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What went wrong for Kamala?

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by ROXRAN, Nov 6, 2024.

  1. No Worries

    No Worries Member

    Jun 30, 1999
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    0.6% of people are trans. How that small of a group lead to so much angst in SCWs is BS. SCWs need something new to hate. This cycle it is trans. Last cycle it was CRT. It is all BS.
  2. Agent94

    Agent94 Member

    Jun 28, 2002
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    Not enough has been said about how much influence billionaire tech-bros had on this election. They are weird dudes who are influenced by an even weirder dude in Yarvin. Musk's platform rallied the troops and pumped them full of misinformation. Musk and Theil bankrolled Trump. Theil bankrolled Vance and forced him on the ticket. etc.
    fchowd0311 likes this.
  3. Invisible Fan

    Invisible Fan Member

    Dec 5, 2001
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    The demo here is skewed to mostly older college educated folks who have high income jobs or have paid off their home to some comfortable degree. As housing and stocks increased, they were the beneficiaries and didn't think of those without it or can't afford rent.

    Calling them uneducated or delusional about their views on the economy didn't help either.

    I suspect all voters expect a stimmy every new president so those long lasting Biden checks faded out of memory.
  4. No Worries

    No Worries Member

    Jun 30, 1999
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    He is a ****ing salesman. It is all fake. He tells people what they want to hear. He is very good at it. The gullible rubes buy it.
  5. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Yes - I said the same thing. I do very well at my job, but I did not grow up that way and I socialize with many people that are middle class or even lower middle class. I have helped them out financially - I have nephews and have say down and taken their checks and compared it to the cost of housing, groceries - utilities and fuel.... and it isn't very good. Further, after the pandemic it was very difficult for middle class people to make purchases or budget because they would get a raise, and then their car insurance rates would double - the cost of food would fluctuate.

    Is that the Democrats fault? No - I don't think it is really either parties fault, as it has happened across the world and the US recovery is better than most of the world...... but having a President or administration tell you the economy is strong, and that the job numbers are great and the stock market is great really doesn't do anything but inflame those that are struggling....... then you see the administration caring for and housing migrants, concerned with trans gender rights and sending money to Ukraine --- rightly or wrongly, that tells some people that they are not important and that cuts across religion and race... and while Trump is a salesman and doesn't have answers, at least he acknowledges there is a problem and promises to address it.
    ElPigto, ROCKSS, HTM and 4 others like this.
  6. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    then you see your social media algorithm spamming bad faith anecdotes and rhetoric of the administration caring for and housing migrants....
  7. Rocket River

    Rocket River Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    Democrats get caught up in the thick of thin things

    TransRight - this is such a niche thing that it should NEVER been as big as it was
    Seriously - they can beleive they right about it but being willing to sacrifice the world for .02% of the population is ridiculous
    When people talk about "Identity Politics" - they are talking about THE OTHER

    because THEY Were involve. . . .so anything that runs counter to their past being glorious needs to be hidden and is worth dying for
    Hitler is the ultimate boogie man based on marketing and P.R. Others killed more. (I think Stalin/Lenin and Mao did)
    The Demo attacked their self image

    Rocket River
  8. ArtV

    ArtV Member

    Jun 25, 2002
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    As the guy on CNN just said - Politicians have to understand that high inflation is bone cancer to the sitting president and his party. (paraphrased)

    see Jimmy Carter...
    ROCKSS, Nook and Dark Rhino like this.
  9. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    The administration repeatedly spoke on the topic and they had proclamations on Trans Day and pushed legislation that was not popular- and addressed a very small group of people.

    Absolutely they do - and the Democrats know this and they have control over how they respond or address.

    By the time Harris was running for President - most of the damage had been done on the topics of trans and Israel. The administration tried to take a classic diplomatic approach - and attempted to not alienate either side on the Middle East but it largely resulted in alienating both sides.

    The threat to democracy is something that resonates with a lot of people - it even showed in the post voting polling - the problem is that the Democrats can only ride that so far, they came into power and the perception for a lot of people is that they did not fix things and that is why they were voted out. People knew why Trump sucked, but the Democrats failed to understand their own voters and the plight of the middle and lower class.

