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Last Activity:
Sep 20, 2024 at 4:40 PM
Mar 24, 1999
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Nov 25, 1977 (Age: 46)
Houston, TX


Resident Capologist, Male, 46, from Houston, TX

Supporting Member
BimaThug was last seen:
Sep 20, 2024 at 4:40 PM
    1. don grahamleone
      don grahamleone
      Is the Bima part the Bimah? I've always wondered and just thought to ask now.
    2. i3artow i3aller
      i3artow i3aller

      Winter is coming...

      Prepare yourself for a December to remember!

      Happy holidays to you and yours, Bima!
    3. Nick_713
      Thank You for understanding what I was trying to do when I made that thread earlier today. I just wanted to create a thread where all salary cap questions could be asked in a single thread. I didn't know that (at that time) there was a thread made previously for the same thing. I'll make sure to not make that mistake in the future; Thanks again for understanding what I was trying to do. - Nick_713
    4. i3artow i3aller
    5. Roc Paint
      Roc Paint
      I just wanted to stop by and thank you for all that you do around here.
    6. joesr
      Are you coming out with another salary cap update? One that will explain what we can offer anyone next year, specifically Smith and maybe Dragic if we get him via trade?? Thank you in advance.
    7. jch1911
      Thought so. Just wanted to confirm. Thanks Bima
    8. jch1911
      Just curious... could the contract of Ryan Anderson be absorbed by Lin TPE? I think it is a couple of 100K short, but I wanted to confirm. Thanks in advance!
    9. joesr
      Are you on facebook (even if it is just for following)? Not a fan of the twitter.
    10. joesr
      I just wanted to say thank you for all the information you put out!
      Can the Rockets use Bird Rights to Chandler parsons to go over the salary cap then trade him for someone of equal incoming salary and still not pay tax? i.e. Rockets trade Lin and Asik for a re-signed Melo, then sign parsons for $12M? Then trade Parsons for idk David West?
    12. just a word
      just a word
      Hey Bima! I don't know if you have enough info for the various CBA as it is in the past and how they would affect roster composition, but I'd like to bounce this question to you (feel free to forward to other people if you find it interesting too): How well, generally, (via reg win-loss or playoff results or etc) do Top-heavy teams fair in comparison to teams with more evenly distributed cap space? Is there a tipping point of success? Is there either an amount of $ OR a certain number of players that take up X amt (or %) of cap space that is an historic red flag for being a team that performs below expectations (i.e. bad w/l compared to $ paid or whatever).
    13. Voice of Aus
      Voice of Aus
      thanks David, i look forward to my long train rides now.
    14. Voice of Aus
      Voice of Aus
      Bima, do you have a book that you have read to learn and understand everything cap related, if so could you perhaps let me know. i need a new challenge and learning the cap is something that intrigues me
    15. huypham
      Bima, I had a meeting today with Monte (Houston Rockets Director), and I told him I loved your articles and sent your link over.
    16. oogie boogie
      oogie boogie
      Alright, so I was just thinking about the recent contracts we gave for Garcia and Casspi. What if the Rockets are trying to make a run in the 2015 free agency. Rondo and Aldridge are two notable free agents. Lets say the Rockets trade for one of them this season with Asik and then 2015 FA we sign the other w/ the cap space we got and the other with bird rights. The chances of Morey doing that are very low, but do you think Morey might be thinking of that? Is it even possible? Thanks!
    17. jopatmc

      What is the latest time that these trades made today can be aggregated and combined with any other trades? Is it 24 hours from when they were approved by the league office or is it "same day" as in midnight tonight?

      I'm talking about combining trades so that we can generate TPE's, etc. If we go past that time frame in attempting to trade for Dwight, then we lose some flexibility that we have at the moment.

    18. jopatmc
      Clarify something for me. Since we have Goran's birds rights, can we use up our cap space this offseason, signing Lee and possibly someone else until we are at $58 million and then after we do all that, can we offer Dragic a contract based on the fact that we have his Birds rights?

      If so, then that puts us over the cap. I am assuming we would not have our MLE until 2013 unless we sneak under the cap somehow during next season.
    19. emjohn
      Thanks - wasn't aware and have googled around for it with no dice.
    20. jopatmc
      Ok, here's another question.

      Can Kobe voluntarily take a reduction in pay? In order to facilitate more cap space to sign a player under the cap?

      I'm thinking of a scenario where the Lakers clear out cap space by trading say Pau and Metta to us for nothing and trading Bynum to anotehr team with cap space like Boston along with Walton and Blake for nothing, basically clearing out their cap for Dwight and Deron.

      Can Kobe take a voluntary reduction in pay to get both of thoe guys to the Lakers on max contracts or anybody else for that matter?
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  • About

    Nov 25, 1977 (Age: 46)
    Houston, TX



    Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/BimaThug

    I may even say something worthwhile at some point.
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