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Vipers game report Friday January 17, 2025 (It's late)

Discussion in 'Rio Grande Valley Vipers' started by jogo, Jan 24, 2025.

  1. jogo

    jogo Member

    Oct 25, 2003
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    I went to see the Vipers play in Austin against the Austin Spurs. I hate the Spurs, the Austin Spurs don't really matter to me. .

    Last year I went and saw Cam tear it up. This year no such luck. No Reed Sheppard. Thon Maker wasn't even there!

    Remember this is the Gleague so everything noted is in relation to that level of play.

    I would never go to an Austin Spurs game if they weren't playing RGV. Maybe if they had a player I really wanted to see. Less than five minutes into the game my wife asks, "Are the baskets shorter than normal?" Yes, we are not pro ball players. I think being so close to the court made her think this.

    Venue/Atmosphere: It's easy to park. There were maybe 600 or so people there, not that much at all. This was the Friday before it started getting cold so that may have had something to do with it. My kid got a burger but I didn't try it. The French fries from the burger place were really good. The hot dog, obviously, sucked. Don't get it, get something else. ALSO-buy your tickets at the box office. Trying to buy them online they wanted about $90 for 4 general admission tickets but in person it was $42 or $48.

    I took two Austin Spurs promo towels and will use them to clean my car. They do 2 point free throws the whole game (unless it's an and one and then it's only 1 point) and that really means you have to make your first one.


    Dante: He's big. It's really noticeable when you're just bigger than everyone else at this level. He had 10 rebounds by half.
    Allen (#8): He can drive. He look ok.
    McVeigh: McVeigh looked good on his threes from the corner. He got a rebound and scrambled for a three from near the top of the key and just drained it.
    Nix-I wanted to see the legend. He didn't do anything special.

    Parker Van Dyke was on their poster/roster thing. He went to Utah. I don't remember him doing anything in the game.
    I saw Bassey here last year and I think he has promise as a 3rd string C (he's on the Spurs now).
    I recognized the name Malachi Flynn. You could tell he had played in the league because he was really good.

    RGV was losing by 20 in the 4th. I knew my family wanted to go and I honestly did, too. It's very rare for me to leave an event like that early but nothing says fun like getting blown out in the G league. I asked them if they wanted ago and they all were very happy to leave. I'll probably go next year when RGV comes to town.
    RedIsen and IBTL like this.
  2. IBTL

    IBTL Member
    Supporting Member

    Nov 22, 2010
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    Nice nice. Thanks for the recap!
  3. DaDakota

    DaDakota Trump is a convicted felon
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    You went anyway? Crap dude, I would have joined you !


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