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White Lives Matter group protests outside NAACP in Houston's Third Ward

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by Ubiquitin, Aug 21, 2016.

  1. Ubiquitin

    Ubiquitin Member
    Supporting Member

    Jul 7, 2001
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    Didn't know this was a thing.


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    White Lives Matter protested in front of the NAACP office in Third Ward on Sunday.
    The Confederate flag waved in front of the NAACP office Sunday. The red flag with its blue X holding white stars hung over the shoulder of a White Lives Matter member who was joined by others in his group in a protest against the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

    "We came out here to protest against the NAACP and their failure in speaking out against the atrocities that organizations like Black Lives Matter and other pro-black organizations have caused the attack and killing of white police officers, the burning down of cities and things of that nature," White Lives Matter member Ken Reed said. "If they're going to be a civil rights organization and defend their people, they also need to hold their people accountable."

    The protest drew much attention as people took photos of the group which held assault rifles and "White Lives Matter" signs on the Third Ward block.

    "We're not out here to instigate or start any problems," Reed said. "Obviously we're exercising our Second Amendment rights but that's because we have to defend ourselves. Their organizations and their people are shooting people based on the color of their skin. We're not. We definitely will defend ourselves, but we're not out here to start any problems."

    Though area residents agreed with the message of equality that, at times, was shouted from the bull horn, some were taken aback by the Confederate flags and the presence of firearms.

    "That's a bold statement," resident Quintina Richardson said. "You come into their home, front door, and say 'hey!' You've got some nerve."

    "The Conferderate flag throws me off," Richardson said. "You're saying Black Lives Matter is a racist organization but when you're throwing the Confederate flag up and saying White Lives Matter, are you saying you're racist?"

    Reed said the flags were being flown as a symbol of Southern heritage.

    "It has nothing to do with racism on our part," Reed said. "We're proud to be Southern. It has all to do about heritage, nothing to do with hate."
  2. Granville

    Granville Member

    Jul 23, 2009
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    ****ing stupid idea. Especially coupled with the confederate flag and assault rifles.
  3. Orange

    Orange Member

    Jul 11, 2012
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    All trump supporters
  4. amaru

    amaru Member

    Jun 25, 2009
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    I saw this on Facebook.....didn't even know WLM was a thing.
  5. HamJam

    HamJam Member

    Mar 19, 2011
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    Their t-shirts have fascist symbols on them. Both the cross and the lightning bolt sort of fasces are neo-nazi/white power/fascist symbols. Also, I saw some of the people were wearing military boots with white and red laces -- that is another white power symbol that racist groups use. So, when they say they aren't racist, they are just lying (as fascists, being cowards, are so want to do). The don't think all lives matter.

    This is a group of organized fascists displaying their presence on the streets of Houston my friends.

    Antifa is needed in my hometown. I wish I was there to be a part of it, but it is clearly needed. You have to treat groups like this the way those fascists who tried to organize in Sacramento recently were. You can't let fascism gain a presence in the public and on the streets, you can't let the scared fascists in their homes see that such sentiments will be tolerated, otherwise the numbers will grow.

    People like this have to be literally beaten back into the shadows, and if they are going to come with guns, well, then that will have to be taken under advisement.

    Does anyone know what the name of their group is? I want to track their activity and see when they may be planning another event. I don't get down to Houston much, but I am willing to make an exception if there is a good reason to.

    Black Lives Matter
    Racist Lives Don't
    #5 HamJam, Aug 21, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2016
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  6. CCorn

    CCorn Member

    Dec 26, 2010
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    I'm willing to just post up in front of them next time with signs that say "these guys will never get laid".
  7. jayhow92

    jayhow92 Member

    Jan 15, 2011
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    The Confederate flag is nothing than a symbol of stupid ideals and getting completely thrashed in the Civil War. The "heritage" argument is complete crap.

    And of course they are Trump supporters.
  8. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    Never combat stupid with stupid, then you just get 2 stupid things.
  9. RocketsLegend

    RocketsLegend Member

    Nov 19, 2015
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    Liberals are more outrage from 10 guys protesting on the sidewalk then BLM burning down buildings, looting and beating up white people.
  10. HamJam

    HamJam Member

    Mar 19, 2011
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    You're defending literal and explicit white power fascists.

    I am not surprised.
    1 person likes this.
  11. RocketsLegend

    RocketsLegend Member

    Nov 19, 2015
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    Were you this outraged when BLM was burning down building with people inside?
  12. Dairy Ashford

    Dairy Ashford Member

    May 20, 2002
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    Did they park on Scott Street, maybe get some Navy Seafood later? Campus police at both TSU and U of H probably make it the safest black neighborhood to try this in. Considering racial groups' function for the last 40 years I wonder if any of those guys has a connection out there.
  13. HamJam

    HamJam Member

    Mar 19, 2011
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    If a group I support does something that I think is wrong, I say it.

    Doesn't change the fact that you are defending a fascist group right now. Not like, "oh anyone who disagrees with me is fascist" or "Obama is a fascist" or any of that non sense. No, this is a literal White Power fascist group you are standing up for right now. Think about that. Your fear and hatred is so pathetic and encompassing, you are literally standing up for people who think fascism is a good idea. Who think segregation and white supremacy are good ideas.

    People fighting against oppression, such as Black Lives Matter, often make mistakes -- and I will be happy to acknowledge it.

    These people you are defending aren't even fighting against oppression, they are literally standing up in favor of more authoritarianism and oppression.

    And you are defending them.

    #13 HamJam, Aug 21, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2016
    1 person likes this.
  14. CometsWin

    CometsWin Breaker Breaker One Nine

    May 15, 2000
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    Trump Reflects White Male Fragility

    Reports of Donald Trump’s demise are an exaggeration, to paraphrase and repurpose Mark Twain.

