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Un-Requited Love

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by University Blue, Jul 27, 2000.

  1. University Blue

    Oct 20, 1999
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    "Vancouver Writer: "Am I the only one who thinks Stromile Swift soon will own this town? Doesn't his refreshing attitude make Steve Francis seem like an even bigger dork than we know he is."

    I've said it before and I'll say it again: un-requited love is one of the saddest love of all.

    Forget regrets or life is yours to miss.
  2. Rocket River

    Rocket River Member

    Oct 5, 1999
    Likes Received:
    I wonder what Shareef will think
    about someone else owning HIS Town?

    Rocket River

  3. JayZ750

    JayZ750 Member

    May 16, 2000
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    Did he just use the word -dork-


    That is pretty "dorky" of him, if you ask me. Is this guy suppossed to be some actual writer up there. HAHAHAHHAAHHAHA

    When I die I want to go peacefully like my grandfather. Not screaming like the passengers in the back seat!
  4. BobFinn*

    BobFinn* Member

    Feb 10, 2000
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    I wonder who will turn out to be the better player, Francis or Swift? My money's on Francis.

    "Don't think twice, its allright"
  5. Chuck04

    Chuck04 Member

    Feb 15, 1999
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    Let me be the first to answer his question: Yes. You are the only one that thinks this will be Stromile's town. And as far as "that dork" Steve Francis being a bigger dork, how many times has Stromile scored 62 points in a game?

    Hint #1the answer is the same to the quesiton:
    How many posts has LHutz made that have had no spelling errors, and were gramatically correct?

    Hint #2: The answer is none.

    "He fouled me every single time I was over the rim ... I'm going to lift weights tomorrow and get my legs stronger so next time I play him I'll put it on his head five times." - Steve Franchise
  6. Chuck04

    Chuck04 Member

    Feb 15, 1999
    Likes Received:
    Let me be the first to answer his question: Yes. You are the only one that thinks this will be Stromile's town. And as far as "that dork" Steve Francis being a bigger dork, how many times has Stromile scored 62 points in a game?

    Hint #1 The answer is the same to the quesiton:
    How many posts has LHutz made that have had no spelling errors, and were gramatically correct?

    Hint #2: The answer is none.

    "He fouled me every single time I was over the rim ... I'm going to lift weights tomorrow and get my legs stronger so next time I play him I'll put it on his head five times." - Steve Franchise
  7. Chuck04

    Chuck04 Member

    Feb 15, 1999
    Likes Received:
    Let me be the first to answer his question: Yes. You are the only one that thinks this will be Stromile's town. And as far as "that dork" Steve Francis being a bigger dork, how many times has Stromile scored 62 points in a game?

    Hint #1 The answer is the same to the quesiton:
    How many posts has LHutz made that have had no spelling errors, and were gramatically correct?

    Hint #2: The answer is none.

    "He fouled me every single time I was over the rim ... I'm going to lift weights tomorrow and get my legs stronger so next time I play him I'll put it on his head five times." - Steve Franchise
  8. Chuck04

    Chuck04 Member

    Feb 15, 1999
    Likes Received:
    Let me be the first to answer his question: Yes. You are the only one that thinks this will be Stromile's town. And as far as "that dork" Steve Francis being a bigger dork, how many times has Stromile scored 62 points in a game?

    Hint #1 The answer is the same to the quesiton:
    How many posts has LHutz made that have had no spelling errors, and were gramatically correct?

    Hint #2: The answer is none.

    "He fouled me every single time I was over the rim ... I'm going to lift weights tomorrow and get my legs stronger so next time I play him I'll put it on his head five times." - Steve Franchise
  9. Sane

    Sane Member

    Jun 29, 2000
    Likes Received:
    They''ll be co-MVPs one day.....but Francis will go on to win the finals' MVP too [​IMG]

  10. HOOP-T

    HOOP-T Member

    Jan 26, 2000
    Likes Received:
    Damn Chuck,
    You were the first, second, third and fourth to answer!!!


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