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Your first web service ?

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by Old School, Jul 8, 2002.

  1. Old School

    Old School Member

    Nov 7, 1999
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    I can remember firing up my 14.4 dial up and getting on Prodigy. I was my first venture into the internet. I thought Prodigy was the ****...little did I know. I think it was back in the late 80's. I would go into a college basketball forum and blast the Kentucky fans (I'm a Louisville fan). I started something called the KHC: Kentucky Haters Club. I named myself the president. There was this other guy, a Razorback fan, who wrote some of the most clever posts I have ever seen in my life. We would spend (waste) countless minutes and hours posting notes just to piss of Kentucky fans. I had a signature that just pissed them off like crazy:

    "1978: AMC Pacers, Billy Beer, Disco and the last time Kentucky won a championship"

    Kentucky fans are nuts and hadn't won a championship in many years. Rick Pitino came along, I moved to Compuserve and the rest is history.

    How many of you old timers remember your first venture into the www?

  2. Jeff

    Jeff Clutch Crew

    Feb 14, 1999
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    My VERY first was a 200 baud modem that actually required you to put the phone receiver onto it like in War Games! :) I used to dial up the KLOL bulletin boards with my friend on my Commodore 64.

    My first internet service was with Mrs JB back in '92. We had Prodigy then AOL and were using a 2800 baud modem. I actually had my first real, honest-to-God, non-AOL service in 1995 with InSync in Houston. They were in the same building as the company I worked for and the owner of InSync used to ride the elevator with me nearly every day.

    That was, mabye, a 24KBPS modem but it was still really early on.
  3. hoopgod13

    hoopgod13 Member

    Mar 4, 2002
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    Prodigy. I was hooked on that stuff. I played Carmen Sandiego on its web games...and whenever it connected to the net and my modem made sounds...it sounded like sweet bliss.
  4. DiSeAsEd MoNkEy

    Apr 16, 2001
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    haha :)
  5. drapg

    drapg Member

    Mar 18, 2002
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    Prodigy with a 1200 baud modem in the late 80s

    then in 1994 I joined the world of AOL with my 9600 baud modem... of course this was before anyone else at my school knew what the Internet or e-mail even was! Except for one of my best friends, with whom I emailed everyday (even though we hung out all day in school!)
  6. Vengeance

    Vengeance Member

    Nov 29, 2000
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    2600 baud modem on the BBSes and Prodigy. Then when the net became available, 14.4 on a free internet connection (30 minutes a day) offered by the New Wave BBS around 1995. Then Beginners BBS offered one in 96, and I actually paid for net in 97 via PDQ. By that time I had gotten a 28.8 modem.

    Anyone remember RIPTerminal? Man, that was the BOMB. I had the graphics pack for L.O.R.D. and it was so much cooler!!
  7. Dr of Dunk

    Dr of Dunk Clutch Crew

    Aug 27, 1999
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    Started on bbs'es with a 300 and 1200 baud modem back in the mid-80's on my Apple. Ran a BBS for a couple of years in Houston. My first experience with the Internet came when I went to UH when I was in jr. high/high school and one of the professors there let me watch him chat with a friend in New York via a terminal. Later, around 1985 or 1986 I began running my BBS as a node on the FidoNet network and began hosting Internet/Usenet newsgroups on my bbs.

    My first WWW account was back in '93 or '94 with Hudson Trinity in Houston. I could create a web page, but had to snail mail it to them on a floppy so they could update it. :D The WWW had only been around for about 2-4 years at that point, so you can imagine how advanced HTML editing was.

    That was all before the commercialization and pornification of the Internet... :)
  8. Smokey

    Smokey Member

    Oct 3, 1999
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    I don't know how college students spent their time before the internet. Life before Instant Messenger, e-mails, and Clutch City!
  9. Nutcracker

    Nutcracker Member

    Oct 9, 1999
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  10. The Summit

    The Summit Member

    Jun 6, 2001
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    AOL connecting at 19.2 until I got the sweet bliss of DSL.

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