"SUSPICION"... thats a scary word DID THEY give him a breathlizer or anything. Was he actually drunk Sorry im not familar with DWI, and DUI
I think the suspicion is from him wrapping his Bentley around a pole at 5am. It's hard to prove DUI sometimes as well. and lol at this Bones Jones quote talking about the UFC sponsoring him
Bones releases statement http://middleeasy.com/index.php?opt...-via-his-facebook-page&catid=34:organizations
There were a lot of rumors around his lifestyle before this. Go figure...a young athlete who thinks he is on top of the world gets himself in trouble...not the first time we have seen this. I wish his apology didn't mention his "haters", but whatever. I still like Bones I just wish he would give up his goody two shoes persona. I just go all when he mentions God and religion and blah blah.