened. Had some crazy times in the dorm but that was pretty much the biggest prank we pulled.
  7. Ottomaton

    Ottomaton Contributing Member
    Supporting Member

    Feb 14, 2000
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    It took me 5 minutes to find a supplier of metalic sodium via Google. You'd be suprised at some of the things you can find freely available from chemistry suppliers, things like picric acid, if you really look.
  8. Eric Riley

    Eric Riley Contributing Member

    Nov 18, 2002
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    wow i've heard of bumpin old threads, but damn...
  9. what

    what Member

    Dec 4, 2003
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    Not really a prank, but ...

    My uncle had a curly white poodle. His name was snowflake. He was a tiny dog not bigger than a few pounds. He was a curious little pet, always sticking his nose into things that it didn't belong. He would stick his own **** before he realized that it was actually **** and then bury it back into the carpet trying to get the smell out.

    Anyway. One day, while my uncle and I and a few friends were all over watching the game, we noticed something strangely wrong with this dog. Snowflake had came into the living room staggering and careening at crude angles like he was drunk and didn't know where he wanted to go. He walked in and managed to miss the coffee table and the potted plants before settling in front of the television. When we looked at him, we noticed that his eyes were blood shot and they were sagging. When he stopped to regain his balance he began bobbing on his little legs in front of the television like a fishing cork. He must have sat there bobbing for a good minute or so before his head got dizzy and he kilt over like a cow tipping on his side.

    At this point, we were all looking at each other and this dog like WTF, what the hell happened him, and my uncle got up to see if he was dead. He was breathing and we quickly brought snowflake some water but he didn't want any. Then we decided to let him lay there, his eyes barely open. A few minutes past and the dog got up and began staggering to the food bowl. He got him some dog biscuits and staggered back in front of the television.

    By that time, my uncle wanted to get high and he started to look for his bag of weed. He couldn't find it. He went back to his bedroom and there it was on the ground half gone. The dog had eaten almost all the weed and was high as a kite. We figured out why he wanted that food and not the water. It was because he had the munchies!
  10. likethis

    likethis Member

    Jul 29, 2007
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    last year my principal at my high school gave me 15 days of I.S.S(IN SCHOOL SUSPENSION) for telling my science teacher that i can see lebron james's pubes in his ****ing mouth.... since he's from cleveland and is always talking about lechoke and the cavs..

    so i stayed afterschool one day in the library and i get a clear view of the parking lot from here and i figure out my principal and my science teacher's car...

    so i buy a few of these bumper stickers..

    and place em on their car's so they wont notice




    i couldn't stop lmfao as my science teacher drove down the road..

    unfortunately the next day it was gone

  11. Zac D

    Zac D Contributing Member

    Jul 8, 2000
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    OH GOD! OH, moestavern19, WHY DID YOU NOT THINK OF THAT BEFORE YOU ACTED? NOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooo...
  12. Astro101

    Astro101 Member

    Jul 1, 2002
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    First year at Baylor, these guys on my floor decided for some reason to leave their room door ajar. We were just gonna get their books and hide them. Then we decided it'd be funnier if we moved all their personal belongings. Finally we said screw it, and emptied out their entire room, beds, drawers, all that stuff. Actually that wasn't the final thing...we decided to taper up the walls in black sheets, and hold a rave, with music, glow in the dark stuff and strobe lights. And then they came back.

    Second year, our RA on our floor was the victim of this. He was Foiled! I was responsible for the blinds.

  13. DonkeyMagic

    DonkeyMagic Contributing Member
    Supporting Member

    May 22, 2006
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    a very short ones. Always gives your friend information to those "win a free subscription" boxes you always see at various stores...usually some type of gym.

    Call several carpet places and ask for a quote...then say something has just popped up and you have to go but make sure you call me back and talk about it. then give your friends number. It works best when its a roommate because you can over hear him talk to these people.

    grease the kitchen floor (assuming its a smooth surface).
  14. hotballa

    hotballa Contributing Member

    Dec 27, 2002
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    best prank joke I've ever heard

    "you're the father"
  15. HotRocket

    HotRocket Contributing Member

    May 19, 2002
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    My friends and I did a lot of little things our freshman year at TAMUG.

    1. Stole the school sign out front, 3 different times (the last two were tarps with "Texas A&M Galveston" on them). They stopped putting them up after that.

