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James Harden weight after 2+ months of isolation?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by TheRealist137, Apr 13, 2020.

  1. J.R.

    J.R. Member

    Jun 30, 2008
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    “Oh, we got one!”

    “We got one! We got oneeeee!”

    The combination of sweltering Phoenix heat and fatigue should have been making James Harden throw up that early May afternoon. He certainly shouldn’t have been the one wide-eyed, laughing and full of energy — wanting to crank up the pressure, amused at his friend Christian Polk bent over nearby vomiting.

    After all, it was Polk’s idea to head over to Tempe Butte — or “A” Mountain, as it’s referred to by Arizona State University residents. Polk, a close friend and former teammate of Harden at ASU and the current head of Eduprize basketball, had insisted they take a trip to the mountains even though Harden had just finished working out earlier.

    Harden obliged but Polk didn’t expect him to go as hard as he was, considering the amount of work they had already done in the day. Two-a-days are generally reserved for football teams in training camps, not NBA superstars on a two-month hiatus.

    “You know, it was kind of my idea to get him back on that mountain,” Polk told The Athletic, “Thinking that I would be able to kind of push him cause I do it all the time. And he came right back and hit the ground running.”

    “‘I called Earl’ is what we like to call it,” Polk said, laughing as he recalled the experience. ” James was kind of pushing the tempo so hard that I had to take a little break and get that up [out] of me and then get back to it. We all got a pretty good laugh out of that.”

    The real reason Harden should have been exhausted lay in Justin Allen’s hands.

    Allen, a Houston-area athletic trainer, traveled to Phoenix via Harden’s request. The younger brother of NFL tight end Dwayne Allen, Justin always dreamed of playing football but decided to make the career pivot after a nasty hip injury he suffered at New Mexico State.

    Despite his football and life hardships — growing up homeless and living in shelters at one point — Allen always wanted to make an impact on his community.

    “I put my focus on my second dream,” Allen said. “My dream was always [to] create a gym and help give back to the youth, to the community. So that’s just what I did — started training and it just took off from there.”

    Allen founded ALL-EN Sports Performance, a facility geared toward quality development and training for athletes or those interested in pushing their fitness goals. Over time, ALL-EN grew in popularity through word of mouth. It didn’t take long for Allen’s program to catch Harden’s attention.

    “He reached out through a mutual friend and then his manager reached out to me,” Allen said. “[We] set up a training date, and we’ve gotten to work ever since then.”

    Like every athlete during the coronavirus pandemic, Harden wanted to stay ready during this unplanned time off.

    Even though his workload and usage during the regular season would warrant some time off, he understood the other side of the equation. The stoppage of basketball was so sudden that it was plausible to think that a good chunk of players wouldn’t be able to maintain the regimen they’re accustomed to by way of team trainers, but more importantly, team facilities.

    “I’ve been doing a lot of cardio,” Harden said. “I’ve got treadmills in my houses, weights, and all that good stuff. It really hasn’t affected me like it’s affected a lot of other players.”

    Still, he needed to be on his toes. As the conversations between the league and the players’ association continued, logistics needed to be maneuvered. How many games would we get to play before the playoffs? Do we even get that option?

    This uncertainty didn’t sit well with Harden. Decisions about the league’s return and structure were out of his control, but one thing he could control was his body. He wasn’t going to be a playerwho needed to get back in playing shape. So he decided to ramp up his workouts. Harden needed space to work, he needed familiarity, and most of all, he needed heat.

    He called Polk. Harden was coming back to Phoenix — and he was bringing Allen with him.

    On the phone, Harden and Polk discussed plans to get things in order. Had this been a normal year, Harden would head to Arizona to unwind in the offseason — Scottsdale in particular. But it wasn’t the offseason.

    “He said, ‘I’m not coming out here to hang out and relax,'” Polk said, referring to their conversation. “‘I want to make sure that you’re getting me up early, where I’m keeping busy.'”

    A week full of high-intensity sessions would be the ideal preparation for the resumption of sports. Harden wanted to work out two, three times a day, mixing in different techniques and specific drills curtailed to his style of play. The hiatus had caught him off guard, but the return wouldn’t.

