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ACN (All Communications Network) - MLM/Ponzi/Pyramid Scheme

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by Antec, Nov 19, 2012.

  1. Ziggy

    Ziggy QUEEN ANON

    Jun 11, 1999
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    If you do somehow succeed in MLM you'll be working as hard if not harder than any other successful business man. The working from home, living on the beach thing is real but you'll have to actually be doing work, mostly cold calls and begging leads for money. You don't get health benefits and the company you're selling can still go out of business just like any other company you'd be working for. Your sales still feed corporate MLM (your boss).

    It's crazy that people think they're running their own business, they're not, how do you think the MLM founders get their strip club money?
  2. updawg

    updawg Member

    May 20, 2002
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    I was referring to Jonathan Goode soaking up all that bs. Poor guy.
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  3. Ziggy

    Ziggy QUEEN ANON

    Jun 11, 1999
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    Things MLM'ers do #55 -- request read receipts on emails.
  4. Antec

    Antec Member

    Feb 17, 2010
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    See...I figured if I try hard enough I can bring out at least one ACN fanboy.

    Anyone who has done ACN or even understand ACN knows you don't get you bonus or your residual until after 30 days in ACN. And that is if you are lucky. I find your post absolutely FRIGGEN HILARIOUS.

    1. Claiming you are a full time rep, is as easy as quitting your job at McDonald's, staying home all day, and making cold calls to people you met 6 years ago. Is that supposed to be glamorous? Does claiming you are "full time" make you seem credible?

    2. 3 weeks in? You do realize you get your check at the end of the 30 day period right? So...u made that money did you? Also you realize residual checks only come in if its above $10 and 100% doubt you have a check.

    3. I will bet $10 for the tipjar you cant produce any kind of evidence of your "bonuses" or your "residual" check to show that you are living comfortably. Unless you are living in a 1 bedroom apartment with 25 other ACN people and you consider that comfort.
  5. Antec

    Antec Member

    Feb 17, 2010
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    Here I'll show you everything you are asking to know.

    1. This is their so called "storefront". Every single one of their "storefronts" is the EXACT same. All it is...is just adding their name or handle infront of acndirect.com


    2. Now go look up their services. That's the worst part if you actually look up the rates and services they are the EXACT SAME RATES if not HIGHER than your local providers. Aside from that look up the THOUSANDS of complaints about the bad customer service of some of the "ACN Exclusive" services like Flash Wireless or ZOOM Energy.

    They teach their fanboys to not sell the products based on saving money or paying less on your bill. They teach to sign people up under a "favor" system. Basically... "Hey can you do me a favor and sign up for my services, I just need 1 more customer to get promoted in my business."
  6. Antec

    Antec Member

    Feb 17, 2010
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    They think they are working less or working "lighter". They don't realize instead of working a 9-5 jobs, they instead are working a 9AM - 11PM job. All day, everyday, they have to constantly look for new ways to bring people into the PBRs and the BOPs. Pester friends and family 24/7 until no one picks up their phones calls.
  7. Antec

    Antec Member

    Feb 17, 2010
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    Every single ACN member's goal "RETIRE MY PARENTS".

    LOLOLOL. Ask any ACN person why they are doing it, I WANT TO RETIRE MY PARENTS.

    Every single person who asked me to join told me the same thing, verbatim.
  8. joeyyungrocks

    joeyyungrocks Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    Lol I wanted him to do the work for us not you.
  9. updawg

    updawg Member

    May 20, 2002
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    I bet this site is a good place for Jonathan Goode to pick up some new employees/recruits. I think kingcheetah was interested in ACN
  10. Antec

    Antec Member

    Feb 17, 2010
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    I wanted to put in the hard work and effort so I can eventually retire my parents. :grin:
  11. Classic

    Classic Member

    Dec 21, 2007
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    It's all part of the training video:
    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/zvICN8DNMpY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  12. Amel

    Amel Contributing Member

    Mar 4, 2006
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    actually there is one person that really would appreciate the opportunity

  13. cheke64

    cheke64 Member

    May 12, 2009
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    ^****ing antec was killing it with those memes.
  14. GanjaRocket

    GanjaRocket Member

    Nov 21, 2012
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    pretty much a scam when you consider that the services aren't even cost effective...
  15. robbie380

    robbie380 ლ(▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿ლ)
    Supporting Member

    Aug 16, 2002
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    Jonathan Goode I made your posts easier to read.