    2. Jumped off the bridge connecting Pelican Island to Galveston. The President of TAMUG saw us jump (the bridge was going up and a bunch of cars were parked on the bridge. The president was one of them) and the cops chased us after we got back to land. 20 hours of community service and life-time ban from living on campus.

    3. We have a couple life savers with TAMUG on them that we "borrowed."

    4. We "stole" a chair from every fast food restraunt we went to. I even grabbed a high-chair as I walked out. Couldn't really use it for anything though... Best part, we returned them all during the middle of the day. People behind the counter just looked at us. We waved, smiled, and left.

    5. "Prank warz" - We filled trashcans up with water and tilted them behind doors. Our friend was taking a shower, and we filled up one of those industrial sized trash cans with water, not bothering to clean it first. He was already towel dried when he started to open the door, but not so much when a bunch of brownish water fell on him. He just stood there, looked at us, and went back in for another shower. We then put baby oil all over the floor outside the door. He was more cautious when opening it this time, but when he didnt see a large trash can, he quickly tried to get out of the bathroom. To say the least, it took him about 10 mins to get completely out, and his yells could be heard 4 rooms down.

    6. We also cut apples in half, and rubbed them against the rough walls outside. It took about a week, but brown smears appeared where we had put them. We found this amusing and started drawing stuff outside our rooms. It wasn't very hard for them to figure out who did it, and we were forced to clean it up. We actually visted the dorm last month. We could still see the outline of most of the pictures.

    7. It was customary for guys, when drunk, to pee off the balconies in the dorms. One night my friend was doing it, and we heard some girl a few floors down saying, "Hey whats that... it's not rainin... WHAT THE HELL?!" He quickly stopped, said "my bad," and ran inside.

    We also had a habit of being where we shouldnt be, roofs and what not. All these things we got caught for, so I'm not really afraid to mention them.
  16. TBar

    TBar Contributing Member

    Aug 6, 2001
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    I should not have done it- but in the mid '90's - a good friend drove a Pontiac with the Eagle bird on the hood. It was black with the gold eagle. Transam or Firebird I think....

    I took a photo with a polaroid (rainy day- car had the shiny "wet Look")and mailed in the Picture with payment for advert to Auto Trader. Paid for one month I think. In the ad I put the car needed a little work - but it was in good shape with good tires. I put a cheap price on it - about 500 below blue book-but hisis misleading because this car is not that common anymore and it was very clean and looked good in the picture. I think I asked $ 2500 for it and listed his home and cell #s.

    He got so many calls & messages - he told a mutual friend about it and eventually told me about it.
  17. hotballa

    hotballa Contributing Member

    Dec 27, 2002
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    I just want to point out that jumping off a bridge is not a prank joke, except if someone trips you or you land on some sucker :D
  18. Xerobull

    Xerobull You son of a b!tch! I'm in!

    Jun 18, 2003
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    So far, the M&Ms one takes the cake. Rox_fan_here, you didn't post the real aftermath- did those guys leave you alone?


    The bumper sticker one is pretty funny. I did something similar- My first I.T. Job was refreshing computers at a local chemical plant. I worked with a bunch of ITT Tech grads, and got to be friends with most of them. One of them was this gym rat guy who had a rather high opinion of himself.

    One day we go to lunch at Fuddruckers in Clear Lake. There's this machine with all of these glittery stickers that said stuff like 'Daddy's Princess', '#1 b****', etc. (you get the idea). The stickers were a buck each, and I get the idea to buy a couple and stick em on cocky's truck. Some of the other guys piled on and we all bought a few, which ended up being around 15-20, and put them on his vehicle before he came out from the bathroom (had to check his makeup and hair, I guess- he would do this every day).

    He didn't catch on, and his feelings were hurt that no one would ride back to work with him (of course). God it was funny following him back to work with all of those stickers pasted on the back of his fancy truck. I would look over and other people driving would be passing him craning their necks to see some hot girl...and its this pretty boy. The looks on their faces were priceless. He figured it out at the end of the day and was hot...damn it was funny. :D


    I've done plenty of other pranks, mostly not mentionable (licking pizza? try harder, guys). Here's my #1 prank:

    -I dated this blonde girl for a loooong time, and she wasn't the brightest (as this story will show). I couldn't tell you why I stayed with her, but that's not the point.

