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Who here thinks that Walt Williams is our starting small forward?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Pass 1st shoot 2nd, Sep 20, 2000.

  1. Pass 1st shoot 2nd

    Jun 2, 1999
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    There's a lot of Walt bashers out there, so identify yourselves and state your grounds. For those who like Walt (yes, there are better), state your case as to why he should get starter's minutes.

    I think Walt is an asset-not the gold mine-but an asset. With a backcourt as tough as ours is, I don't think we need Larry Bird or a poor man's version of him (Mullin in his prime). Walt is good, not great, but good. He should start, and after the team kinda clicked last year, he showed us why IMO.

    But what do y'all think...

    Don't anybody ever suggest again that we sign Tracy Murray to a deal.
  2. NIKEstrad

    NIKEstrad Member
    Supporting Member

    Mar 21, 2000
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    I'll step up to the plate. Of our current team, sure, I guess I can give you that Walt is the most qualified as a starter. I'm not a proponent of starting a 3 guard set, and I don't think 2nd round picks are qualified to start out of the gate (Cuttino started, but out of necessity.) I would like to go out and get someone, either via draft (the SF class was small, and the ones that were starter ready were smaller, it was limited to about Mike Miller, next year is loaded with Morris, Battier, Yarbrough, Wallace, etc. etc.) or trade or free agency (Patterson would be nice for his defense, rebounding and athleticism, or Rashard would be ideal)

    My #1 Walt gripe is defense. He lacks in that department SERIOUSLY. With a team that lacks defense (we no longer have a complete eraser, even if Cato becomes good, he won't be a prime Olajuwon or Mutumbo) and Cat and Steve this past year didn't show much D, nor did anyone else, save Shandon. Shandon can play better if he's not the only guy playing defense. It's pretty safe to say Mo won't be a great defender. It's possible he'll become an ok one, but I don't look for him to stop everyone else. Steve and Cat are absolutes on this team. And with the amount of shooting we have in Steve, Cat, and Shandon, and can bring off the bench with Langhi, Bullard, Collier (and Cat.) and guys like Kenny Thomas, and Mo Taylor who are NOT limited offensive players range wise, having a player who does that, and only that, is not a necessity. DEFENSE on this team, is. Perhaps you can argue lockerroom chemistry, but that is something that can be grown with time. And can anyone honestly think that Walt (30, or he turns 30 this season) will be around playing at even close to his current capacity? At his current salary? I don't.

    The Serious Police are watching.
    Follow the rules or be assimilated.
    Shandon is underrated.
  3. SmeggySmeg

    SmeggySmeg Member

    Feb 23, 1999
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    I certainly haven't hid my dislike for Walt before so why would I now.

    I agree with NikeStrap.

    I have always had alot of time for Walts offensive abiltiy, especially his streaky shooting. So for me it's not that I don't like his game I just don't think it suits the rockets.

    As nike said his defense is terrible, actually is non existent, and although this mat not vary much from Cato, Steve's and Cats defense last year there is one difference between those 3 and Walt, Walt isn't going to get any better at defense, in fact he is going to get worse, as ages slows him down further, which is a pretty hard thing to do considering how slow he already is. It was quite amusing last year when he would just attempt to play defense by going for the big swat (cato defense) and then by upset at the fouls agianst him, very funny, defense is about moving your feet Walt, and you ain't got it.

    Hopefully the rest of the team will pick up it's defense and Walt attempted defense will stand out like a sore thumb.

    As for rebounding who lead us in rebounding last year, probably Steve and i bet shandon was up there to, he rebounds poorly, which wouldn't be a problem except the rest of our front court aren't great either.

    Now Walt may be a great shooter when he is on, and he would have been a perfect fit in the dump it in, wait for the double team and kick it out for the three days, but we don't play like that any more, the rockets are a fast team, and could be the fatsest in the league, that means running the floor, transition baskets, fast ball movement and players that can running the floor and do both shoot and pentrate.

    Saying all this barring a trade miracle, rudy will still start Walt at the 3 at the start of the season, but if the team picks up the defense don't expect it to last especially if he shoots like he did at the start of last year or Langhi other perform well. Also does if matter if who starts, minutes are what matters and Walt shouldn't see many.

    Discombobulation Imminent
  4. alaskansnowman

    Nov 25, 1999
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    I think that if an opportunity presents itself to get a better sf, then we should take it.

