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Which Starters from 2022-23 would have the hardest time coming off the bench?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by jim1961, Apr 27, 2023.

  1. jim1961

    jim1961 Member

    Jan 26, 2010
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    Firstly, I feel Jalen and Jabari will start no matter what.
    But the other 3 positions manned by KPJ, KMJ and Sengun certainly may have a likely chance of seeing a new starter for 2023-24.

    Porter has attracted the most attention on this topic. But personally, I think KMJ might even be more difficult.
    How would Sengun react?

    Much depends on how much these guys buy into Ime.
    But some guys are going to want their minutes and/or starting position regardless.

    On a related note, which secondary guys who in 2022-23 found themselves in the rotation, might not be in 2020-24?


    One thing is for sure, in order to bring new guys in, some existing guys are going to have to move out.
  2. TimDuncanDonaut

    Feb 20, 2009
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    Meritocracy? Ime be like "F them kids". Earn thy minutes.

  3. snowconeman22

    snowconeman22 Member

    Oct 7, 2008
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    I hope your feeling is wrong and jalen and Jabari have to earn mins like everyone else
  4. jim1961

    jim1961 Member

    Jan 26, 2010
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    In order to win minutes over someone else, there has to be a someone else.

    Who could start over Jalen or Jabari?
    Even figuring in the likelihood we get new guys and another draft pick, who?

    Most of the player targets I have seen are PG's, wings and C.
    snowconeman22 likes this.
  5. Yetti

    Yetti Member

    May 20, 2002
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    Sengun and Porter will be traded from the starters ! As well as Tate, Nix, Garuba.

    4 other players will no longer have a contract with the Rockets/
    Kaminsky, Days, Hudgins, Bogan.
  6. glimmertwins

    glimmertwins Member

    Jun 26, 2006
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    I think everyone will have to earn those minutes. Agree that it's Jabari's and Jalen's spot to lose(they start on the starters and have to lose to someone else) but for everyone else, they gotta win the spot against whomever is on this roster later this year. That means if we draft Scoot, it's going to be a battle of the Scoots but if we don't draft/sign a PG, then there is less of a fight for KPJ.

    Personally, I think there will be a fair amount of roster changes this offseason - I wouldn't be too shocked to see one or more of our young guys traded this offseason. Who will depend on who we are in talks to acquire but I'm sure guys like KMJ, KPJ, Sengun, Christopher, Garuba, TyTy, and potentially even one of Eason or Tate will be "possibilities". There is too much talent to develop and not enough time left to develop all of them(because we largely punted the last year away just letting Silas babysit) so the smartest move will be to try to find more roster appropriate pieces to bring in and use these young guys to trade for. Houston having a TON of cap space to absorb contracts this offseason and a slew of young guys to trade in exchange for is likely setting us up to be major trade market players this summer assuming we aren't interested in the FAs available(who are mostly not on our team's timeline).
    jim1961 likes this.
  7. SamFisher

    SamFisher Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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  8. mirdirir

    mirdirir Member

    Jan 18, 2013
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    I don't think jabari and Jalen could take their places as granted. If there will be a competent pg via draft or fa, Jalen have to defend his starting position against kpj as well. If kpj can bond with ime's philosophy better and give 100% of his body and soul while Jalen continues to lose his assignment and fail to play team defense, there is no reason for not to prove him a point which Silas never did no matter what.

    Same applies to jabari as well. If he is facing a shooting slump, not boxing out well or too soft for strong pf 's, then Tari or kmj can take a bite of his minutes or start instead of him.

    Its not like those two are Kobe and Shaq while the others are scrubs. Their current talent levels are not too different and some other guys can prove more useful at times.
    snowconeman22 and fattz like this.
  9. ApacheWarrior

    ApacheWarrior Member

    Aug 3, 2017
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    Sengun: didn't like move down for Bruno briefly.....I don't think he sits for
    Wembanyama and/or Jabari Smith. Ime likes a defensive presence
    like a mobile Robert Williams who doesn't mind setting screens all
    over the place on offense. Horford is a 3 point shooting threat
    that helps spread the floor......Sengun does not give you a fraction
    of that element.

    Post Ups of approximately 6 times by the best leagues best can be
    from Sengun off the bench.
    Kenyon going back to the bench brings back those, "Trade Me Vibes"
    Jabari & Green are safe
    KPj : I have Harden coming back (90% sure).....KPj modelled his
    game after Harden.....doesn't mind bowing out from PG to

    Harden teaches KPj to bring his facilitator skills to another level.

    I actually have Harden-Green-KPj-starting; but KPj comes out after
    5 minutes much like our CP3/Westbrook high dollar players did.
    Then KPj backs up both Harden and Green at the 1 & 2 from that point.