    “He wanted to make sure everything was amped up,” Polk said. “We kind of approached everything as if the league was about to start — if he had to go play a playoff game tomorrow.”

    A plan like this needed the input of all three parties. Polk, who played ball with Harden, thought it would be best to recreate the Sun Devils atmosphere, doing the same things they did as college athletes. “I do my best to create the same vibe that we had here while we were at ASU,” Polk said. “Not only was it a lot of fun, but we made leaps as players and athletes, especially mentally.”

    Over the course of the week, Harden would train in Tempe, Scottsdale and Gilbert. All three are within a 30-minute drive of one another. Polk would handle the basketball workouts and mountain drills, Allen would take care of everything else related to his body. He had already spent enough time with Harden, using his prior background in basketball, previous workouts with him and understanding his unique style of play, to figure out the best way to work.

    “Just focus on body control,” Allen said of the week’s focus. “Putting him in uncomfortable positions so that when he gets in those uncomfortable positions, his body’s comfortable with the different movements, foot placement and working on a little more quick-twitch with his feet. So just little things like that. I mean, he’s already James Harden. So it’s just a small thing that we’re focusing on.”
  2. J.R.

    J.R. Member

    Jun 30, 2008
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    Since Allen first started working with Harden in Houston, he’s been able to break down their sessions into components, a system he employed in Phoenix. Every morning that week, Allen would meet Harden in the weight room. Here, Harden wouldn’t just lift weights to bulk up or build muscle. At 30, he doesn’t necessarily need to get stronger. His body is at the point where endurance is more important, in the sense of avoiding injury.

    “He knows what his body needs, and he knows what his body wants to know,” Polk said.

    Harden’s main points of emphasis in the weight room are balance, stability and body control. Different sets of weights are used, but the goal is maintaining a center of gravity. To aid his quest for achieving balance, Harden participates in yoga and pool workouts.

    Afterward, Harden will do “contrast work” in the field, starting with drills in the sand. The point of the sand is to build some sort of resistance, making Harden have to exert force to make moves he would do with ease on a smooth surface. Once the sand workout is done, Allen will bring him to the field. Here, Allen will bring his football knowledge into play, putting Harden through a series of running back drills. For running backs, the important things are reaction time and fast-twitch actions into further reactions. To give Harden the NBA familiarity, Allen will introduce “three or four defenders in front of him,” where Harden will have to act as if he’s in the half court and get to the desired spot on the floor, for game-like finishes.

    “Everything we do at ALL-EN is to help in-game performance,” Allen said. ” It’s designed down to the way a player walks, which translates to the way he moves. Even the lifts in the weight room, the lifts are to mimic how a player plays. so it benefits him to have an advantage on his opponent.”

    When Harden was with Polk, the on-court basketball work would come, but this was more about repetition than anything. The real work would be done on the mountain. Tempe Butte is a popular spot for those living in the area, one that Harden and Polk frequented during their days roaming the campus. This week, concerning the mountain, Harden was targeting speed and explosion, sprints in intervals. Polk would mark different spots on the mountain and they would do a certain number of sprints depending on the day and workout. They would sprint to a spot, rest, stretch and then go higher. This would be repeated until reaching the mountaintop.

    Where Harden separates himself from the NBA norm is his dedication to sports science, particularly in two areas: plyometrics and the importance of fast-twitch muscle fibers. Harden has been diligently studying plyometrics and has incorporated them into his regular routine, doing such exercises on his own before ever getting with a trainer. Though he might not be as athletic as a Blake Griffin or even his teammate Russell Westbrook, Harden has elite footwork. He wanted to further enhance his quickness and his first step.

    Plyometrics is also known as ‘jump training’ target power, where the muscles can exert a large amount of force in a small window. For an NBA player with the ball in his hands more times than not, this is ideal.

    “Plyometrics are an important piece of the training puzzle because they train and stress multiple systems,” said Dr. Rajpal Brar, Doctor of Physical Therapy and Sports Scientist and owner of 3CB Performance. “Obviously plyometrics involve training, jumping and higher intensity movements but further it can train balance, a system called “proprioception,” which is partly responsible for unconsciously informing the brain about the body’s position and space, and arguably most importantly, plyometrics can train deceleration and movement control, especially during landing components. Each of these pieces is important for Harden but deceleration and control is especially key because it feeds directly into Harden’s start-stop style of play.”