    Yes, he can’t stop shooting off his mouth and shooting himself in the foot, and there are reports that his messy campaign is nearing the point of mutiny.

    Yes, he knows nearly nothing about world affairs and that becomes ever more apparent every time he stumbles through an interview. Sir, Putin invaded Ukraine in 2014, the same year you filmed your last installment of your reality game show “The Celebrity Apprentice.”

    Yes, his continued feud with the family of a fallen Muslim soldier may be the most ill advised and foolhardy folly in recent political memory (Trump keeps racking these up.) This is the same man who received five draft deferments during the Vietnam War, one for “bone spurs in his heels” according to The New York Times. While throngs of his contemporaries were fighting — and dying – in battle, Trump was being featured on the front page of The Times after he and his father were sued by the Department of Justice for anti-black bias in their rental properties.

    Three years later, The Times profiled him with a backhanded compliment of the nouveau riche: “He rides around town in a chauffeured silver Cadillac with his initials, DJT, on the plates. He dates slinky fashion models, belongs to the most elegant clubs and, at only 30 years of age, estimates that he is worth ‘more than $200 million.’”

    Yes, he doesn’t seem to know the difference between Tim Kaine, the Democratic Virginia senator whom Hillary Clinton tapped as her running mate, and Tom Kean, the Republican former governor of New Jersey who last held that office 26 years ago, the same year Trump boasted in his book “Surviving at the Top,” “I’ve never had any trouble in bed,” and counseled in Vanity Fair, “When a man leaves a woman, especially when it was perceived that he has left for a piece of ass — a good one! — there are 50 percent of the population who will love the woman who was left.”

    Yes, yes, yes.

    But Donald Trump is bigger than all of this, or shall I say, smaller.

    He appeals to something deeper, something baser: Fear. His whole campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again,” is in fact an inverted admission of loss — lost primacy, lost privilege, lost prestige.

    And who feels that they have lost the most? White men.

    As the New York Times’ Upshot pointed out in July, “According to our estimates, Mrs. Clinton is doing better among basically every group of voters except for white men without a degree.” Put another way: “Hillary Clinton is largely performing as well or better than Barack Obama did in 2012, except among white men without a degree.”

    Indeed, a Monday report in The Times put it this way: “A New York Times/CBS News poll two weeks ago found that white men preferred her Republican opponent, Donald J. Trump, to Mrs. Clinton almost two to one, 55 percent to 29 percent.”

    These are the voters keeping Trump’s candidacy alive.

    He appeals to a regressive, patriarchal American whiteness in which white men prospered, in part because racial and ethnic minorities, to say nothing of women as a whole, were undervalued and underpaid, if not excluded altogether.

    White men reigned supreme in the idealized history, and all was good with the world. (It is curious that Trump never specifies a period when America was great in his view. Did it overlap with the women’s rights, civil rights or gay rights movements? For whom was it great?)

    Trump’s wall is not practical, but it is metaphor. Trump’s Muslim ban is not feasible, but it is metaphor. Trump’s huge deportation plan isn’t workable, but it is metaphor.

    There is a portion of the population that feels threatened by unrelenting change — immigration, globalization, terrorism, multiculturalism — and those people want someone to, metaphorically at least, build a wall around their cultural heritage, which they conflate in equal measure with American heritage.

    In their minds, whether explicitly or implicitly, America is white, Christian, straight and male-dominated. If you support Trump, you are on some level supporting his bigotry and racism. You don’t get to have a puppy and not pick up the poop.

    And acceptance of racism is an act of racism. You are convicted by your complicity.

    I am not accustomed to dancing around an issue; I prefer to call it what it is. I prefer to shine a bright light on it until it withers. Supporting Trump is indefensible and it makes you as much of a pariah as he is.

    As Toni Morrison once told Charlie Rose:

    “Don’t you understand that the people who do this thing, who practice racism, are bereft? There is something distorted about the psyche. It’s a huge waste, and it’s a corruption, and a distortion. Its like it’s a profound neurosis that nobody examines for what it is.”

    That stops here, today. For as long as racism and tribalism and xenophobia exist in this country, Trump’s foibles will not signal his ultimate failure. But let’s not let off the people who prop him up, claiming that they’re simply being party loyalists, or Hillary haters or having Supreme Court concerns.

    Trump is a mirror. He is a reflection of — indeed a revealing of — the ugliness that you harbor, only it is possible that you may have gone your life expressing it in ways that were more coded and politic. Trump is an unfiltered primal scream of the fragility and fear consuming white male America.
    #14 CometsWin, Aug 21, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2016
  15. BleedRocketsRed

    Jul 15, 2009
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    Maybe he was out there standing with them!
  16. RocketsLegend

    RocketsLegend Member

    Nov 19, 2015
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    no its not fear or hate. it's logic! 10 people on the sidewalk does not and should not get the same reaction as the other side doing far more worse things than they are. I know it's hard for liberals to use logic but if you practice you can learn.
  17. CometsWin

    CometsWin Breaker Breaker One Nine

    May 15, 2000
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    Ten people on the sidewalk marching with AR15s and Confederate flags in front of the nation's oldest civil rights organization.

    Do you support White Lives Matter and its Confederate flag use? STATE YOUR POSITION. Did you order the code red?!?! SAY IT!
  18. dc rock

    dc rock Member

    Jan 10, 2001
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    Look at all those out-of-shape, hard-to-look-at reichnecks. It's always the least attractive white people that do this ****. But I guess that makes sense. The attractive and successful white people aren't bitter and looking for someone to blame.
  19. Granville

    Granville Member

    Jul 23, 2009
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    BLM Is an even worse group and you support them. You're standing on some slippery ground
  20. RocketsLegend

    RocketsLegend Member

    Nov 19, 2015
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