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Ready The Clown Car: The First Batch of Democrats Are Ready To Announce Their 2020 Bids

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by MojoMan, Jan 1, 2019.

  1. Commodore

    Commodore Contributing Member

    Dec 15, 2007
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  2. JuanValdez

    JuanValdez Contributing Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    I was thinking about state law in states that have not done anything to decriminalize mar1juana. I'm no expert on drug law, but I would think the state laws would still be in force regardless of what the feds did, unless the state laws are written in a way that references the federal drug schedules (which they might be, idk).

    In any case, I'm okay with legalization but this is not an approach that I'm enamored with. Have Congress pass bipartisan legislation and sign it into law. Big decisions should not be made via executive order.
    MojoMan likes this.
  3. jiggyfly

    jiggyfly Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    I like CM but he is increasingly showing he out of touch.

    Nobody wants Schiff to run.
    Corrosion likes this.
  4. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Contributing Member
    Supporting Member

    May 2, 2014
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    "The biggest question of Friday's debate is why is it happening at all":


    The biggest question of Friday's debate is why is it happening at all
    5:31 p.m.

    Friday's good for a lot of things: Being on your mind. Being in love. Getting down. What it is not good for, though, is a debate.

    Still, here we are, just a few hours out from the eighth Democratic debate, which will air from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. ET during what is known in the TV industry as the "Friday night death slot," where shows typically go to die. While the debate is ostensibly programmed to help voters hear from candidates one last time before the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday, the timing couldn't be worse, coming at the end of a week that has lasted — scientifically speaking — almost a decade. "Everybody wants to get out of town today," Michigan Rep. Debbie Dingell (D) told Fox News' Chad Pergram. "This has been one of the worst weeks I can remember."

    The Hill goes as far as to wonder who the debate is even supposed to benefit. "Ratings for debates historically decrease throughout each cycle," Max Greenwood notes, adding that "[t]here are also signs that voters are increasingly committed to their candidates of choice. A Monmouth University poll released on Thursday found that, in New Hampshire, nearly half of likely Democratic primary voters — 49 percent — are certain about whom they will vote for on Tuesday."

    The National Review's Jim Geraghty adds that "I have not found any previous cases of presidential primary debates held on a Friday night, although it’s possible I’ve missed one." New York's Sarah Jones was even blunter: "It's a human rights violation to schedule a primary debate on a Friday night," she tweeted.

    The Associated Press was also wondering what the whole point is. "Will this debate have real impact, or will the people of New Hampshire be otherwise occupied on a Friday night?" they asked. Just a hunch, but the latter seems like a safe bet. Jeva Lange
  5. MojoMan

    MojoMan Member

    Apr 3, 2009
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    I did not watch the debate last night in advance of the New Hampshire primary, but I did just scan through a number of the articles from the establishment Democrat left media about the debate.

    They are pushing hard for Amy and Pete, and appear to have completely given up on Joe, and to a lesser degree on Warren as well. They recognize Bernie as the animating force of this race and they appear to be trying to contain or subtly diminish his momentum as much as they can.

    In fact, after blowing away all the smoke in these collective articles, I came away with the impression that they did not believe that the race in New Hampshire will be altered by this debate and that to the extent that any of the candidates won, it was not the sort of win that actually gained anyone anything of substance.

    But they did think there was a clear loser, and that was Joe Biden, who they perceive as having basically conceded New Hampshire in large part because of his big surprise loss in Iowa. If this is the broader perception among Democrats and Joe keeps proceeding on this trajectory, then he could out of the race as soon as Super Tuesday (March 3).
  6. MojoMan

    MojoMan Member

    Apr 3, 2009
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    New Hampshire polls with four days until the primary.

    RCP Poll Average - New Hampshire
    26.0 - Sanders
    22.5 - Buttigieg
    13.0 - Warren
    13.0 - Biden
    08.0 - Klobuchar

    Bernie leads Pete by 3.5, as Pete has soared in these polls by almost 9 points since last weekend. Amy Klobuchar is also up by 6 points, from 2 to 8, in the last five weeks.