    If it works well, possibilities of ending the game with those 3 facilitators
    is there. Defense often depends on that back tier of defenders.
    Maybe it's Bari-Wembanyama. They will erase a lot of errors.
  10. ApacheWarrior

    ApacheWarrior Member

    Aug 3, 2017
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    Sengun: didn't like move down for Bruno briefly.....I think he grumbles over
    Wembanyama and/or Jabari Smith. Ime likes a defensive presence
    like a mobile Robert Williams who doesn't mind setting screens all
    over the place on offense. Horford is a 3 point shooting threat
    that helps spread the floor......Sengun does not give you a fraction
    of that element.

    Best Post Up players post up approximately 6 times a game.
    Sengun can come off the bench for that contribution.
    Kenyon going back to the bench brings back those, "Trade Me Vibes"
    This is why I have us going after Torrey Craig and bringing in
    Cameron Johnson
    Jabari & Green are safe
    KPj : I have Harden coming back (90% sure).....KPj modelled his
    game after Harden.....doesn't mind bowing out from PG to

    Harden teaches KPj to bring his facilitator skills to another level.
    Harden has Achilles tendon questions.....give him 24 minutes a game.
    Plenty of minutes for Green-KPj.

    I actually have Harden-Green-KPj-starting; but KPj comes out after
    5 minutes much like our CP3/Westbrook high dollar players did.
    Then KPj backs up both Harden and Green at the 1 & 2 from that point.

    If it works well, possibilities of ending the game with those 3 facilitators
    is there. Defense often depends on that back tier of defenders.
    Maybe it's Bari-Wembanyama? They will erase a lot of errors.
    #10 ApacheWarrior, Apr 27, 2023
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2023
    maj21 likes this.
  11. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    I think Green will adjust to his bench role just fine.
    fattz likes this.
  12. mirdirir

    mirdirir Member

    Jan 18, 2013
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    Alpi sat down for a far less talented guy whos ceiling is below his floor due to bad coaching decisions. And it was not a competing but tanking and developing time.

    Not just alpi, but any random fan who has average IQ was disappointed on that poor decision. I believe he will respect ime's decision if there will be a more productive guy and ime decides to run with it.
    AroundTheWorld and HardenReturns like this.
  13. ApacheWarrior

    ApacheWarrior Member

    Aug 3, 2017
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    The Robert Williams, Looney, Theis, Bruno are all inferior to Bruno offensively.....
    But their job is screen setter/lob threat. Much like Capela.....Sengun doesn't
    really fit that mold.

    That's what Silas desperately wanted to recoup from his Dallas days.
    We (Rockets) never gave him that aspect. For a coach that runs
    PnR a tremendous amount.....and you give him a poor version
    of Roll Man; that coach stands little chance.

    Could a coach move on from that (PnR).....yes....but a clogged paint
    effects almost everything dealing near the rim or paint.
  14. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    All jokes aside, I don't think any starters that started more than 10 games for the Rockets last season and are still with the franchise will come off the bench next season.

    That said, I see KJ Martin and Sengun being traded somewhere else. I don't think Udoka comes in and benches Sengun due to Sengun not being the kind of big man he wants to play, he'll just move him elsewhere and try to pick up the kind of big man he wants.
  15. J.R.

    J.R. Member

    Jun 30, 2008
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    All of ‘em.

    Kevin “I’m the head honcho” Porter Jr.
    Jalen “Do you know where I was drafted?” Green
    KJ “Let me call daddy” Martin

    Şengün wouldn’t be happy but would take it in stride. (I mean, he was benched for Bruno Fernando)

    “The **** y’all getting away with over there… If you go to any other teams you’d be out the f*cking league, you wouldn’t play.” — Rockets legend™ John Wall on Jalen Green/Kevin Porter Jr.

    Daishen Nix and maybe Garuba.
    Christopher was already in the doghouse.
    TyTy was already in the doghouse (err “developing in RGV”)
    xtruroyaltyx and jim1961 like this.
  16. Denovo

    Denovo Member

    Feb 5, 2019
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    KJ is gonna ask for a trade again next season when Tari takes his minutes lol.
    anthony59237 likes this.
  17. jim1961

    jim1961 Member

    Jan 26, 2010
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    The correct answer :)
  18. maj21

    maj21 Member

    Jul 5, 2021
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    KJ and Sengun needs to go to the bench. If they don’t like it, bye!
    ApacheWarrior likes this.
  19. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    Let's see how the roster shapes up after this summer...then I will answer based upon whom is left.

  20. glimmertwins

    glimmertwins Member

    Jun 26, 2006
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    This is the correct answer - thanks, DD.

    All you guys are acting like who we draft and who we sign/trade for aren't going to hugely impact answering that question. If we start next year with roughly the same roster we ended last year with, something has went horribly wrong. My opinion of KPJ as next year's PG hinges largely on the fact of whether we have an opportunity to draft Scoot. Same with Tari - he's a lot more valuable to us if we don't have a chance to grab a better wing 2 way player but his long term use on this team changes if we end up with a Victor.

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