<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/onSPdJwJJh4" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe> Spread awareness.
Any link between this and Mugabe's land redistribution policies? I heard that Mugabe viewed white land-owners in Zimbabwe as a road block to Chinese investment. Since that time, Zimbabwe experienced hyperinflation but was bailedout by large dollar and gold reserves - partially on the objections of his Chinese investers. This creates a type of runaway effect where hyperinflation occurs through declining domestic food production.
...while I'd condemn the people doing these killings, especially if this was organized in some way, calling this a "white genocide" in South Africa, is akin to saying there is a "black genocide" in America or "gendercide" in the world based on much more elevated crime rates. The South African government seems to be failing these farmers, but that's nothing new for huge swaths of people in South Africa (most prominently, as of late, miners).
As always, the problem and the solution are far more complex than a group of people of one race mindlessly attacking a group of people of another race. Perhaps there are better ways to handle this. But as Northside Storm said, it is not a matter of the authorities failing to protect this specific group. If we are talking about balanaced protection, the protection is at least balanced in accordance with the standards of protection from SA authorities.
I wouldn't call this genocide, genocide is the MASS killing of people in a systematic manner. It says 3000 deaths since 1991.
And that isn't to take anything away from the terrible situation, but you can't call this genocide. Genocide is more like the holocaust, dharfur, bosnia, killing of khurds in Iraq, etc...
On the US-relevant side, these farm owners are asking that they be able to immigrate easily from SA to the US.
Yes, Mugabe's land redistribution is causing it but, while you could argue that Mugabe's stance on the redistribution is based on principle (with the belief that the land claimed by the white settlers is unjustified), the violent killings are much more racially motivated. Here: http://www.genocidewatch.org/southafrica.html
Let me beak this down for you bleeding heart lefties on this board: this is a pure racial hate crime against white people in South Africa. The leftist media would not touch this with a ten foot pole.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/may/22/eugene-terreblanche-murder-farmworker-guilty that's a ten foot pole right there
and you somehow find the way to turn this into a partisan discussion. Jesus Christ you are a ****ing moron. Natural selection is taking a bit too long with you.
I think I saw you on that show redneck vacation recently, wearing camoflauge playing polo on riding mowers.
not only that but im sure hes probably another one of these hispanics who claim they are white.. trying to be accepted at any cost