    Nike makes a good point about all the offense we have... We dont necessarily NEED Walt becuz of his shooting touch(langhi). It would just be a "luxury" of sort.

    I think Walt is OK. Not very good, but not too bad either. He's not necessarily the ideal small forward that I would like, but I think he will do. The one reservation that I have about him is that by the time we will be ready to take over(in about 2 or 3 years), Walt will be pretty old.

    But like I said, if we get an opportunity to get someone better, or if we get a chance to get Morris or somebody, then we should jump on it.

    president of the dan langhi fan club.

    [This message has been edited by alaskansnowman (edited September 23, 2000).]
  5. 3pointer

    3pointer Member

    Feb 16, 1999
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    It all depends... If Walt is hitting his shot then he fits our system perfectly but when he is not then that puts pressure on others... and it gives the other team an opportunity for a fast break wish we saw plenty off last yr after a Walt miss...

    Life moves pretty fast, If you don't stop and look once in a while you might miss it!! ... Ferris Bueler
  6. ZRB

    ZRB Member

    Jul 31, 2000
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    Walt Williams gave the rockets that five game winning streak at the end of the season. He hit the winning three against Seattle. He got us out of an early hole against Utah the next game. When he was suspended, the Rockets lost. We need him for his clutch shooting.


    1999-2000 Rockets Game Formulas:
    End of 1st quarter: "They're playing so well!"
    2nd: "What a great game!"
    3rd: "Theres no way they can lose now!"
    4th: "What the ******* **** happened?!!"
  7. Achebe

    Achebe Member

    Oct 26, 1999
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    Cato doesn't play defense.
    Dream doesn't play defense.

    They're just words. Apparently every team needs a scapegoat. I choose Steve Francis. He's not a real pg. Shandon Anderson does all of the little things just because he's not a go to guy. Cato is lazy because he doesn't believe in GOD, or something. Mo Taylor doesn't rebound. Dream doesn't even try to breathe anymore, talk about being lazy. Kenny Thomas flat out sucks and Cuttino has illusions of grandeur.

    Bush is back. I'm broken.

    heypartner, I'm trying to figure out how pp tunnelling works. What city am I in?

    "Everyone I know has a big but...

    come on Simone, let's talk about your but."
  8. NIKEstrad

    NIKEstrad Member
    Supporting Member

    Mar 21, 2000
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    You lost me somewhere along your 9th word.

    Have you had your caffeine today?

    The Serious Police are watching.
    Follow the rules or be assimilated.
    Shandon is underrated.
  9. DarkHorse

    DarkHorse Member

    Oct 9, 1999
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    I see Wizard as the only real option we have at SF right now, and therefore our starting option.

    On the other hand, it would be REALLY nice to have a defensive minded 3. We seem to have scoring fairly covered, and defense doesn't come naturally to 75% or our players.

    That said, I think that Walt is semi-underrated. Not a lot, but enough that I think he'll exceed people's expectations now that we won't be hampered by Chuck AND Hakeem this year.

    Hopefully, Hakeem can breathe and they can get the fast paced game going. I think that Walt will be a nice relatively stable scorer in that scenario.

    "There are three kinds of lies:
    Lies, Damned Lies, and STATISTICS..."
    - Mark Twain -
  10. heypartner

    heypartner Member

    Oct 27, 1999
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    I was just about to take the side of Walt's shooting being very necessary for this team...or Langhi's shooting as well.

    But that was too funny!

    Smiley's wouldn't do that justice, neither would a "LOL".

    So how about my favorite...


    "Rolling On the Floor Nude Covered in Crisco Laughing My Ass Off"

    Now that is some laughing...spinning...


    Watch out, I'm gearing up my Flash for showing why Walt/Langhi are so important to our offense. Of course, his defense sucks. But showing why Rudy plays him is the type of challenges that require Flash. Otherwise, we just argue ad nauseum for the whole year with no visual reference points.<font color="f7f7f7">

    [This message has been edited by heypartner (edited September 21, 2000).]
  11. DrNuegebauer

    DrNuegebauer Member

    Mar 29, 2000
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    is Crisco round at your house ??

    On Walt, I TOTALLY agree that his shooting touch is 100% necessary to our offense! If I could diagram in flash I'd be trying to spread the offense and diagram a set or two!