    I'm here to set the records straight. Something I've noticed after receiving my Bachelors from Indiana University in Accounting, and started looking into a career. People will disregard, and criticize things they truly do not understand. It sounds like to me these guys you knew from high school took advantage of that situation, and pushed to get you into something you did not understand for their own personal gain. With that said I want you to think about this with an open mind. You say ACN is a scam. Well I can tell you that is not true. I can list a few "scams" for you. Enron, AIG, Author Anderson. All 3 of these companies not only allowed people to get scammed, but they put America into the largest recession since the great depression. All 3 of these companies I listed are what you would consider a "legitiment company". As for ACN, Is it a Multi level Marketing company? YES! Does ACN cost $500 to get your own personal store front? YES! It takes money to make money, anyone that owns a business will tell you they invested 10's of thousands of dollars to start their business. $500 is chump change compared to getting a store front retail store in a mall, or start a call center. Then to think you have the services of almost every major telecommunication, cable, internet, home security, and now Electric and gas at your fingertips. To someone who understands the true value, and has the entrepreneur mindset. That is A Complete No-brainer. :) Notice the ACN there. If you just think as an employee, and you don't get the whole picture, or understand how a business is ran. You will never understand. So, for those who understand that money doesn't make itself, that you have to invest your time, and money to be successful continue reading. The rest of you can leave now, I've made my point to the closed minded...For the rest that are still reading I want to apologize for anyone that has ever lied, misinterpreted, or twisted any Multi level Company to try and get you to invest. Because It's people like that, cause people like me to have a bad name. I want to try and clear that up by making a couple of points. 1. ACN is not homed in Texas, it's in North Carolina 2. Those guys cared more for their personal gain, then for you to become successful. Thus they will never be successful in ACN just like the 85% of people that sign up without good leadership. Notice I said 85% of people fail in ACN, out of those 85%, 25% will go on to something else trying to start something new, the remaining 75% will talk about how ACN is a scam, how they got ripped off $500, and tell people not to do it. Well you can only be as good as your leadership team above you, and when you have a leadership team like what you described. I would say you made the right decision, because you would have been in the 85%. It's obvious they did not have proper leadership based off what you said. The Co-founders of ACN all say they would have never been able to get where they are today by just signing people up and getting them qualified services. They found leaders, people that can do it the right way, and make sure they had the tools to do it. Over time a bad apple will slip in and try it their own way, maybe even get lucky and start making money for themselves. That is what I call a dead leg, and will eventually fall off. There are 10's of thousands of people in ACN, out of those 10's of thousands there are only around 40-60 Senior Vice Presidents, I've had the opportunity to get trained by 2 senior Vice Presidents. They both had their own style, but they had 1 simple concept. If you are not making sure your business partners are prepared, trained, and have the drive to help people. You will never get anywhere. I took that to heart, I was in San Jose this past weekend, and I didn't go alone. It cost me well over $1500 to get me and my team of 8 there. If they couldn't afford it, I didn't make them pay for it. I paid for it, cause I knew they needed the training. Like I said it takes money to make money. You have to have that mindset to succeed. This is as real as it gets, and if you want to learn about ACN the right way, know how to do it the right way, I can help you with that. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions Johnathan.Goode.acn@Gmail.com I hope I was able to clear things up, and maybe help you have a better understand of what we really do. Wow, I look at all these posts bashing MLM's, and I feel sorry for you. The lack of open mindedness, and the lack of understanding of how a business is truly ran. Microsoft was started in a garage, Facebook was formed in a dorm room, and KFC was started in a home as a catering company. All of these companies started somewhere. MLM's aren't for everyone, that's ok. Some people don't like to know everything. Just go to work, and assume they will get there paychecks from someone else. They don't care where they come from, how that money is truly backed. All they care about is getting that check every week. As an accounting major I've been taught to find out how that money gets from 1 place to another. That's why I have a deeper understanding. My point is proven by the fact you said you can go the government building and pay $10 for a business license. LOL And you say ACN is a joke? After you pay that $10. Where are your supplies, where is your equipment, where is your office? Do the math, add in that $10, and I promise you will spend well over $500. Do ACN reps have to work harder to help people understand the true value? Of course we do, It's the closed minded individuals like yourself that feel that real businesses like Radio Shack, Sams Club, Wal-mart (all 3 do the same thing we do) can't do it over the Internet alone. They need a retail store front in a mall or a street corner to product there business properly. Pay employees by the hours to do their work for them. Well I can tell you when it's all said and done. When this economy finally bottoms out, and no one can afford a traditional store front. You will see businesses drop off, and depending on whatever it is you do. You get laid off, cause they can't afford to pay you anymore. Your bills will still need to be paid regardless. When that happens, while everyone else is going out of business mine will be booming. I'm not saying I'll be a millionaire, I'm not saying I'll be rolling around in a Benz with a multimillion dollar home. But what I can promise, I won't be jobless begging for a handout. I'll be the one trying to save you by getting your bills lowered so you don't have to get on government assistance. And that's the sad truth. Oh and by the way I don't have 1 friend or family on my team. All former Co-workers, and business owners that are now in business with me. The fact you did your research and saw I'm a new rep, should give even more creditability figuring its almost 12 PM EST, on a Tuesday, and I'm on here trying to open your eyes. I don't have to worry about my bills getting paid because I already paid them, pull the residual off my own bills, thus saving me 20% on every bill I signed up though my business with the same companies you use, and probably on the same plan. That right there is worth $500 not including the fact you can use it the $500, plus whatever expenses you may have as a tax right off. You want to talk about the BBB? We have held a A to A+ Rating in all 20 years we have been in business. I'm a former store manager of T-mobile, with that said people come back and complain all the time. It's just the business we are in. people don't understand the fine print. I excelled at my job with T-mobile because I took the time to help people understand anything and everything, and because of that I had one of the lowest return rates in the WHOLE COMPANY! Because of that they moved me from Indiana, to Florida to open stores for them. Why did they do that you ask? Because I did it the RIGHT WAY! I helped people, I didn't scam them. You can think whatever you want about ACN, or any other MLM company. but I want you to know this, I was in your shoes before, watched my mom lose almost everything to MLM companies with no leadership, and she wouldn't stop trying. You think I want that for my life? You think I would do this knowing how much money I watched my mom pissed away on bad opportunities? That was the whole reason I went to school for accounting. To show her what makes since and what doesn't. Now what do I do, I'm a full time ACN rep after 3 weeks in, and make enough bonuses, and residual to live comfortably. I saw the Opportunity, took me 3 months of research, growing interest, and making myself truly understand the company before I bought in. I did it the right way. I didn't criticize, I did my homework, found out if, and how I would make this work for me. Because of that I got the attention of the people above me, and they devoted their time to make sure I did it right. Because I did what a smart business man would do. Prep for the opportunity, not just embrace it, or criticize it. My point being, In a drag race, you don't wait to start your car when the lights start to fall do you? You have your engine almost red lined so when you drop the breaks, you take off with maximum acceleration. That's what I did, You have to think outside the box on everything. What can I do to make myself better then the norm? Because I have the mindset I will succeed. The lack of that mindset, and greed, is the reason the country is failing. Criticize all you want, bad mouth things you do not understand, cause even if you would consider this opportunity I wouldn't offer it to you because you don't have what it takes, and you would just tear my team down. but if you get anything out of this remember....A closed mind is your most expensive expense. Not only can it cost you everything, but cause you to miss a great opportunity. If think the opportunity is a bad one, do your research, find out how people really make money. Don't research what other say, because the people that criticize didn't have what it takes to succeed. Look into the comp plan, look into the bonus structure then make your decision. Do it the right way. Because at the end of the day, it's not about what people say, it's about what is offered in the opportunity. Every company that was ever started had people saying it would never work. If we all knew what would work and what wouldn't, we all would be millionaires. The founder of Wendy's lost everything close to him, his wife left him, he lost his daughter "Wendy", and struggled for almost 5 years. I bet his ex wife feels stupid now cause of her closed mind, and his daughter didn't even know better because she was so young. I wish I was in his daughter shoes. That's the truth!
    1 person likes this.
  16. SuperBeeKay

