I saw it on the news (local NBC) I believe. Yao also tried the hat, but the one eh tried was too small for his head. That might be the reason that in all pictures Yao did not have a hat on.
Actually, I saw that news brief as well the other day. The funny thing is, I forget who Glen Rice was talking to, but he was having fun ripping on the rookie, Boki. Rice and (I wanna say it was Mobley, but I just can't remember) were laughing at Boki for wearing that gold bowtie. I think if the cameras were off, Rice would have made a comment that blantantly questions Boki's sexual preferences ... all in good fun at the expense of a rookie, though.
I saw that too. I think it was Moochie. It was funny, they started laughing when boki I guess felt little insecure and took the tie off. Rice and Moochie said someting about him and the Chip and Dale dancers. Too funny. Blatz
Mo looks good, Steve looks like he's having a good time, Cat's got his act going pretty well, Posey...damn, he's a big boy (I haven't been able to see the games, so...), but damn Eddie G., we have got to get you a personality transplant. Does this kid ever smile?
Er, CHIPPENDALE dancer...sorta like this classic Chris Farely skit. Ugh...the things I do for this site:
It would be pretty cool if Yao Ming could wear that outfit for the game against Shaq (with the white gloves), dunk hard on Shaq and then do the moonwalk .
You know if you guys wouldn't copy the same freakin pictures multiple times in the same thread, it might load in a day instead of a day and a half. We already saw the damn picture once, we don't need to see it again when we page down one more screen. Talk about wasting storage, cpu, bandwidth and time. Geez.
You must be having a bad day! I read your sarcastic post in the other thread about Ming's nickname. I sometimes feel the same way!
gawd that first photo is embarassing for a Rocket fan to see. anyone notice Cato isn't wearing any of that crap? He's like I'll pose with the team but I ain't wearig any of that ish.