    There are two types of muscle fibers that athletes work on based on the sport they play, slow-twitch and fast- or quick-twitch. Slow-twitch muscle fibers are used for endurance, most notably seen in Olympic long-distance runners. Fast-twitch fibers are used for quick deliberate movements. Football players such as wide receivers, running backs and defensive backs utilize this. But Harden’s playstyle also dictates the importance of fast-twitch muscle fibers, especially his stop-start movements, his shifty nature and his deceleration step-back combo.

    “Fast-twitch muscles — which are referred to as Type II muscle fibers, further categorized into IIa vs IIb fibers based on how quickly they fatigue — are key for explosive, high-intensity movements,” Dr. Brar said. “For example, during acceleration and jumping, for Harden — whose playing style is predicated on change of speed, start-stop movements — these fast-twitch fibers are key during those critical moments where he has to quickly accelerate to beat the defender off the dribble, to explode on his step back to create space, to generate quick lift on his jumper, and so on.”

    During the course of the week, Allen learned quite a few things about Harden the person, away from the training. ” Oh man, he’s so down to earth, humble,” Allen said.

    “As a person, man, I got so much respect for him, just finding out the guys who he keeps around are the guys that he grew up with from high school. I mean he remained the same and he’s very genuine, and he has pure intentions man. But one thing about him, he’s going to work. He loves the work, he puts in the work to be the best — his mindset is that. I learned that he’s got a killer instinct man. He wants to master something. Like he’s going to master it. That’s just how his mind is wired.”

    Allen has seen all sorts of athletes come through his facility and has worked with all body types. There’s a narrative around the league, as far as #NBATwitter is concerned, that Harden is out of shape or doesn’t work hard. That’s ridiculous.

    “I don’t know where they’re getting that from,” Allen said. “You don’t average 35 points a game and not be in shape. I think people don’t understand there [are] different body types. There [are] some people that work out every day, every day, every day and their body won’t look like the guy that has a 2 percent body fat. But their performance — the guy that has the 2 percent body fat might not be able to have the endurance of the guy that has the perception of not being in shape.”

    “It beats me, man,” Polk said. “It beats me. To be honest, a lot of people have had different roads to get to where they’re at. James’ road has been strictly a result of hard work. I watched the freshmen come in, a McDonald’s all-American that felt like he was underrated compared to some of the other kids in his class. I watched him outwork people and outwork people and reap the benefits of his hard work. So you could say a lot about Harden, but hard-working is definitely something that you need to put in that mix.

    “I’ve been around a lot of players, man. I played at a high level of myself, you know. I played alongside James in college, I played overseas. I won a G-League championship with the Vipers, I’ve been around other high-level guys that have been in the league and play at a very high level. And I’ll tell you James Harden’s work ethic is second to none. I haven’t seen, you know, anybody for that matter go at it the way he’s gone at it, you know. He’s had MVP years and finds ways to continue to elevate his game every year and that’s a direct result of hard work. I can’t say enough about his work ethic because without it he wouldn’t be where he’s at today.”
  3. vlaurelio

    vlaurelio Member

    Jan 26, 2005
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    "I learned that he’s got a killer instinct man. He wants to master something. Like he’s going to master it. That’s just how his mind is wired.”

    "that Harden is out of shape or doesn’t work hard. That’s ridiculous."

    “You don’t average 35 points a game and not be in shape. I think people don’t understand there [are] different body types"

    "There [are] some people that work out every day, every day, every day and their body won’t look like the guy that has a 2 percent body fat"

    "But their performance — the guy that has the 2 percent body fat might not be able to have the endurance of the guy that has the perception of not being in shape.”
    alethios, fattz, amaru and 1 other person like this.
  4. xiki

    xiki Member

    Jun 18, 2002
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    Thanks, good read.
    D-rock likes this.
  5. Deuce

    Deuce Context & Nuance

    Aug 1, 2001
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  6. PhiSlammaJamma

    Aug 29, 1999
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    Cuttino Mobley is in isolation. Too funny. Life is wicked.
  7. jiggyfly

    jiggyfly Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    I have to think Westbrook is a catalyst for this as well, there is no way that intensity does not rub off.
  8. ElPigto

    ElPigto Member
    Supporting Member

    Sep 21, 2006
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    Harden has always gone hard though. Maybe he finally figured out that coming out so bulky to start the season works against him? There is no way to do what Harden does without a ton of work during the summer. I get that people are down on him getting down when things aren't going his way, but I don't think it's because of lack of condition during the offseason.

