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Last Activity:
Sep 20, 2024 at 7:35 PM
Feb 28, 1999
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November 26
Home Page:
Houston, TX and Galveston, TX


Member, from Houston, TX and Galveston, TX

Nick was last seen:
Viewing thread [Official] Angels @ Astros, Sep 20, 2024 at 7:35 PM
    1. the shark
      the shark
      Thanks for understanding Nick.
    2. the shark
      the shark
      Nick, I owe you an apology. A few weeks back I got into it with you, and said some things that I shouldn't. Was on a short fuse since I had three people pass away that I grew up with during that time, and then my mother was in the hospital. That said these are really just excuses as I should have never gone off on you, and for that I am TRULY sorry. Hope you can accept my apology, and that we can both put this behind us.
      1. IBTL likes this.
    3. rajbatman
      I had the same problem with my mobile share bill. I went to ATT, told them I wanted out of the contract and paid full price for 2 iphone 6 plus. My bill went back down to $140/month. Not sure, but I believe you have a very short window to do this. I would call ATT and see if you qualify for "buyers remorse period" to be able to do this.
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    November 26
    Home Page:
    Houston, TX and Galveston, TX
    Texas sports... is there anything better?
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