    Warren and Biden have fallen into their own second tier, with Joe now being tied for third place, probably on the verge of falling into fourth before Tuesday. Can he recover from back to back fourth place finishes in the first two contests, when just a few weeks ago he was the unquestioned frontrunner and his campaign strategy was his "inevitability". Honestly, I do not think so.

    Pete has polled better in these first two states all along, but he is well down into the single digits in all the states following that I have seen. Of course his strategy was always to do well early and use that as a platform to promote his candidacy in the states to come. Will it be enough? Do the Democrat voters really want to choose between Bernie and Pete as their final two? Because at this point, it is looking like that may be what this race comes down to.
  7. MojoMan

    MojoMan Member

    Apr 3, 2009
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    Chris Matthews comes out against socialism in the Democrat party after the last debate. Also, Matthews is lining up now behind Amy Klobuchar, who he appears to be convinced is sufficiently separated from socialist inclinations, as he sees it, to make her a good nominee for the party.

    MSNBC's Chris Matthews Sounds Alarm Over Socialism in the Democratic Party

    MSNBC political commentator Chris Matthews gave Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) high praise following the candidate's performance Friday evening in the eighth Democratic presidential debate in New Hampshire. Matthews distinguished Klobuchar's politics from that of more radical Democrats on the stage that evening, particularly Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders of Vermont. Matthews let the panel know that he's not a big fan of socialism after seeing the violent ideology in practice throughout his life.

    "The issue of this campaign. It is that word, socialism," Matthews said to a startled MSNBC panel. "Some people like it. Young people like it. Those of us like me, who grew up in the Cold War, and saw some aspects of it after visiting places like Vietnam, like I have, and seeing countries like Cuba, being there, I've seen what socialism is like and I don't like it. Okay. It's not only not free. It doesn't frickin' work."

    With this, it looks like we are starting to come full circle, back to the early days of this thread when I tried to suggest to everyone, that Amy Klobuchar was the smart choice for the Democrats this time, even though I realized that she was probably not incendiary enough to attract the attention and support that she would need to be competitive for the nomination.

    But now that the game is on, famous lefties like Chris Matthews are apparently waking up and smelling the coffee, and coming around to see that while she might not be "sensational" in any way, she really does strike a remarkably good balance for the Democrats during this cycle.

    In any case, it is interesting to see him rail against socialism, while advocating for a socialist agenda on a nightly basis for over 20 years now. It is going to take me a little while to fully digest that presentation. But I think he is probably belatedly right about Amy Klobuchar.
    baller4life315 likes this.
  8. MojoMan

    MojoMan Member

    Apr 3, 2009
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    Two days until the New Hampshire primary.

    Bernie has increased his poll lead over the last few days and is now up 5.2 in the RCP poll average for New Hampshire over Mayor Pete, whose support has remained steady. Warren further back in third remains flat while the former presumptive nominee Joe Biden has fallen back to fourth place.

    RCP Poll Average - New Hampshire
    26.7 - Sanders
    21.5 - Buttigieg
    13.0 - Warren
    12.5 - Biden
    09.2 - Klobuchar

    Amy Klobuchar in fifth place continues to gain momentum, picking up another 1.2 points in just the last few days. If she passes Biden in this vote on Tuesday and he finishes in fifth place in the New Hampshire primary, then....
  9. MojoMan

    MojoMan Member

    Apr 3, 2009
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    Presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard is calling on DNC Chairman Tom Perez to resign as a result of the Iowa debacle.

    Gabbard calls on DNC chairman to step down after Iowa 'debacle'

    Democratic presidential candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) called on Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Tom Perez to step down following the chaotic Iowa caucus. Gabbard said in an email sent to supporters Sunday that the "trust" voters deserve under Perez's leadership "has been broken."

    “That’s why today I’m asking that you join me in demanding that Tom Perez accept responsibility for this gross failure in leadership and resign now,” Gabbard wrote, linking to a petition calling for the party chair’s resignation. “Under the leadership of Tom Perez, the DNC has kowtowed to billionaires, caused a debacle in Iowa, and undermined the voter’s trust in our elections,” she added.​

    It does not appear to make practical sense for Tom Perez to resign right now, as there is nothing that can be done about the primaries at this point. They are run by the state political parties, albeit with significant involvement and participation by the DNC. If there are any more problems, it will have to wait until after the November elections to fix them, and that will be handled by Perez replacement as DNC Chair, as he will step down shortly after the election.