    As for your point on healthcare, labor rights and basic rights for the non wealthy - your day is coming very soon. The Venture Capitalists are not going to fix the problems that over half this country is dealing with financially - and the election and re-election of Donald Trump and the success of a quasi-populist is only going to lead to someone from the Left emerging and filing the vacuum. The middle class and poor are not going to be happy with the policies of the "Bros" and the Democrats will adjust.
    ROCKSS and Invisible Fan like this.
  10. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Well - yeah, especially when it hadn't been a major problem in nearly 40 years. It isn't something that Americans are used to - and the way Americans live and pay their bills isn't conducive to it either, Americans are used to steady costs and little inflation.
    ROCKSS and ArtV like this.
  11. DaDakota

    DaDakota Trump is following Hitler's playbook
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    And the fact that we DON'T have high inflation was not explained....the message about it being PRICE gouging and a DIRECT message to how they were going after those that did it....would have resonated.

  12. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Social algorithms or no seeing it on the news - the point is that it is to some degree effective.

    Look at it like this - Trump was fairly close to winning in 2020 by closing the gap with claims of "caravan's of immigrants flooding the border" and images of Americans burning down cities --- with people, empathy quickly becomes resentment and the ability to respect that line and walk it is a big part of winning elections.
  13. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    Blaming the Democrat party over a contingent of the voting public voting for Trump because of trans issues doesn't sit well with me when I know the issue came out inorganically from GOP strategists playing with social media algorithms to create a moral panic.

    Democrats can't control when the right decides to create a new moral panic.

    If your solution to this issue is Democrats ignore protecting the new scapegoat of the month the right concentrates from targeted hate campaigns then I can't agree to that.
  14. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    We may not have high inflation the last 6-12 months - but we did have very high inflation - and the cost of housing, insurance and groceries all went way up compared to what Americans are used to paying - and it hasn't gone down.
    ArtV likes this.
  15. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    So this is something the Democrats can't get out of unless they either buy into the hate rhetoric candidate scapegoating or actually invest time and effort in combating these hate strategies by the right by relentlessly speaking of the venture capitalist class trying to deflect blame towards powerless entities. The Democrat establishment that run DNC presidential campaigns are bad at trying to frame culture wars in this manner.
  16. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    It doesn't have to sit well with you - my comments have nothing to do with the morality of the topic and has more to do with how many Americans felt about the topic. The administration did not understand their own voting bloc or those voters that they would need to win a Presidential election in 2024.

    Democratic leaders supported and discussed trans rights - and publicly went out of their way to be inclusive. That is an admirable thing, and inclusion is good - but from a political standpoint, the concern of such a small part of the population isn't going to win you Presidential elections. The administration was tone deaf on the topic. They were tone deaf on the migrant crisis as well.
    ROCKSS likes this.
  17. HTM

    HTM Member

    Jun 29, 2013
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    Yea - it doesn’t matter if cost of living/inflation is a Presidents fault or not. If it happens under his watch him/his party will pay the price in the next election.

    There’s no getting around it.
    Nook likes this.
  18. Rocket River

    Rocket River Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    The Dems are reactionary
    While they may not run on Trans Rights to do seem to take the bait every time its presented
    The Need to "stick up for the little guy" maybe admirable but when it cost you alot of other guys
    you lose elections that way . .. then you have to power to protect the little guy at all

    Nook likes this.
  19. jayhow92

    jayhow92 Member

    Jan 15, 2011
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    Reason I think the dems lost. They lost major ground with gen z males and Latinos

    Economy for the average person
    Voter apathy
    Feminism/social values in its current state
  20. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    What is the threshold of how often Democrat leaders should address trans issues that is acceptable to you?

    If a reporter asks them a question should they just buy into right wing framing? What specially are you asking for I hope the Democrat party changes their time with their "trans obsession" as the right wing frames it?

    Because I strongly disagree with you on the claim that the Democrat party this election cycle concentrated on teams issues. I only saw it come up when reporters asked or a Democrat is fighting against a specific bill in some random state that some culture wars state representative grifters try to pass. It was never a issue I saw the Biden or Harris campaign bring up naturally.

    Again, after DNC convention, they basically transitioned to a "I am essentially Bush Jr's third term" campaign strategy and it failed hard. I don't think Democrat politicians mentioning anything about teams issues has anything to do with the results.

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