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Anyone else not getting NBA TV feed?

Discussion in 'NBA Dish' started by T-2, Jan 12, 2003.

  1. T-2

    T-2 Member

    Apr 29, 2002
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    About a few days ago, I stopped getting the NBA TV feed which has classic games and highlights of all the games with my digital cable in Austin. Now it's just been looping this very lame League Pass Preview feed. Especially interesting because I'm paying for the League Pass already, so it's trying to sell me on something I've already paid for. The Time Warner cable site even lists that as their programming. It seemed odd, but now it's really fishy that the Lakers game is not being shown.

    The Time Warner rep here says they just became aware of the problem and the supervisor's trying to get something done about the feed coming in. I'm not optimistic, as it's been a few days since they started looping this garbage.

    Anyone else having this problem, please chime in.
  2. drapg

    drapg Member

    Mar 18, 2002
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    I thought they were doing this for the upcoming week-long free preview of NBA League Pass.
  3. mhan

    mhan Member

    Sep 29, 1999
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    it is a problem with digital cable only. which sucks, since that is what i have. every game shown on nbatv is now inaccesible to me, even though i spent $180 on nba league pass.
  4. ZRB

    ZRB Member

    Jul 31, 2000
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    This is going to cost us five Rockets games. I am in a bad f***ing mood. Has anyone heard any news on this?
  5. T-2

    T-2 Member

    Apr 29, 2002
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    All we can do is make our voice heard.

    I contacted my cable company with an impassioned but reasonable voice about it. I've gotten a couple return calls as they try to piece together what's happened. The people there are generally clueless, but I gather they are not too pleased either, since they claim they are merely relying on inDemand to provide the feed. I think I'm supposed to get another call next week from them. They explained that they've already been frozen out of NFL Ticket (the equivalent of League Pass) so apparently the cable companies can be screwed (and therefore, us).

    I emailed the NBA harshly about my dissatisfaction, and threatened the cable company with switching to DirectTV to get their atttention. Enough people do that, and we can put the screws to somebody to rectify the situation.

    When you call, point them to this URL:

    At bottom it says,
    To get NBA TV on digital cable, call your local cable company.

    Everyone, please demand your NBA TV, don't take it sitting down.

    By the way, ZRB, JBIIRockets' thread in the Rockets forum has a link to the Lakers forum topic on the subject that has some more info (speculation?) on this...
  6. ZRB

    ZRB Member

    Jul 31, 2000
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    I can't seem to find this thread. Does anyone have a link to the Lakers forum?
  7. LiTtLeY1521

    LiTtLeY1521 Member

    Jan 7, 2003
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    Yeah. I have digital cable. I used to watch it. It had live updates and highlights and people who talked on the show. And it also showed Greatest Games and Home Videos. Now it's the same dumb commercial repeating over and over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish they could change it back. A couple of months ago, they had one week of free previews displaying all the games. That was enjoying.
  8. T-2

    T-2 Member

    Apr 29, 2002
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