OK, I felt guilty about admitting this but its true. I just can't get that excited about the Texans. I was a hardcore Oiler fan as a kid, my dad had season tix when I was in high school so I went to all the games, pretty much, and even in college, prior to the move, I would come home and catch a game at Christmas. I loved the team, even though they made me cry more often than not. After that, I sort of halfheartedly followed the Oiler/Titans and kind of rooted for them because I had no other team to root for. I spent time in various cities (not houston) and couldn't really think about rooting for their team. So naturally I was ecstatic when the Texans were awarded/annouced/whatever in 1999 and adopted them as my new team as a matter of principle. However, a couple years later I just can't seem to bring myself to become fanatically in favor of them. Obviously, geographic proximity is part of the reason -- but I still fanatically pull for the Rox even though I'm not around town any more. Also, the fact that expectations are/were low, they being an expanision team, has something to do with it. I think that can't be all of it though; tHere's just something about the Texans, that's just kind of boring. In their playcalling, in their coaching (or specifically their coach, man, seeing monotone, whitebread, bland-o Capers interviewed on TV makes me want to drink antifreeze for some excitement), in their style, look, everything. It's just really hard to get into them. I was jacked after that first night win over the Cowboys, but other than that the Texans era has been pretty dull. Anybody else not able to get it up for the Texans here or am I alone?
Sam, Go to a game at Reliant Stadium when you have the chance. It might change your tune. I went to a game last year and the whole in game atmosphere, stadium and experience was ............well ....overwhelming to say the least. Before that game, I watched their games, but didn't consider myself a die hard fan of theirs. That changed after I attented a game.
Sam, I understand what you mean by them being boring. They seem to be the ultimate "corporate team". They do seem to lack some personality although David Carr is a guy easy to root for. Years of rooting for the Oilers will kind of jade you to other teams in that sense though. One thing the Oilers had was characters. They were definitely a unique franchise, from Luv ya blu to the Run & Shoot.
as a season ticket holder the last two seasons, boring is the last word i'd use. this team takes very good teams...teams far better than them...down to the wire over and over and over again. those games were among the most exciting pro games i've ever seen, and they happened week in and week out. i think you'll find them more exciting as they shed the expansion label and become legit contenders.
Ive never anticipated a season like I am anticipating the upcoming football season....IM PUMPED!!! Of course, the upcoming basketball season has me going nuts as well.
I was a HUGE Oilers fan from 1970 till the move. I was even pulling for the Titans in the Super Bowl. After Houston got a new NFL team, I could care less about the Titans. Now it's all about the Texans. I live and die with them much as I did with the Oilers. This team is going to be very very good this year. You will have no trouble following them once they start winning. Isn't that how most Houston fans are?
The last three years I have had trouble getting into the Rockets, to be perfectly honest. The post-Dream years were unwatchable iso crap. I hate streetball and I hate turnovers. Last year was a bit better, at least when I forced myself to watch I ended up enjoying myself sometimes. But sometimes I just fell asleep or ended up surfing the web with the game in the background. I'm hoping T-Mac makes it watchable again. The Texans, on the other hand, are freaking great to watch.
If you can't get into the team (for whatever reason--personally, I think you're insane), at least you could "get it up" for those on the cheerleading squad. Meet Shannon: http://www.houstontexans.com/cheerleaders/images/ShannonMed.jpg "Whammy!!!"
My grandparents were season ticket holders since 1960, so I grew up indoctrinated into the Oilers. I have to agree with SamFisher. I think it has to do more with geography than anything. I left Houston in '97, so I haven't seen any games, don't have friends or coworkers talking about it, etc. It's hard to get caught up in the buzz. Most of the buzz here by fall is the Lakers pre-season. Plus, for the Astros and Rockets, there are away games to go to at least. In LA, there's no football team to host them. Most of the excitement I get from the Texans is from an occasional phone call from my dad and reading the bbs here. I also think, deep down, I'm still not over the Oilers. Other than following Ricky Williams, I found myself getting more into NCAA after the move, divorcing myself almost completely from the league. I tried to play Fantasy football last season, and totally sucked...I'd been out of it for too long.
Kind of hard to do that after only 2 years. I have tosay that I am crazy about the team and have been since they announced the return of pro football to Houston. Going to a game in person made me even more nuts about this team. To me, it is more fun to follow them from the start, watching them grow and gel into what will eventually be a very good franchise.
I have to disagree. I moved from Houston in 1988. I live in the northeast. Eagles, Steelers, Giants and Jets is all I hear about during the NFL season (hell, even most of the offseason as well) I have not met one other Texans fan up here. I have no problems following the Texans. DirecTv is awesome in allowing you to follow an out of town favorite team. The internet is another good source. Geography plays no part in it.
Dude, jump on the Titans bandwagon. Their the former Oilers if you still want to be an Oilers' fan. It was a long ass drought when Bud Adams bailed and took the Oilers to Tennessee. When the Texans arrived, man, I was syked! I was tired of watching the f**king Cowboys on TV. There's always room for Cowboys fans, SamFisher.
SamFisher, the Texans are a bad team, and right now are boring to watch. Don't worry though, once they get better and start contending you'll get into them as will the rest of Houston. Face it, you're a band-wagoner.
I have season tickets in the bullpen area for the Texans, and it is rockin down there every single game. Attend one game and sit in the bullpen....I guarentee you will be permanently pumped for a Texans game after that.
I'm not as heavily into the Texans as I was the Oilers, either, but I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that I pretty well quit watching the NFL once the Oilers were gone. After the first season in Nashville (the last "Oilers" season), football was just not on my radar to any extent. I was excited following the expansion process, and I am more interested in the NFL and the Texans than I was between 1999 and 2002, but I'm still not back to where I was. And not being in Houston makes it that much harder to get fully amped up since we don't get a lot of the games here in Dallas.
#1- Winning is what builds team loyalty. People watch sports to pump their own egos by "their' team winning. This is not true for Cubs fans but there are excetions to every rule. #2- Passions wane as we get older. If you were a sportsmad overamped teenager during the Luvya Blue years, you will never again achieve that level of excitment with the Texans. T-Mac and Yao will never deliver wthe thrills The Dream did for those of us in our primes in 94 and 95 either. And at some point 18 year old girls won't make you have palpatations either; welcome to the facts of life.