The reason is that Tmac is holding the ball too much. Other players are once again not involved at all. Ball is once again not moving to the week side. Role places are just standing and watching . Scola is not cutting to the basket for easy points. Regardless how Rafer shoots, he should be the one running the offense, with Tmac taking over the duties for small stretches. Tmac playing 48 mins and dominating the ball most of the time is not a winning formula for the playoffs.
u do notice yesterday we had 5 guys in double figures despite scoring just 89 points right? and landry is out. we can't swing the ball inside if we don't have our best interior finisher right now. and it doesn't help that rafer is taking 18 and 19 shots the last 2 games and only making 33%. it seems like we blame tmac for everything wrong with the offense.
I think we are just not hitting the shots we have been making during this streak. When that happened it created the following lack of ball movement and forcing Tmac to dominate the ball. We can't be hot all the time.
I don't think that is Tmac's fault. Normally, when other players are all off, he will take more shots. The rockets are a primeter players' team now. It relys on outside shooting too much. Sooner or later, this would happen. Actually, I think the rockets are quite lucky to keep hot shooting so long.
Im not blaming tmac...because hes been hot and sometimes you have to milk him...but I agree he has been a ballstopper since NO part duex....We need to return to the rafer pick and roll we were going to when yao immediatly went down...our offense has been tmac at the high post every possesion the last couple of games...this takes a great toll on tmac and will only hinder him less effective come playoff time... we need to diversify on offense more...
Real reasons 1- Carl Landry is out. Roxs lack an inside threat. 2- Rafer has been cold the past 2 games - 6-19 3 - Teams are getting even more pumped up trying to beat the Rockets because of the streak. 4) Give Yao the ball!
we need rafer to pick and roll...and take it to the basket...rafer really is the key, he needs to run the offense atleast untill playoff time and then tmac can take over...we cant run tmac to the ground with 15 more games untill the playoffs...we all know tracy will break sooner or later...dont tell me you guys werent holding your collective breaths when tmac drove to the rack late in last nights game and fell
In fact, Rafer had more assits than anyone else in those two games. He still run the offense a lot, but his shooting was off. You feel Tmac hold the ball a lot maybe because he played too many minutes.
Wow after we won 21 straight a t-mac hater came out from the wood work. Without t-mac on the floor for 48 minute we would be doomed in the last two games. You know that right? No sh** he was holding the ball alot, thats b/c everyone was shooting so damn poorly and t-mac had to step up...thats why he gets paid as much as he does. Give the team a break man,....when you win that much in a row its hard to stay focus and the other team was trying to stop the rox from making history by giving it all they got. Stop makin it sould like its a walk in the park or something. With yao/landry out there's no room to complain about anyone.
Dumb ass thread. Lock it up Tmac is not the freaking reason why we have been sucking the past 2 games, we just haven't been hitting our WIDE OPEN shots. Last night Tmac only had 4 assists and he could of had more like (like 9 or 10) if our players would hit their wide open shots and layups. We also had 5 guys who were in double digits last night and you're saying theres no ball movement??? Also since we are on this huge winning streak we have a Humongous target on our back, everybody in the league wants to take us down so they play with a lot of intensity, hunger and more fire as you can see with the past 2 scrubby teams against the Rockets. So please dont blame it on Tmac that he's holding the ball way to much, he's putting his whole heart and effort ( 48 mins ) for these past couple wins and you here complaining. Just shut it already!
this is my post in another thread: I choose 2 win in next 5, why? 1. Look at these recent 2 games vs Hawks, bobcats(first half). I feel we sort of back to old JVG team. stand to watch Tmac, Rafer, head,... can not hit. Tmac try very hard to drive in. Jumper selection... FT... 2. If we could play in the level we beat Honets, I will say we will at least win 4 but now, I don't feel in that way. tmac really don't need to handle that much ball, let rafer do it. that's the key different between Win streak team and Lose streak team. I'm not blame him, it is the system should be. When he can do catch and shots, he hit high percentage jumper. when he do some fast jump or drible then jumper, lower percent. I don't want to see him play 48 mins, it is not good for his health.
In the past two games Rockets have thrown up around 30 three-pointers while only converting around 20%. Rafer takes about 10 of those three-point attempts.
Here we go again ... Just look at the players we have on the floor outside of T-Mac. Seriously, you want to blame him for our offensive problems? Why do you think Adelman kept him on the court the entire game and kept running plays for him? Sheesh.
I am not a TMAC hater. He is doing the best he can. I just think that the first four games after YAO's injury, the offence looked good because it was mainly rafer running it. We were scoring more than 100 points. After the No game, 90% of the time TMAC is running the offense which is not good.
If landry is out there, it also will make Tmac's job much easier and he doesnt have to carry the offensive load.
What Tmac did we all see, he really want to win, play very very very hard. People post some points here is not blame him, They just feel we should play in right way(what they as a fan think) and try to keep us win more. Nothing about hater, don't label others. We all care Rockets and want to win more.
Our shooters were ice cold most of time last night. Tmac just did his best to keep this great winning streak alive. But, of course, playing 48 minutes a game should not happen this often - two in three games. None of the following four games will be easy, just hope our shooters will pick it up on time.
the offense is struggling, because rafer is not making the shots that he has been making. not a knock on rafer, because it happens, but before the last 2 games, he's been knocking down those shots thus teams are keeping more tabs on him. then it opens other things up. but he's been struggling.. he'll bounce back.. we'll bounce back.. 22
I think you are right. But with Landry out and Scola in foul trouble, there has been a lot of minutes with Deke and Hayes on the floor, it is leading to more shots by Rafer and McGrady, and honestly, with those 2 (Deke and Hayes) on the floor and both Scola and Landry out at times, we are probably best served to let McGrady handle, drive and dish to open shooters and hope they can knock them down. You really can't play the passing/moving game with two offensive nonentities in the interior. You've got to have at least one guy on the interior that can hit the 15 footer and can finish at the rim and/or create in the paint. That is not Deke and Hayes unfortunately. So, we've been doing the next best thing and that is to get McGrady the ball. BTW, I think McGrady ran a clinic in that game last night, just totally dominated Charlotte offensively in the 2nd half and in the 4th quarter. It was the right move in light of the personnel. We get Landry back and Scola gets out of foul trouble and we have a much better chance of running the cutting/moving game and sharing the ball more. McGrady is and has been more than willing to give up the bball. He gave it up to Harris, a rookie, last night and the results were there late because Harris can finish inside. I am worried most about Rafer's shooting. I'll say it again. This team will go as far as Rafer takes them.