    Nevertheless, this is good politics for Gabbard, even if it is not practical for him or the DNC to make this move right now. In any case, the DNC is likely to be further displeased by this latest act of insubordination by Gabbard.

    She is establishing her anti-establishment credentials during this election cycle. You have to give her that, regardless.
  10. baller4life315

    baller4life315 Contributing Member

    Sep 2, 2003
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    Another desperate plea for attention by the Gabbard campaign. What else is new?

    Very surprised she hasn’t dropped out yet.
    jiggyfly likes this.
  11. ThatBoyNick

    ThatBoyNick Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    Mojo, based on Bernies policies, do you believe he is proposing to end the free market, or is proposing a mixed economy?
  12. Corrosion

    Corrosion Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Accept maybe Schiff ...
  13. MojoMan

    MojoMan Member

    Apr 3, 2009
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    He has described himself as a socialist. Of course he realizes that a president does not get to unilaterally change our entire economic system by decree.
    Corrosion likes this.
  14. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    The last three years has shown us that a President can do anything he wants as there are no real checks on executive power when his party will do his bidding.

    You are very gleeful about Sanders believing he will be easy for Trump to beat in an GE.... but be careful what you wish for. Sanders is a radical and isn’t afraid to ruffle feathers. More Justices on the Supreme Court? Why not... executive orders declaring non citizens as citizens... wrapping up re-election in 4 years. Trump in prison? Sure why not.

    The door has been opened and once it is opened, what happened in unpredictable.
    joshuaao and Corrosion like this.
  15. mick fry

    mick fry Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    Nah just take the house and the senate and impeach him.
    Corrosion likes this.
  16. Corrosion

    Corrosion Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    I think Obama proved that as well .... He enacted DACA with an EO and Trump tried to end it and the SCOTUS didn't allow it.

    Seems strange to me since Congress is suppose to make law .... not the executive branch.

    EO's of that nature (making law) shouldn't be worth the paper they are written on.
  17. ThatBoyNick

    ThatBoyNick Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    Not a socialist, a democratic socialist, and by far the most important part, all of his rhetoric and policies mirror that of the textbook example of a social democrat. These two terms are often confused, political terms are very fluid, with highly individualized and contested meanings.

    Bernie says in plain English, he does not support government-controlled means of production. That means he is 100%, unmistakenly and undeniably not a socialist. This would be equivalent to calling someone who does not believe in the free market a capitalist, it's just impossible.

    He has stated endless times, he really likes how Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Iceland are governed, he wants to bring that style of government to the USA. These countries are all, undeniably social democracies that have mixed economies (just like the USA has), with robust free markets, where they differ, is they just have common-sense regulations (we don't), they just have wonderful welfare systems that come from higher taxation (we don't). The end results of the Nordic model speaks for its self when you look at the statistics for quality of life amongst all highly developed nations.
    peleincubus likes this.
  18. peleincubus

    peleincubus Member

    Oct 26, 2002
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    If Trump wins again he will literally be an orange glob of flesh by the end in 2024. It will be fascinating to watch.
  19. Corrosion

    Corrosion Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    So many people are so passionate in hating him , I'm almost surprised we haven't seen multiple attempts to off the guy.
    ThatBoyNick likes this.
  20. ThatBoyNick

    ThatBoyNick Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    This is an interesting comment, I often am surprised about the same thing all around in the US. With the number of guns we have, with the level of mental illness that we have, I'm honestly shocked that political killings, celebrity killings aren't MUCH more popular.

    I'm happy they aren't! But honestly, with the number of school shootings we have, I'm really surprised people don't often try to kill Trump, Obama, AOC, and then celebs like LBJ, Harden, Curry, Elon Musk, Jenners/Kardashians. Guess it just isn't trendy, thank god.
    Corrosion likes this.

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