    A little background: I'm a big guy, 6'1, 220lbs, and I have a proportionatly big head, kind of like Yao's, I'm sure. But it took me a while to grow into my head. When I was 21-22, I was about 190, but my head was still the same size. My friends would give me **** about it, but it was all in good fun, and I don't mind people screwing with me. I'm a good person but I can be a huge @sshole. :)

    So I start dating this girl, who is 18 at the time. She's blonde, and not too bright, like the stereotype dictates. We start spending lots of time together, and having the deep, start-of-relationship talks that you have when you're falling in love, or at least think you are.

    One day after hearing my buddies joke about my huge noggin, she comments that my head really is big, and instead of having a laugh at my own expense, I give her this long, serious look and say 'I really don't like to talk about that'. She's naturally concerned that she hurt my feelings so she won't let it go, and I keep her going all day. Later that night, I decide that the suspense is at the proper level, and let her have it.

    I come out of the other room and tell her that we have to talk. I sit her down and say something along the lines of 'Ok, look. if we're going to have a serious relationship, I have to tell you something...I trail off and look away, obviously on the point of tears.. I can't talk for a minute, but she begs me to go on, so I do. 'Look, I have a disease. The technical term for it is really complicated, so I'll just tell you straight up, it's known as big-head disease, which means that my head will keep growing until it's too big for me to live.. To her credit, she doesn't believe me and says 'no way' until I put out the alligator tears again. She asks me what the technical word is and I tell her something like 'cranialnecrocytosis. She hugs me for a long time and tells me she will stay with me no matter what. I can barely keep from busting out laughing..

    The next day I tell my buddies about it, and they agree to help me out. We keep it going very subtly for the next few months. (I should point out at this point that this is the early 90s and before the internet, so she couldn't just run to a computer and look up cranialnecrocytosis.) My buddies drop little lines like 'We joke about it, but thats just so he won't feel so bad about it'. It gets to a point where they can't even joke about it because GF is so sensitive to my feelings. I also catch her family staring at my head when I see them, only to look away when I catch them. I start to think that this girl could hate me when I reveal that it's all BS, but whatever. It's frigging funny.

    I finally take her to meet my mom in Ft. Worth after we've been dating for about six months. They meet, girlfriend is nervous, yaddah yaddah. We go to dinner, and she starts to feel comfortable with my mom, so after dinner, we're sitting in mom's living room chatting, and GF busts out with 'he told me all about his disease..and I want you to know that I love him and will stick with him no matter what'.

    My mom is naturally shocked, because her son doesn't have a disease! She looks at me and says 'what disease!?!...GF steps in and says..'you know, his Big head disease!'...at which point, I have to give it up and tell the truth. I start laughing my ass off, and my mom is obviously releaved and laughs too. GF is sitting there, stunned that we would laugh at it. I turn to her and tell her the truth that I've been f-ing with her the entire time. She gets up and leaves the room, upset. I follow her and smooth it out.

    Blondie is gone, but we still joke about 'big head disease' all the time. :D

  19. pradaxpimp

    pradaxpimp Contributing Member

    Aug 3, 2002
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    I've done the pee in a corona bottle prank.

    I've also iced the steps to my apt complex. I wake up at 7:30 in the morning to hear some guy fall down the steps yelling and screaming.

    I've put wasabi in green team ice cream.

    I've put 151 in a budlight. The guy puked everywhere.

    I've taken a **** and put it in a plastic bag. Then i poked holes in the bag and left it under his driver's seat.

    Is this a prank? I through my used condom on a windshield.

    I've done the ice over the shower.

    AIM normally saves pw when people input them. When people would come over they would leave their passwords stored on my computer. Whenever they were on AOL i would hop on their aim and ask people to cyber. The real user would then get a bunch of replies to my requests to cyber.

    I put salt in ice tea.

    I've hit every floor to the elevator. Some lady walked right by me and looked inside and told her boss, some jerk hit the button for every floor.
  20. AntiSonic

    AntiSonic Member

    Feb 13, 1999
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    I got my dad with the Jack Nicholson/A Few Good Men soundboard over on ebaums world. I can't believe he had never seen the film or heard Nicholson's rant in it. I had him going for a good ten minutes in a shouting match. "You ever serve in an infantry? You want the truth? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!" did it on speaker phone with a couple of other people present.

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