  12. heypartner

    heypartner Member

    Oct 27, 1999
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    I absolutely looooooveeee cooking Mexican food. Two words: Rick Bayless!!!

    I don't have Crisco...I actually render my own fresh pork fat for my tamales and salsas.


    I guess Jeff and Mrs. Jeff won't be coming over for Sunday Mole anytime soon.
  13. DrNuegebauer

    DrNuegebauer Member

    Mar 29, 2000
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    Time to start working out how to farm your own celery oil eh 'partner?

    Some people are just SOOOO picky [​IMG]

  14. pippendagimp

    pippendagimp Member

    Sep 1, 2000
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    The Wizard rules....he shoots, he penetrates, he dribbles, he passes....he is at least an average rebounder/defender...he's better than any small forward we've had in a longtime....skillwise he is far superior to Elie, Horry, Breaux, Bullard, Buck Johnson, and of course Pippen the b****. Unless Langhi turns into the next Kiki Vandeweghe this season, the Wiz should get at least 25 min/game.

  15. Hottoddie

    Hottoddie Member

    Jun 27, 2000
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    Wiz will start unless some trade is pulled off. We all know he doesn't play defense & relies on his offense, which when it's on, it's ON. My only concern is that throughout his career he has been inconsistent with his offense. It wasn't until late last year that he decided to show his offensive skills & by then we were too far behind to make the playoffs. What do we do if he starts out that way again? If he plays all season like he did in the last 20 games, then he will be an integral part of the offense. If not, then we blew our best chance to trade him while he had some value. I hope he proves me wrong, but I think we should try to work a deal for another SF. It doesn't have to be a scorer, but a strong defender. Like Nike said, we have enough scorers on this team.

  16. CriscoKidd

    CriscoKidd Member

    Oct 18, 1999
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    Wiz is the starting sf.

    Damn lanky will have to work his surgically removed butt off to steal some minutes from him, as well a rookie should.

    There is no substitute for Crisco.

    I am so exasperated that I could expectorate.
  17. Rocket River

    Rocket River Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    I think on this team Walt is the man at SF
    but I would not be surprised if Langhi gets
    about 10~20 starts . .as an experiment or
    throw injury.

    I think next year Walt will have to
    fight for the starting spot. I think Langhi
    will be nice. I like have a SF that is

    Lanhi, Mo, DREAM[Cato] is not a bad set up
    6'11, 6'9, 6'9 [6'11]

    What i like about our team is we are LONG
    'Los, Bullard, Collier, Langhi all 6'11 ~ 7'0
    Dream, Mo - 6'9
    Walt 6'8

    I little more quickness and athleticism
    would be awesome

    Rocket River

  18. SamCassell

    SamCassell Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    Oh, man. I've defended WW against the lynch mob (you know who you are) more often than I'd care too. I just want to add 1 point: Langhi hasn't proven a @#$! thing in the NBA. Sure he had a good summer league showing for the Rockets. So did a few other guys from years gone bye: Drew, Tim Breaux. And didn't Rumeal Robinson have a good summer showing 4 or 5 years ago? And Langhi was the player of the year in his conference. Well, if I'm not mistaken, Vinson Hamilton was a player of the year in the Big 12 when we took him, too.

    Anyway, I hope Langhi goes on to become the next Cuttino Mobley. But WW did a solid job in the second half of last season, and I'd like to see him keep the spot until Langhi can prove he's earned it.

  19. TB3

    TB3 Member

    Aug 3, 2000
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    Walt is the Rockets starting small forward, because we don't have anybody better right now.

    Therein lies the problem.

  20. Miggidy Markell

    May 29, 2000
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    Walt is tha man......he may not improve his D but every team has player that can't do something. Stevie has been workin TOO hard on his D so he will hopefully play alot better in that department and lets hope Cuttino did some work on his too!

    Cato wont play defense as good as Dream or Mutumbo.........I dunno bout that. He will never be better at D then Dream and Mutumbo but he COULD play D as good as em!!!

    Miggidy Markell says:

    1. Eastcoast is da sh*t
    2. Rockets rule
    3. Hip/Hop is dope
    4. Buy the new Ruff Ryders album!

    Miggidy Markell is watching
    Stay STRAPPED & WATCH ya back or be Assimilated.

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