    SuperBeeKay Member

    Feb 24, 2008
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    dec 2012
    posts: 2

  17. Harrisment

    Harrisment Member

    Jun 20, 2001
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    Several years ago I had a past co-worker invite me to lunch out of the blue after having not spoken to him for over a year. When I arrived there was another guy with him, and after a few minutes they go into a whole spiel trying to get me to join this BS. I clearly remember the "do me a favor" pitch line that seems to be their trademark. I politely said no thanks and never talked to the guy again. Pitching this to people is a good way to instantly lose a friend. It's creepy.
  18. Joshfast

    Joshfast "We're all gonna die" - Billy Sole
    Supporting Member

    Dec 9, 2001
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    LOL pyramid scheme, NEXT.

  19. NewRoxFan

    NewRoxFan Contributing Member

    Feb 22, 2002
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    A neighbor invited my wife and I (along with other neighbors and friends) to see this pitch. She and her husband apparently switched to the package. It was the oddest pitch... they had been provided a VoIP video conference call device to connect to some higher-level sales gut in Oregon to give most of the pitch (with the Trump video). We went, I almost nodded off during the pitch, and that was the end of it.

    I don't know if she is still trying to sell those packages. She recently found out she had thyroid cancer and is now trying to convince neighbors of the power of Frankinsense as a miracle cure. I feel for her, obviously because of the cancer diagnosis, but also how she is so easily swept up by scams.
  20. likestohypeguy

    Nov 10, 2009
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    I knew someone who sold Herbalife in school. He spent alot of time putting fliers under windshields & approaching fatties in parking lots respectfully as possible considering the circumstances, but I never realized that was a pyramid scheme (per the penn & teller BS video embedded in this thread). He never tried to recruit me anyway. Guess I wasn't Herbalife material.

    The company graphic in one of those recruiting videos penn & teller were making fun of, illustrating you at the top & an increasing number of "analysts/consultants" making money for you at each level below, it reminded me of this (size):


    For some reason I don't believe the guy who they depicted as working 11hrs a day for 9months & being out $1,500, I just don't believe it. No way he's still grinding losing that much money, only having recruited one client, & still vouching for it. They must have paid some of them to give their story, & maybe embellish a little. Buying his prospective client "lunch" (chips & dip) was painful to watch!

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