    I mean it's telling that the guy rarely get major injuries, I can't imagine that's luck.

    Maybe he needs to see a mental professional when things aren't going his way (maybe Russ is all he needs), but I can't say his conditioning has ever been that big of a concern for me. You don't get as good as he does without a ton of hard work during the offseason.
  9. jiggyfly

    jiggyfly Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    I have never thought that Harden did not go hard, my point is that Westbrook is pretty slim and Harden maybe took notice.
  10. eliefor3

    eliefor3 Member

    Mar 8, 2019
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    Lol even when the guy is doing good some people just refuse to give the guy sole credit. If he hits a clutch shot then maybe it was cp3 effect, if he is in great shape then maybe its bc of Westbrook. Maybe the dude just knows he is one of the top players in the league and understands what he has to do in order to stay there and maybe pass some dudes at the top. Maybe its Giannis that is motivating him or the thought of dominating his hometown teams (Lakers and clippers ) in the playoffs. Maybe he actually care all on his own.
    BMoney and D-rock like this.
  11. jiggyfly

    jiggyfly Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    I give all the credit to Harden I am just saying that Westbrook might have gave him the impetus to do something different.

    Being around someone almost every day will do that.

    This is not a swipe at Harden at all.
    vlaurelio likes this.
  12. alethios

    alethios Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    I agree with this sentiment because I never felt his physical conditioning was the issue except possibly by the 2nd/3rd round of the playoffs. But his emotional conditioning needs to be addressed, and he needs to find the killer instinct that gets superstar players over the mental walls that come with playoff basketball.
  13. jiggyfly

    jiggyfly Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    Is it killer instinct that get these Superstar players over mental walls or is the fact that these superstar players usually have other superstar players on their team or multiple near superstar type of players on thier team?
    pr0wler and vlaurelio like this.
  14. vlaurelio

    vlaurelio Member

    Jan 26, 2005
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    yeah everything shifted from Harden being the anchor of everything on offense to being co anchors with WB

    plus the addition of RoCo who is as strong a PF can get on defense. harden won't have to guard strong and heave PFs and SFs down low as much so he wont need the extra volume/mass

    before harden needed the extra weight and cushion to barrel inside and protect himself from the contact, physicality, and ganging up by the defense

    now we have the best attacker in WB he has more space and doesn't have to attack too much and not constantly hacked and ganged up on
    D-rock likes this.
  15. alethios

    alethios Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    maybe a combination of both.
    jiggyfly likes this.
  16. eliefor3

    eliefor3 Member

    Mar 8, 2019
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    At the very least you are giving westbrook partial credit for hardens conditioning which 1) takes away atleast partial credit from harden aka a slight 2) 100% assumes harden is not capable of being in shape on his own and needs someone else to show him or motivate him which is another slight
    vlaurelio likes this.
  17. D-rock

    D-rock Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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  18. jiggyfly

    jiggyfly Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    Dude I said nothing like this and in another post I said I never thought he was out of shape.

    I am entirely talking about slimming down which is something I don't know will be beneficial or not but I do know Westbrook is very slim so maybe he drew inspiration from that since he has never been this slm.

    No need to get up in your feelings for a slight that is not there, I am one of the biggest Harden fans on here, so step back from the ledge.

    What is wrong with giving someone partial credit?
  19. PhiSlammaJamma

    Aug 29, 1999
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    And on top of this, Ben Affleck is dating the hologram girl from blade runner.
  20. ktex

    ktex Member

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Can confirm he look super lean in person, just saw him working out at Westside for some reason.
    Deuce and amaru like this.

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